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Bitbake rules match all '*.conf' files. #1000

Open sjjf opened 1 year ago

sjjf commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what the correct way to handle *.conf files is, but it seems unlikely that assigning them all to the Bitbake language is the appropriate choice.

This rule was added with commit da0841dd66ebabc8798ab141703d1aa94cb6df56 from August 2022. I assume the fix would be something like:

diff --git a/languages.json b/languages.json
index 1a93115..9627450 100644
--- a/languages.json
+++ b/languages.json
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
       "name": "Bitbake",
       "line_comment": ["#"],
       "quotes": [["\\\"", "\\\""], ["'", "'"]],
-      "extensions": ["bb", "bbclass", "bbappend", "inc", "conf"]
+      "extensions": ["bb", "bbclass", "bbappend", "inc"]
     "BrightScript": {
       "quotes": [["\\\"", "\\\""]],
sjjf commented 1 year ago

I'm happy to make a pull request with that change, but for an 8 character change that seems a bit over the top . . .

XAMPPRocky commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your issue! Seems like an appropriate step to take for now. Can I ask what language are you using in your project that uses the conf extension?

All PRs large and small are welcome and appreciated :)

sjjf commented 1 year ago

This is a puppet environment - it's got a whole bunch of files of various types, including templates for config files in at least ten different formats, and plain config files in another ten different formats.

I don't know if a generic "config file" language config would be viable, there are probably some reasonable assumptions you could make ('#' or ';' for line comments would probably work for the majority of what you might call generic .conf files), but they'd be necessarily broad . . . But it's pretty obvious to me that no* specific language should lay claim to the .conf extension - that way lies madness.

PR submitted, #1001 - I didn't see anything in the contributors doco about sign off or anything like that, if I missed something let me know and I'll fix it.

sjjf commented 1 year ago

Yeah, five minutes looking through /etc on my local Linux machine showed 95%+ using the '#' line comment format, as you'd expect . . . aside from a bunch of XML files masquerading as "*.conf" files (gconf and fontconfig being the culprits there).

I /think/ that would be something like:

diff --git a/languages.json b/languages.json
index 9627450..0614431 100644
--- a/languages.json
+++ b/languages.json
@@ -247,6 +247,11 @@
       "multi_line_comments": [["(*", "*)"]],
       "extensions": ["v"]
+    "Config": {
+        "name": "Generic config file",
+        "line_comment": ["#"],
+        "extensions": ["conf"]
+    },
     "Cpp": {
       "name": "C++",
       "line_comment": ["//"],

Though that might be claiming more than it should, if the only option for deciding what language rule to match is the extension then that's probably the best it could do.

I just submitted a PR with that, #1002.