XAMPPRocky / tokei

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WGSL and Metal aren't listed by tokei #1136

Open Weihnachtsbaum opened 1 month ago

Weihnachtsbaum commented 1 month ago

754 added support for WGSL and Metal but running tokei doesn't list them for me.

$ ls
example.metal  example.txt  example.wgsl
$ tokei
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Plain Text              1            1            0            1            0
 Total                   1            1            0            1            0

Also, they aren't listed as supported languages in the README.

9SMTM6 commented 4 weeks ago

Was this tested on a release or on a manual build from master?

tokei hasn't had a stable release since 2021. Creator seems to have gotten a bit distracted. With the recent Alpha releases it seems that someone has it thankfully covered now, I expect an up to date stable release soon now.

I use the AUR package tokei-git, and before the last release, which built a non-functional binary, it showed wgsl just fine.

9SMTM6 commented 4 weeks ago

If you've got cargo, then run cargo install --git https://github.com/XAMPPRocky/tokei.git --tag v13.0.0-alpha.1 tokei to get the latest non-broken aplha release.

It finds wgsl in my project, though admittedly formatting could be improved:

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 JSON                    1           28           28            0            0
 Markdown                2          197            0          140           57
 Shell                   2           23           13            5            5
 TOML                    5          262          186           50           26
 WebGPU Shader Lan|     10          201          136           23           42
 HTML                    2          144           98           26           20
 |- CSS                  2          178          132           28           18
 (Total)                            322          230           54           38
 Rust                   24         2946         2416          191          339
 |- Markdown             9           57            0           48            9
 (Total)                           3003         2416          239          348
 Total                  46         4036         3009          511          516

And it should also be mentioned in the Readme, since thats from the default (master) branch. So that should be fixed.

I also could not find the support in any changelog, though I'm not so sure how complete these are supposed to be.

XAMPPRocky commented 4 weeks ago

tokei hasn't had a stable release since 2021. Creator seems to have gotten a bit distracted.

Hey, I know you probably don't mean for this to come off as rude, but it's important to keep in mind that no one pays for me to provide regular tokei releases, and when I have a full time job, multiple other popular projects, and a life outside of programming, releases are going to be few and far between.

9SMTM6 commented 4 weeks ago

Sorry if it came of as rude. It wasn't meant as that, simply as a statement of fact.

I do feel with you. I have kept away from releasing anything 'proper' amongst others because I did not want that responsibility.

Tokei is an amazing tool, and you've got my admiration. I've happily used the last alpha release, which worked just fine for me.

Weihnachtsbaum commented 4 weeks ago

tokei hasn't had a stable release since 2021

Yes, thank you, I didn't notice that. The alpha version works fine.