XAMPPRocky / tokei

Count your code, quickly.
10.88k stars 528 forks source link

Add VCS support #193

Closed pepi55 closed 6 years ago

pepi55 commented 6 years ago

Support for seeing how much someone contributed to a project would be a nice feature, however I don't know how feasible this would be without making system calls to a git client. I thought I would just suggest this.

XAMPPRocky commented 6 years ago

Thank you for issue! I think this would be out of scope for tokei as it would require git/mercurial/pijul integration. There's no reason it couldn't be the reverse and have one those VCS' call tokei for code counting needs.

Goooler commented 1 month ago

Can we reconsider this feature? It would be useful to support it like cloc.

cloc --vcs=git ~/IdeaProjects/kotlin

   94932 text files.
   85849 unique files.
    9347 files ignored.

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 2.00  T=48.96 s (1753.3 files/s, 149880.9 lines/s)
Language                              files          blank        comment           code
Kotlin                                54685         485656         378356        2115962
Java                                   3662         365021          78400        1983253
Text                                  22663         187022              0        1393767
Gradle                                 1405           7907           1287          42595
C/C++ Header                            482           8791          18844          36253
JSON                                    192              1              0          32891
Markdown                                195           7958              1          31504
C++                                     215           6148           2344          29546
XML                                     515            420            140          20223
C                                        54           3013           3076          17658
Maven                                   223            581            258          13934
Swift                                   154           1755            541          11717
JavaScript                              287           1375            543           8408
IDL                                      23           1060              0           7829
Windows Module Definition               580            827              0           4945
Objective-C++                            19           1131            525           3673
TypeScript                              103            381            113           3145
Protocol Buffers                         16            569            784           1817
Bourne Shell                             30            259            512           1318
Properties                              150            225            288           1210
Python                                    4            260            125           1078
Objective-C                              44            266             81            904
diff                                      4            178            703            845
AsciiDoc                                  1            197              4            632
DOS Batch                                18            167            119            565
CSS                                       6            126             36            481
Groovy                                   10            118             34            414
ProGuard                                 12            116            156            383
Ant                                      26             48              0            377
INI                                       2              3              0            335
YAML                                      6             14             91            235
Ruby                                     16             27              2            216
Bourne Again Shell                       13             62            113            179
HTML                                     10              7             23            155
Dockerfile                                5             52             38            152
EJS                                       1              2              0            120
CMake                                     2             23              4            117
CSV                                       2              0              0            115
TOML                                      1              7              5             86
Freemarker Template                       3              0              1             36
Pascal                                    1             24            109             19
Velocity Template Language                1              4              0             16
Windows Resource File                     1              0              0             16
Puppet                                    1              5             32             10
LLVM IR                                   1              3              2              7
ReasonML                                  4              0              0              6
Scala                                     1              0              0              5
SUM:                                  85849        1081809         487690        5769152