XAMPPRocky / tokei

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Issues with installations done through crates.io #909

Closed imlazyeye closed 2 years ago

imlazyeye commented 2 years ago

This is a rather strange one, and I'm unsure of it's specific to tokei itself or something larger.

When installing tokei via cargo install --path . (inside of the repo, up to date), or via cargo install --git https://github.com/XAMPPRocky/tokei.git tokei, everything works the way you would expect. However, when using cargo install tokei, the build you get is somehow... incorrect.

Below is the output of tokei -l after running cargo install tokei.

> ABNF > ABAP > ActionScript > Ada > Agda > Alex > Alloy > Arduino C++ > AsciiDoc > ASN.1 > ASP > ASP.NET > Assembly > GNU Style Assembly > AutoHotKey > Autoconf > Automake > BASH > Batch > Bean > BrightScript > C > C Header > CMake > C# > C Shell > Cabal > Cassius > Ceylon > Clojure > ClojureC > ClojureScript > COBOL > CodeQL > CoffeeScript > Cogent > ColdFusion > ColdFusion CFScript > Coq > C++ > C++ Header > Crystal > CSS > D > DAML > Dart > Device Tree > Dhall > Dockerfile > .NET Resource > Dream Maker > Dust.js > Edn > Emacs Lisp > Elixir > Elm > Elvish > Emacs Dev Env > Emojicode > Erlang > FEN > F# > Fish > FlatBuffers Schema > Forth > FORTRAN Legacy > FORTRAN Modern > FreeMarker > F* > Futhark > GDB Script > GDScript > Gherkin (Cucumber) > Gleam > GLSL > Go > Go HTML > GraphQL > Groovy > Gwion > Hamlet > Handlebars > Happy > Haskell > Haxe > HCL > Headache > HEX > HLSL > HolyC > HTML > Idris > INI > Intel HEX > Isabelle > JAI > Java > JavaScript > JSON > Jsonnet > JSX > Julia > Julius > Jupyter Notebooks > K > Kakoune script > Kotlin > LLVM > Lean > LESS > LD Script > Liquid > Lisp > LiveScript > Logtalk > Lua > Lucius > Madlang > Makefile > Markdown > Meson > Mint > Module-Definition > MoonScript > MSBuild > Mustache > Nim > Nix > Not Quite Perl > OCaml > Objective-C > Objective-C++ > Odin > OpenType Feature File > Org > Oz > PSL Assertion > Pan > Pascal > Perl > Rakudo > Pest > PHP > Polly > Pony > PostCSS > PowerShell > Processing > Prolog > Protocol Buffers > Pug > PureScript > Python > Q > QCL > QML > R > Rusty Object Notation > RPM Specfile > Racket > Rakefile > Razor > ReStructuredText > Ren'Py > Ruby > Ruby HTML > Rust > SRecode Template > Sass > Scala > Scheme > Scons > Shell > Standard ML (SML) > Solidity > Specman e > Spice Netlist > SQL > Stan > Stratego/XT > Stylus > Svelte > SVG > Swift > SWIG > SystemVerilog > TCL > Tera > TeX > Plain Text > Thrift > TOML > TSX > TTCN-3 > Twig > TypeScript > Unreal Markdown > Unreal Plugin > Unreal Project > Unreal Script > Unreal Shader > Unreal Shader Header > Ur/Web > Ur/Web Project > VB6 > VBScript > Vala > Apache Velocity > Verilog > Verilog Args File > VHDL > Vim script > Visual Basic > Visual Studio Project > Visual Studio Solution > Vue > WebAssembly > Wolfram > XSL > XAML > Xcode Config > XML > Xtend > YAML > Zig > Zsh

Going through the above, the following are missing:

Common Lisp (though "Lisp" is present instead)
Korn shell
KV Language
Metal Shading Language
Open Policy Agent
Standard ML
WebGPU Shader Language

What's strange is that it's not chronological which ones are missing -- Gherkin (added two years ago) is not present, but Headache (one of the most recent additions) is.

You'll also notice that their extensions are not printing, which was added to tokei over a year ago.

Despite all of this, if you enter tokei --version, you'll get what you get with all the other installation methods:

> tokei --version
tokei 12.1.2 compiled with serialization support: json

I have reproduced the issue on two different machines, one on macOS and the other Windows.

I have no idea what to make of this and couldn't glean much from tinkering around. Could this be related to anything on tokei's side, or is more likely an issue with cargo / crates.io?

imlazyeye commented 2 years ago

Ah -- I believe that the issue is literally just that the crates version number in the toml is the same as the latest release, but there's been a year of development since. Whoops!

Going to leave this open in case I'm wrong. Is there any timeline on a new release?

XAMPPRocky commented 2 years ago

Is there any timeline on a new release?

Thank you for your issue! Not currently, there's a couple of features I want to add first before releasing 13.

imlazyeye commented 2 years ago

sounds good, thank you! I'll go ahead and close this