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ncdu-like tool for tokei #969

Open tim-hilt opened 1 year ago

tim-hilt commented 1 year ago

ncdu is an ncurses-based disk utility that shows which files/folders use the most space. It starts out in a parent directory and you can basically follow the path of the biggest storage hogs and clean those up if they are not needed.

Tokei could be a good Basis to implement something like this. Do you know of any tools that do this already? Could an interactive mode be a potential feature?

UnkwUsr commented 2 months ago

Hello. I had exactly the same idea and made unified-interface tool with ncdu-like experience. And now we can combine it with tokei. Yeah! Here it is: https://github.com/UnkwUsr/nctok

Especially for combining with tokei, see examples section: https://github.com/UnkwUsr/nctok/blob/master/doc/examples.md#lines-of-code-comments-blank-lines-with-tokei