I am trying to add a custom property for soundtracks (similar to complications) where if soundtrack = true then the album is displayed within the node. When i try to add the custom property of 'soundtrack' I get an error that displays in this log.
`2023-11-23 11:21:48.305 T:2456 error : EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <class 'AttributeError'>
Error Contents: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Kodi V20\Kodi V20.2\portable_data\addons\plugin.library.node.editor\plugin.py", line 6, in
File "D:\Kodi V20\Kodi V20.2\portable_data\addons\plugin.library.node.editor\resources\lib\addon.py", line 834, in run
Main(params, ltype, RULE, ATTRIB, PATHRULE, ORDERBY)
File "D:\Kodi V20\Kodi V20.2\portable_data\addons\plugin.library.node.editor\resources\lib\addon.py", line 254, in init
self.PATHRULE.editMatch( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], int( self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) )
File "D:\Kodi V20\Kodi V20.2\portable_data\addons\plugin.library.node.editor\resources\lib\pathrules.py", line 194, in editMatch
self.manuallyEditMatch( actionPath, ruleNum, splitPath[ ruleNum ][ 0 ], currentValue )
File "D:\Kodi V20\Kodi V20.2\portable_data\addons\plugin.library.node.editor\resources\lib\pathrules.py", line 203, in manuallyEditMatch
self.ATTRIB.writeUpdatedPath( actionPath, ( ruleNum, returnVal.decode( "utf-8" ), currentValue ) )
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
-->End of Python script error report<--`
I am trying to add a custom property for soundtracks (similar to complications) where if soundtrack = true then the album is displayed within the node. When i try to add the custom property of 'soundtrack' I get an error that displays in this log.
`2023-11-23 11:21:48.305 T:2456 error: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--