XBoom31 / ApocalyseCheatsSC

42 stars 31 forks source link

Something shit i added May be u want it #16

Closed madlifer closed 6 years ago

madlifer commented 7 years ago

1.//ESPBOX: corner&full choose Change this to esp.cpp find void CEsp::DrawBox(CEsp::ESPBox size, Color color)

if (Menu::Window.VisualsTab.BoxDesign.GetIndex() == 0) { // Corner Box int VertLine = (((float)size.w) (0.20f)); int HorzLine = (((float)size.h) (0.20f));

  Render::Clear(size.x, size.y - 1, VertLine, 1, Color(10, 10, 10, 150));
  Render::Clear(size.x + size.w - VertLine, size.y - 1, VertLine, 1, Color(10, 10, 10, 150));
  Render::Clear(size.x, size.y + size.h - 1, VertLine, 1, Color(10, 10, 10, 150));
  Render::Clear(size.x + size.w - VertLine, size.y + size.h - 1, VertLine, 1, Color(10, 10, 10, 150));

  Render::Clear(size.x - 1, size.y, 1, HorzLine, Color(10, 10, 10, 150));
  Render::Clear(size.x - 1, size.y + size.h - HorzLine, 1, HorzLine, Color(10, 10, 10, 150));
  Render::Clear(size.x + size.w - 1, size.y, 1, HorzLine, Color(10, 10, 10, 150));
  Render::Clear(size.x + size.w - 1, size.y + size.h - HorzLine, 1, HorzLine, Color(10, 10, 10, 150));

  Render::Clear(size.x, size.y, VertLine, 1, color);
  Render::Clear(size.x + size.w - VertLine, size.y, VertLine, 1, color);
  Render::Clear(size.x, size.y + size.h, VertLine, 1, color);
  Render::Clear(size.x + size.w - VertLine, size.y + size.h, VertLine, 1, color);

  Render::Clear(size.x, size.y, 1, HorzLine, color);
  Render::Clear(size.x, size.y + size.h - HorzLine, 1, HorzLine, color);
  Render::Clear(size.x + size.w, size.y, 1, HorzLine, color);
  Render::Clear(size.x + size.w, size.y + size.h - HorzLine, 1, HorzLine, color);

} else if (Menu::Window.VisualsTab.BoxDesign.GetIndex() == 1) { // Full Box Render::Outline(size.x, size.y, size.w, size.h, color); Render::Outline(size.x - 1, size.y - 1, size.w + 2, size.h + 2, Color(10, 10, 10, 150)); Render::Outline(size.x + 1, size.y + 1, size.w - 2, size.h - 2, Color(10, 10, 10, 150)); }

2.//ArmorBar (Side bar Style)


void CEsp::DrawArmor(IClientEntity* pEntity, CEsp::ESPBox size) { ESPBox ArmorBar = size; ArmorBar.y += (ArmorBar.h + 6); ArmorBar.h = 4;

float ArmorValue = pEntity->ArmorValue(); float ArmorPerc = ArmorValue / 100.f; float Width = (size.w * ArmorPerc); ArmorBar.w = Width;

int armor = pEntity->ArmorValue();

if (armor > 100) armor = 100; / I dont want a change yellow is good / //int r = 255 - armor 2.55; //int g = armor 2.55;

int armorBar = size.h / 100 * armor; int armorBarDelta = size.h - armorBar;

Render::Clear(size.x - 5, size.y - 1, 4, size.h + 2, Color(0, 0, 0, 150)); Render::Clear(size.x - 4, size.y + 1, 2, size.h 0.01 armor, Color(255, 255, 0, 255)); }

3.// Distence

  • void CEsp::DrawDistanse(IClientEntity pEntity, CEsp::ESPBox size) { IClientEntity pLocal = hackManager.pLocal();

    Vector vecOrigin = pEntity->GetOrigin(); Vector vecOriginLocal = pLocal->GetOrigin(); static RECT defSize = Render::GetTextSize(Render::Fonts::Default, "");

    char dist_to[32]; sprintf_s(dist_to, "%.0fm", DistanceTo(vecOrigin, vecOriginLocal));

    Render::Text(size.x + size.w + 3, size.y + (0.6*(defSize.bottom + 28)), Color(255, 255, 255, 255), Render::Fonts::ESP, dist_to); }

float CEsp::DistanceTo(Vector vecDst, Vector vecSrc) { Vector vDelta = vecDst - vecSrc;

float fDistance = ::sqrtf((vDelta.Length()));

if (fDistance < 1.0f) return 1.0f;

return fDistance; } Now U got this https://gyazo.com/c4787acaf8f2707dff06b23f59ee18af and this https://gyazo.com/b94679c963a34ec1f3c9911c1da5250f 4.show an info if someone watching u find if (Interfaces::Engine->GetPlayerInfo(pTarget->GetIndex(), &pinfo2)) Add this

  • if (pTarget->GetIndex() == pLocal->GetIndex()) { RECT TextSizeD = Render::GetTextSize(Render::Fonts::Default, "这位先生,请开始你的表演!(SomeOne is Watching U)"); Render::Text(scrn.right / 2 - TextSizeD.right / 2 - 4, scrn.bottom / 2 + 30, Color(240, 70, 80, 255), Render::Fonts::Default, "这位先生,请开始你的表演!(SomeOne is Watching U)"); } 5. Add SkyBox go to hooks.cpp find this line if (Interfaces::Engine->IsInGame()) Add this

  • if (Interfaces::Engine->IsInGame()) { ConVar* postprocessing = Interfaces::CVar->FindVar("sv_skyname"); if (Menu::Window.VisualsTab.SkyStyle.GetIndex() == 0) { //postprocessing->SetValue("cs_baggageskybox"); } else if (Menu::Window.VisualsTab.SkyStyle.GetIndex() == 1) { postprocessing->SetValue("jungle"); } else if (Menu::Window.VisualsTab.SkyStyle.GetIndex() == 2) { postprocessing->SetValue("vietnam"); }

The other thing i added to make this cheat support Chinese ,I dont think its will cause cheat delected only Utf8ToAscii

that is all my changed , What is the reason make me got vac? onething i am not sure its skybox shit.

CyclesProgramming commented 7 years ago

Well this src is detected and you will probably need to do ALOT more to make it non vac detected and if ur csgo is chinese the chinese shouldnt vac you

madlifer commented 7 years ago

what mean src ALOT? i dont know good english plz make its clear buddy

I might find why i got vac ,Xenos Injector maybe delected

i will test it , use another injector

otvv commented 7 years ago

XenosInjector is detected. Don't use Xenos or Extreme Injector, code your own injector.

EDIT: The source-code isn't detected.

madlifer commented 7 years ago

Yeah got3+ acc baned using 3 types cheat now i know that injector delected :()