|itemFormatter|||a string template formatter for a single Serie or data item content. Support for wrapping lines with \n. Template variables are {.}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {d}.<br/> {.} is the dot of the corresponding color of a Serie that is currently indicated or whose index is 0.<br/> {a} is the series name of the serie that is currently indicated or whose index is 0.<br/> {b} is the name of the data item serieData that is currently indicated or whose index is 0, or a category value (such as the X-axis of a line chart).<br/> {c} is the value of a Y-dimension (dimesion is 1) from a Serie that is currently indicated or whose index is 0.<br/> {d} is the percentage value of Y-dimensions (dimesion is 1) from serie that is currently indicated or whose index is 0, with no % sign.<br/> {e} is the name of the data item serieData that is currently indicated or whose index is 0.<br/> {f} is sum of data.<br/> {.1} represents a dot from serie corresponding color that specifies index as 1.<br/> 1 in {a1}, {b1}, {c1} represents a serie that specifies an index of 1.<br/> {c1:2} represents the third data from serie's current indication data item indexed to 1 (a data item has multiple data, index 2 represents the third data).<br/> {c1:2-2} represents the third data item from serie's third data item indexed to 1 (i.e., which data item must be specified to specify).<br/> {d1:2: F2} indicates that a formatted string with a value specified separately is F2 (numericFormatter is used when numericFormatter is not specified).<br/> {d:0.##} indicates that a formatted string with a value specified separately is 0.## (used for percentage, reserved 2 valid digits while avoiding the situation similar to "100.00%" when using f2 ).<br/> Example: "{a}, {c}", "{a1}, {c1: f1}", "{a1}, {c1:0: f1}", "{a1} : {c1:1-1: f1}"<br/>
|titleFormatter|||The string template formatter for the tooltip title content. Support for wrapping lines with \n. The placeholder {I} can be set separately to indicate that the title is ignored and not displayed. Template see itemFormatter.
It looks like the english docs is correct and the chinese docs have a missing piece and/or is misplaced. Since the website show only the chinese docs (see #283), this mismatch could only be found looking at the source files.
It seems the
have a mismatch between the english file and the chinese file.Chinese version
English version
It looks like the english docs is correct and the chinese docs have a missing piece and/or is misplaced. Since the website show only the chinese docs (see #283), this mismatch could only be found looking at the source files.