Thanks for the great package, I love how slick it is, and how easy it is to work with.
I have a few roadblocks that I've encountered while trying to work it, though.
In line charts, is it possible to toggle off one of the lines by default?
I can't find any way to edit tooltips on hover. For example, I am working with a stacked percentage bar chart, and have two columns that I'm plotting with: % complete and % incomplete. When the % complete is 100, I do not want "% incomplete: 0" to show. Additionally, I would like to show other information in the tooltip as well.
I am not getting any warnings, but ECharts does not plot bar charts when there is more than 10 items, and does not plot pie charts when there is more than 30 items. Is there any hard limitation to this or would it be possible to extend charts to more items?
"Theme" does not seem to do anything. I've tried with macarons, London, vintage, etc.
renderBarChart(div_id = "chartBar",
direction = "horizontal", grid_left = "10%",
stack_plot = TRUE,
data = dat_2,
theme = "shine")
Also, I would like to disable some of the tools in the tool panel, but currently I can only disable the whole tool panel.
And finally, would it be possible to add functionality for adding a background image to the plots?
Hello, Thanks for the great package, I love how slick it is, and how easy it is to work with. I have a few roadblocks that I've encountered while trying to work it, though.