XFG16 / YouTubeDiscordPresence

An extension that takes data directly from the YouTube video playing on the browser and displays it as a rich presence on Discord. Works similar to the Spotify Discord rich presence.
MIT License
121 stars 6 forks source link

Show album covers using YouTube Music #4

Closed SeA-luby closed 1 year ago

SeA-luby commented 1 year ago

Hello, here are two features I'm eagerly looking forward to for this project.

XFG16 commented 1 year ago

Hey there SeA-luby!

Regarding your first point, that's something that I am unable to do. The reason for this is because any assets used as the icon for the rich presence must be uploaded and cached on Discord, for which there is a limited number of pictures available. In other words, it would be impossible to cover every single album cover for each artist. Discord does not allow for external internet sources (i.e. images from YouTube Music) to be displayed on the rich presence.

I can however add a feature to deal with your second point though! You can expect an update in the near future that addresses your point.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!

SeA-luby commented 1 year ago

I don't know how rich presence and this program works, but there is a way in the popular CustomRP app to specify a custom image via web links. The following is how I display a specific image in rich presence using an image link in CustomRP:


Wouldn't it be possible to apply such a function through a similar method? Thank you for your efforts.

XFG16 commented 1 year ago

You're exactly right!

In fact, I was tricked up by the documentation of the library I implemented, but you can indeed do something with external images. Originally, I believed that external image sources couldn't be used by the rich presence.

Thanks for the heads up! I'll see if I can implement your feature in the next update.

Stay tuned!

XFG16 commented 1 year ago

Something along the lines of this...?

SeA-luby commented 1 year ago

Yes, that looks great!

XFG16 commented 1 year ago


I'll roll this out as a feature in the next update as soon as I have time.

Thank you for your time and contributions

XFG16 commented 1 year ago

Hello! Just wanted to check in with you now that the update is out. Is everything working fine on your end after installing the new version?

SeA-luby commented 1 year ago

Everything works fine! Thank you <3 image