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17CVPR| (Oral) Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection #17

Closed XFeiF closed 3 years ago

XFeiF commented 4 years ago

[Pytorch Code]

Main idea:

To solve the extreme foreground-background class imbalance problem in one-stage object detection frameworks, the authors down-weights the loss assigned to well-classified examples by proposing Focal Loss, which adds a factor to the standard cross entropy criterion.


How focal loss works ?

As shown in the figure above, the factor will lower the standard cross entropy loss. Suppose gamma is 2, an example classified with p_t = 0.9 would have 100× lower loss compared with CE and with p_t ≈ 0.968 it would have 1000× lower loss. This in turn increases the importance of correcting misclassified examples (whose loss is scaled down by at most 4× for p_t ≤ .5 and gamma = 2).

XFeiF commented 4 years ago

Several keynotes for me

The results of class imbalance

Two properties of the focal loss

How two-stage detectors address class imbalance?