XGProyect / XG-Proyect-v3.x.x

XG Proyect is an OGame clone open-source web application framework designed for creating game clones, particularly those inspired by the popular game OGame, set in a vast and captivating space-themed universe.
GNU General Public License v3.0
142 stars 97 forks source link

[Feature] Galaxy filters ogame #438

Open jonamix-ar opened 3 years ago

jonamix-ar commented 3 years ago

Bueno bueno me estaba poniendo al día con XGP jajjaj XD después de pasar el Covid. pero eso no lleva alcabo empeze con un poco de programación.

Filtros de galaxias:

Cosas que falta:

Imagen Inactivos planetas

Codigo GalaxyLib.php

     * Row Filters
    private function filterBlock()
        $current_user_points = $this->current_user['user_statistic_total_points'];
        $row_user_points = $this->row_data['user_statistic_total_points'];
        $action = '';
        $statuses = [];

        // Set Status filters
        if ($this->row_data['preference_vacation_mode'] > 0) {
            $action = 'vacation_filter';

        if ($this->row_data['user_onlinetime'] < (time() - ONE_WEEK)) {
            $action = 'inactive_filter';

        if ($this->row_data['user_onlinetime'] < (time() - ONE_DAY * 28)) {
            $action = 'inactive_filter';

        if (!isset($statuses['admin']) && !isset($statuses['banned'])) {
            if ($this->noob->isWeak($current_user_points, $row_user_points)) {
                $action = 'newbie_filter';

            if ($this->noob->isStrong($current_user_points, $row_user_points)) {
                $action = 'strong_filter';

            $action = 'inactive_filter vacation_filter';

        return $action;
$row['class'] = $this->filterBlock(); /// Agregar arriba de pos
$row['pos'] = $planet;

Galaxy Page.php

// fill the empty positions 'pos' => $i, Replazarlo por

'class' => 'empty_filter',
'pos' => $i,

Galaxy_view.php template

<div id="content">
    <script  language="JavaScript">
        function galaxy_submit(value) {
            document.getElementById('auto').name = value;

        function fenster(target_url, win_name) {
            var new_win = window.open(target_url, win_name, 'scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,width=550,height=280,resizable=yes');

        var IE = document.all ? true : false;

        function mouseX(e) {
            if (IE) { // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is IE
                return event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
            } else {
                return e.pageX
        function mouseY(e) {
            if (IE) { // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is IE
                return event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
            } else {
                return e.pageY;

    <script language="JavaScript" src="{js_path}tw-sack-min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var ajax = new sack();
        var strInfo = "";

        function whenLoading() {
            //var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatus');
            //e.innerHTML = "Sende Flotte...";

        function whenLoaded() {
            //    var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatus');
            // e.innerHTML = "Flotte gesendet...";

        function whenInteractive() {
            //var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatus');
            // e.innerHTML = "Erhalte Daten...";

            We can overwrite functions of the sack object easily. :-)
            This function will replace the sack internal function runResponse(),
            which normally evaluates the xml return value via eval(this.response).
        function whenResponse() {

                *  600   OK
                *  601   no planet exists there
                *  602   no moon exists there
                *  603   player is in noob protection
                *  604   player is too strong
                *  605   player is in u-mode
                *  610   not enough espionage probes, sending x (parameter is the second return value)
                *  611   no espionage probes, nothing send
                *  612   no fleet slots free, nothing send
                *  613   not enough deuterium to send a probe
            // the first three digit long return value
            retVals = this.response.split(" ");
            // and the other content of the response
            // but since we only got it if we can send some but not all probes
            // theres no need to complicate things with better parsing

            // each case gets a different table entry, no language file used :P
            switch (parseInt(retVals[0])) {
                case 600:
                    addToTable("{gl_success}", "success");
                case 601:
                    addToTable("{gl_error}", "error");
                case 602:
                    addToTable("{gl_no_moon}", "error");
                case 603:
                    addToTable("{gl_noob_protection}", "error");
                case 604:
                    addToTable("{gl_too_strong}", "error");
                case 605:
                    addToTable("{gl_vacation_mode}", "vacation");
                case 610:
                    addToTable("{gl_only_amount_ships_1} " + retVals[1] + " {gl_only_amount_ships_2}", "notice");
                case 611:
                    addToTable("{gl_no_ships}", "error");
                case 612:
                    addToTable("{gl_no_slots}", "error");
                case 613:
                    addToTable("{gl_no_deuterium}", "error");
                case 614:
                    addToTable("{gl_no_planet}", "error");
                case 615:
                    addToTable("{gl_not_enought_storage}", "error");
                case 616:
                    addToTable("{gl_multi_alarm}", "error");

        function doit(order, galaxy, system, planet, planettype, shipcount) {
            strInfo = "{gl_send} " + shipcount + " {gl_ship}" + (shipcount != 1 ? "{gl_ships}" : "") + " {gl_to}  " + galaxy + ":" + system + ":" + planet + "...";
            ajax.requestFile = "game.php?page=galaxy&fleet=true&action=send";

            // no longer needed, since we don't want to write the cryptic
            // response somewhere into the output html
            //ajax.element = 'fleetstatus';
            //ajax.onLoading = whenLoading;
            //ajax.onLoaded = whenLoaded;
            //ajax.onInteractive = whenInteractive;

            // added, overwrite the function runResponse with our own and
            // turn on its execute flag
            ajax.runResponse = whenResponse;
            ajax.execute = true;

            ajax.setVar("session", "");
            ajax.setVar("order", order);
            ajax.setVar("galaxy", galaxy);
            ajax.setVar("system", system);
            ajax.setVar("planet", planet);
            ajax.setVar("planettype", planettype);
            ajax.setVar("shipcount", shipcount);
            ajax.setVar("speed", 10);
            ajax.setVar("reply", "short");

            * This function will manage the table we use to output up to three lines of
            * actions the user did. If there is no action, the tr with id 'fleetstatusrow'
            * will be hidden (display: none;) - if we want to output a line, its display
            * value is cleaned and therefore its visible. If there are more than 2 lines
            * we want to remove the first row to restrict the history to not more than
            * 3 entries. After using the object function of the table we fill the newly
            * created row with text. Let the browser do the parsing work. :D
        function addToTable(strDataResult, strClass) {
            var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatusrow');
            var e2 = document.getElementById('fleetstatustable');
            // make the table row visible
            e.style.display = '';
            if (e2.rows.length > 0) {
            var row = e2.insertRow('test');
            var td1 = document.createElement("td");
            var td1text = document.createTextNode(strInfo);
            var td2 = document.createElement("td");
            var span = document.createElement("span");
            var spantext = document.createTextNode(strDataResult);
            var spanclass = document.createAttribute("class");
            spanclass.nodeValue = strClass;


        function changeSlots(slotsInUse) {
            var e = document.getElementById('slots');
            e.innerHTML = slotsInUse;

        function setShips(ship, count) {
            var e = document.getElementById(ship);
            e.innerHTML = count;
       // Add javascript
        function filterToggle(event) {
            var filterTarget = event.target;
            var filterClass;
            switch (filterTarget.id) {
                case 'filter_empty':
                    filterClass = '.empty_filter';
                case 'filter_inactive':
                    filterClass = '.inactive_filter';
                case 'filter_vacation':
                    filterClass = '.vacation_filter';
                case 'filter_strong':
                    filterClass = '.strong_filter';
                case 'filter_newbie':
                    filterClass = '.newbie_filter';
            filterTarget = $(filterTarget);
            if (filterTarget.hasClass('filter_active')) {
                $(filterClass).each(function(i, obj) {
                    $(this).removeClass('filtered_' + $(event.target)[0].id);
                //sendFilterToggle($(event.target)[0].id, 0);
            } else {
                $(filterClass).each(function(i, obj) {
                    $(this).addClass('filtered_' + $(event.target)[0].id);
                //sendFilterToggle($(event.target)[0].id, 1);

        function cursorevent(evt) {
            evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null);
            if (evt.keyCode == 37) {

            if (evt.keyCode == 39) {

            if (evt.keyCode == 38) {

            if (evt.keyCode == 40) {

        document.onkeydown = cursorevent;
    <table width="656px">
            <td class="c" colspan="8">
                <form action="game.php?page=galaxy&mode=1" method="post" id="galaxy_form" style="margin:0">
                    <input type="hidden" id="auto" value="dr" >
                    <table width="100%">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                                <input type="button" name="galaxyLeft" value="&lt;-" onClick="galaxy_submit('galaxyLeft')">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                                <input type="number" name="galaxy" value="{selected_galaxy}" style="width:50px;" min="1" max="{max_galaxy}" tabindex="1">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                                <input type="button" name="galaxyRight" value="-&gt;" onClick="galaxy_submit('galaxyRight')">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                                <input type="button" name="systemLeft" value="&lt;-" onClick="galaxy_submit('systemLeft')">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                                <input type="number" name="system" value="{selected_system}" style="width:50px;" min="1" max="{max_system}" tabindex="2">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                                <input type="button" name="systemRight" value="-&gt;" onClick="galaxy_submit('systemRight')">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent">
                                <input type="submit" value="{gl_go}">
                            <td style="background-color: transparent; width: 50%; text-align: right;">
                                <a href="game.php?page=fleet1&amp;galaxy={selected_galaxy}&amp;system={selected_system}&amp;planet=16&amp;planettype=1&amp;target_mission=15">
                                    <input type="button" value="{gl_expedition}">
            <th colspan="8">
                <span id="probes">
                    <span id="probeValue">{spyprobes}</span>
                <span id="recycler">
                    <span id="recyclerValue">{recyclers}</span>
                <span id="rockets">
                    <span id="missileValue">{currentmip}</span>
                <span id="slots">
                    <span id="slotValue">
                        <span id="slotUsed">{maxfleetcount}</span>/{fleetmax}
                <span style="float:right;cursor:pointer;">
                    <input type="button" id="filter_empty" class="filter " onclick="filterToggle(event);" value="E">
                    <input type="button" id="filter_inactive" class="filter " onclick="filterToggle(event);" value="I">
                    <input type="button" id="filter_newbie" class="filter " onclick="filterToggle(event);" value="N">
                    <input type="button" id="filter_strong" class="filter " onclick="filterToggle(event);" value="S">
                    <input type="button" id="filter_vacation" class="filter " onclick="filterToggle(event);" value="V">
            <td class="c" colspan="2">{gl_planet}</td>
            <td class="c">{gl_name_activity}</td>
            <td class="c">{gl_moon}</td>
            <td class="c">{gl_debris}</td>
            <td class="c">{gl_player_estate}</td>
            <td class="c">{gl_alliance}</td>
            <td class="c">{gl_actions}</td>
        <tr class="{class}">
            <th width="30px">{pos}</th>
            <th width="30px">{planet}</th>
            <th width="130px" style="white-space: nowrap;">{planetname}</th>
            <th width="30px" style="white-space: nowrap;">{moon}</th>
            <th width="30px" style="white-space: nowrap;">{debris}</th>
            <th width="150px">{username}</th>
            <th width="80px">{alliance}</th>
            <th width="125px" style="white-space: nowrap;">{actions}</th>
        <tr id="fleetstatusrow">
            <th class="c" colspan="8">
                <table style="font-weight: bold" width="100%" id="fleetstatustable">
                    <!-- will be filled with content later on while processing ajax replies -->
            <td class="c" colspan="7">
                {planet_count} {gl_colonized_planets}
            <td class="c">
                <a href="#" style="cursor: pointer;" onmouseover='return overlib("<table width=150><tr><td class=c colspan=2>{gl_legend}</td></tr><tr><td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_admin>{gl_a}</span></td><td width=220>{gl_administrator}</td></tr><tr><td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_strong>{gl_s}</span></td><td width=220>{gl_strong_player}</td></tr><tr><td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_noob>{gl_w}</span></td><td width=220>{gl_week_player}</td></tr><tr><td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_outlaw>{gl_o}</span></td><td width=220>{gl_outlaw}</td> </tr><tr><td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_vacation>{gl_v}</span></td><td width=220>{gl_vacation}</td></tr><tr><td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_banned><s>{gl_b}</s></span></td><td width=220>{gl_banned}</td> </tr> <tr> <td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_inactive>{gl_i}</span></td> <td width=220>{gl_inactive_seven}</td></tr><tr><td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_longinactive>{gl_I}</span></td><td width=220>{gl_inactive_twentyeight}</td></tr><tr> <td style=width: 20px;><span class=status_abbr_honorableTarget>{gl_hp}</span></td><td width=220>{gl_honourable_target}</td></tr></table>", STICKY, MOUSEOFF, DELAY, 750, CENTER, OFFSETY, -150);' onmouseout='return nd();'>

Como esto requiere Javascript Agregar en el simple_header.php


En el redesign.css

/*Filters Galaxys*/

.filter {
    cursor: pointer;
    font-weight: bold;

.filtered_filter_empty {
    opacity: 0.2;

.filtered_filter_inactive {
    opacity: 0.2;

.filtered_filter_newbie {
    opacity: 0.2;

.filtered_filter_strong {
    opacity: 0.2;

.filtered_filter_vacation {
    opacity: 0.2;

.filter_active {
    background: linear-gradient(#561f1f, #7d4747);

#filter_empty {
    background-position: 0px 0px;

#filter_inactive {
    background-position: -16px 0px;

#filter_newbie {
    background-position: -32px 0px;

#filter_strong {
    background-position: -48px 0px;

#filter_vacation {
    background-position: -64px 0px;
jonamix-ar commented 2 years ago

Termino esta semanas unas cosas y el lunes pongo el save ajax para que almacene en la db las configuraciones

LucasKovacs commented 2 years ago

Si terminas esto, podes mandarlo en un PR? Me gustaría incluirlo