Exploring how to quickly and easily design/prototype/deploy high quality digital forms for UK Gov. Based on the excellent work by DEFRA. Currently maintained by jen+forms@cautionyourblast.com at Caution Your Blast and a community collaboration between FCDO, HO, GDS, DfE, DIT, Version 1, UKHSA
At the moment, it is possible to add sessions to the form builder. It is not currently possible for a user to exit.
To implement this, we need to
Add a configuration object to the JSON to allow for exits, and where to send data to
exit: {
url: "..",
redirectUrl: "" // optional, where to redirect the user to,
confirmation: {
title: ".." // optional (defaults to Your application to <form name> has been saved)
body: ".." // optional
Add a route GET /{formId}/exit/email (displays email address field)
Add a route for POST /{formId}/exit/email (validates email address field)
Add a route for GET /{formId}/exit/status (displays confirmation message, or error message)
At the moment, it is possible to add sessions to the form builder. It is not currently possible for a user to exit.
To implement this, we need to
(displays email address field)/{formId}/exit/email
(validates email address field)/{formId}/exit/status
(displays confirmation message, or error message)https://github.com/XGovFormBuilder/digital-form-builder/assets/22080510/7681716e-e382-4f84-bad4-0edd7c357fbc