XITRIX / Moonlight-Switch

Moonlight port for Nintendo Switch
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[Feature] Block app with description message on launch using Applet Mode #134

Closed thinhvnn closed 4 months ago

thinhvnn commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

I tested 2 modes: applet mode vs non applet mode. The results show that applet mode has much better performance. Take a look at the picture of ram usage and cpu usage in applet mode.

To reproduce

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Tap on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior

No response


2024020519431100 2024020519433400

Operating system

No response

Additional context

No response

XITRIX commented 4 months ago

Maybe it's not clear enough but in Installing section of ReadMe, 3rd step tells you that you SHOULD launch an app using Title Redirection (non applet mode)

To be honest I'm shocked that launching this app in applet mode didn't crashed your Atmosphere. For sure I'll add blocker screen for trying to open app in applet mode.

thinhvnn commented 4 months ago

Iam sorry.

Maybe it's not clear enough but in Installing section of ReadMe, 3rd step tells you that you SHOULD launch an app using Title Redirection (non applet mode)

To be honest I'm shocked that launching this app in applet mode didn't crashed your Atmosphere. For sure I'll add blocker screen for trying to open app in applet mode.

Iam sorry. My mistake, I wrote it wrong. What I mean is that running in applet mode gives better performance than non applet mode. CPU usage in applet mode is less resource intensive than non-applet mode. Please try it

XITRIX commented 4 months ago

Hmm... Ok, I'll check

XITRIX commented 4 months ago


I have no idea how you make it work in Applet Mode

thinhvnn commented 4 months ago

This is my system: system It also frequently crashes in applet mode. You can try several times. This is the result when in applet mode. You can see the cpu is only used about 60%, Ram is only used about 600mb: applet This is the result in non-applet mode. CPU usage over 90%. Ram uses about 3 GB, this is non-applet mode. You may see a "Bad connection" message at the bottom of the screen: non-applet

XITRIX commented 4 months ago

You can see low resource usage because Applet Mode do not allow app to get more, when I tried, my stream worked for a second and then freeze completely with crashing Atmosphere over time.

thinhvnn commented 4 months ago

It's so strange. When I stream successfully, it won't crash while streaming. Same bitrate 25000 at 1080p, applet mode makes cpu run well at default 1020mhz, non-applet cannot run well. Anyway, I can run at 1080p bitrate 50000 with slightly overclocked cpu 1224 mhz

Can you add 2k, 4k resolution options? I'm sure it can work well in docked mode

XITRIX commented 4 months ago

I can add it, but I see no reason for it, dock is not able to output more than 1080p, so why torment Switch's hardware to decode 4k just to downscale image to 1080p, if you could downscale it on Host side

XITRIX commented 4 months ago

Implemented in v1.0