XITRIX / Moonlight-Switch

Moonlight port for Nintendo Switch
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[Feature Request] Setting to swap joysticks functionality in Mouse mode #163

Open antegorov opened 1 month ago

antegorov commented 1 month ago

Good afternoon! Now, if you go into mouse use mode, moving the cursor is the left mini-joystick, and scrolling is the right one. Tell me, can you add a function to select which stick to use for each function? Or should I swap these places separately? I would like the cursor to be moved on the right mini-joystick, and scrolling to be on the left. Thank you.

XITRIX commented 1 month ago

Yes, I can add setting to swap left and right sticks functionality for that

antegorov commented 1 month ago

Thank you. Can you write here when you succeed and everything is ready?

XITRIX commented 1 month ago

Yes, of course, I'll need to close this issue after I'll implement it anyway :D