XITRIX / Moonlight-Switch

Moonlight port for Nintendo Switch
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[BUG] Performance-Related Stuttering (like using high bitrate but not overclocked), But Incorrectly Tipped as "Bad Connection" #168

Closed Kane-Kuroneko closed 3 weeks ago

XITRIX commented 3 weeks ago

"Bad Connection" message appears if there are delays between frames and it does not matter how this delay appeared (by networking issues, or performance). It is barely possible to distinguish them so it is expected behaviour and not something that I am going to fix

Kane-Kuroneko commented 3 weeks ago

It is certainly important, as we need this message to distinguish what caused the stuttering or latency.

XITRIX commented 3 weeks ago

As I said, there is no way to understand the source of the stutter from application side, all I can do is just change the message to something like "Bad Connection or OC required"