XITRIX / Moonlight-Switch

Moonlight port for Nintendo Switch
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[BUG] Gyro spontaneous output, messes up aiming #169

Open VoxelTek opened 2 weeks ago

VoxelTek commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there,

When using gyro, I get spontaneous and unprompted input. I feel the best way to show this is with a demonstration.



As you can see, the gyro input is not stable. The jittering is very, very annoying, and makes pretty much every game impossible to play using it.

I am sure that this isn't a problem with my Switch itself or my PC, as using another PC as a client and running gyro input on that works fine, and gyro aiming functions fine in Switch games.

If I am doing something wrong, please let me know, and I'll attempt to fix the issue.

Kind regards, @voxeltek

XITRIX commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, that's looks really bad and definitely should not behave like that, I'll try to check if I can reproduce that.

Just in case, which version of app you have installed?

VoxelTek commented 2 weeks ago

Hey! Thanks for investigating, I'm currently running Moonlight-Swirch V1.1.0.

XITRIX commented 2 weeks ago

I have not enough time to work on it right now, but I'll pin this issue, so when I'll have some time I will not forget about it