XITRIX / Moonlight-Switch

Moonlight port for Nintendo Switch
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[Localization] - French #50

Open Cervoz opened 2 years ago

Cervoz commented 2 years ago

I could help too for a french localization. My POEditor name is Cervoz.

Thx !

XITRIX commented 2 years ago

Welcome on board! :)

Cervoz commented 2 years ago

Thank you!

Normally it's fine, everything is translated. How to know if some entries are not too long?

XITRIX commented 2 years ago

I could add this localization, compile app and you'll check if everything is fine. [UP] You could download artifacts (nro) here

Vaddum commented 2 years ago

Hi all!

@Cervoz Pas mal du tout ta traduction ! Par contre, si je peux me permettre :

Ce ne sont que des suggestions d'amélioration ;-) Merci pour ton boulot !

Cervoz commented 2 years ago

@XITRIX Ok thanks, I check !

@Vaddum Comme je n'avais pas de retour direct (d'habitude je peux utiliser le fichier de trad directement dans son milieu d'origine, comme avec un CMS) j'ai gardé la même nomenclature (donc les underscore) et certains termes n'étant pas forcément clair en anglais sur leur position (je ne retrouvais pas leur équivalant dans l'appli) je me suis dit on va faire un premier jet et on corrigera.

Du coup j'y vais :)

XITRIX commented 2 years ago

Will it be possible to translate "Thanks" section also?

Cervoz commented 2 years ago

Yes, I just haven't had time to go over everything since the last time, but it's planned!

Olfdev commented 1 year ago

How can I take the French translation over? When I search for French in POEditor, nothing appears. My name is Olfdev, like on GitHub.

I'd like to clean the underscores and correct some out of context translations.


XITRIX commented 1 year ago

@Olfdev, Take a look again pls, I've added French into POEditor

Olfdev commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I can see french now, just waiting to be approved and I'll work on it. Thanks!

XITRIX commented 1 year ago

Looks like you already was approved

Olfdev commented 1 year ago

Mhmm weird because of I click on the flag, I get this message and I can't do anything: Screenshot_20221230-142859

XITRIX commented 1 year ago

@Olfdev, omg, sorry, what a stupid interface poeditor has. I had to open detailed information about your account, and only there I could accept your request. Now you should be able to edit French localization

Olfdev commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I can now see all the translations!

Olfdev commented 1 year ago

@XITRIX Sorry it took so long but the French translation is done. The previous translator forgot to select English as language reference so he translated the StringIDs. Feel free to integrate it whenever you want!

XITRIX commented 1 year ago

@Olfdev, thanks for you work, I've updated localization, you could check it here

Olfdev commented 1 year ago

@XITRIX Thanks for the update! I checked and there is some issues:

  1. Some Strings are missing in POEditor for translation: https://img.super-h.fr/images/2023/03/17/31ae22efbf0956ddfa94eabd54a2f944.jpg https://img.super-h.fr/images/2023/03/17/e7284194d01eaf6dd07a355bd225d2d0.jpg

"Keyboard" (not the same as "keyboard" in context "mouse_input" which is available in POEditor) "Keyboard type" "Full-sized" "Compact" "Touchscreen mode" "Timeout was reached"

  1. Some vertical choices are overflowing at the bottom. It doesn't seem translation related as it also happens on the keyboard type choice screen (which has no translation available as stated in 1.) but still, it doesn't happen with default English language: https://img.super-h.fr/images/2023/03/17/19a39a45f7cbd4479638e72a1f82dde9.jpg https://img.super-h.fr/images/2023/03/17/d58c686334fd4c00d1857d8ab17db9e6.jpg https://img.super-h.fr/images/2023/03/17/a313803d54ee50a39f7de1e79f64f7a8.jpg https://img.super-h.fr/images/2023/03/17/1a77370f5dd77cabc1770576536d7982.jpg https://img.super-h.fr/images/2023/03/17/5a06beff41b0d2b3c91a17e3ed6921c8.jpg https://img.super-h.fr/images/2023/03/17/12c9891bbb66a21a2b8f7e4d467f2d8c.jpg
