XITRIX / Moonlight-Switch

Moonlight port for Nintendo Switch
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[Feature Request] Several request/issues with suggested solution #65

Open Kennnwxyz opened 2 years ago

Kennnwxyz commented 2 years ago

Hi, first of all great job because this is an awesome implementation and I love it however I would like to request some feature that might improve the usability/experience/QoL of this application

  1. It'd be great if I can access control settings while connected to PC using start+select menu (specifically controller layout) e.g. If I'm playing Xbox games and then I want to play a Nintendo game I would need to disconnect, go to settings, change controller layout, and reconnect. Suggestion 1

  2. For "swap mouse vertical scrolling direction", I think it would be great if there's a separate option for touch screen and analog stick. Touch screen is usually inverted scrolling (smartphone in general) Analog stick is usually not inverted (menu navigation in games, specifically apex legends in my experience) But since there's no option to distinguish between the two, I often go back and forth to the menu and switch the scroll direction maybe an option to increase scroll sensitivity would be great too.

  3. Left click functionality on touch screen input (I assume there's no option to do this) I sometime use my switch as a tablet for remote desktop (no Joycons), and unable to left click is quite limiting in my opinion Tap with two fingers would be a great way since that's how left clicking in most laptop trackpad.

  4. On-Screen Keyboard input I encountered an issue while typing using touch screen keyboard, if the text box is on the bottom half of the screen it's obstructed by the keyboard itself which made typing super hard since there's no vibration without Joycons, I think showing what you type somewhere above the keyboard would be a great solution. Suggestion 4

Also I think it would be great if there's an option to show "Enter" instead of "Return" on the on-screen keyboard

Sorry for the wall of text but I really love your work and would like to see it improve even more!

XITRIX commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your suggestions! First of all I want you to take a look on latest development build I've made, there are several options already implemented.


I.e. touch with one\two fingers will allow you to use left\right mouse clicks. Also there is fullsized keyboard with all keys normal desktop keyboard usually has.

Right now I'm actively working on another project so I have no enought time to work on both projects simultaniousny, but when I'll done, I'll gladly implement your suggestions! :)

Kennnwxyz commented 2 years ago

Alright! No worries, love your work.