XITRIX / iTorrent

Torrent client for iOS 16+
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Private trackers no connection #328

Open Trav9421 opened 1 month ago

Trav9421 commented 1 month ago

It can't connect to private trackers, it stays on eternity and doesn't connect to the trackers. I've tried different ones.

Jln-bzn commented 1 month ago

Same here ..

XITRIX commented 1 month ago

Is there any technical differences between private and public trackers? From what I was able to find, the only reason could be is that private trackers could block unknown torrent clients (currently iTorrent reports it self as libtorrent 2.0.10, I'll fix it in next update), but I am not sure what I can do about it.

Jln-bzn commented 1 month ago

Actually it worked well with the first torrent I downloaded yesterday then it stops working. I tried both torrents today and the one from a public tracker went great. Others don’t

officiallor commented 1 month ago

Many private trackers block mobile torrent clients or have a specific list of clients/versions that are supported. This could be the issue.

Ephr4im commented 4 days ago

Same issue I cancelled my patron subscription because it doesn’t work