XIVStats / XIVStats-Gatherer-Java

Multi-Threaded Lodestone character gatherer written in Java
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
16 stars 6 forks source link

Performance optimizations, speed and MORE speed #24

Closed Balls0fSteel closed 5 years ago

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Wanted to set up a new site with the support of new jobs (recently introduced). All went well, but finding the highest ID was a bit tedious. I had to hand edit the number and play around for an hour. And still, I am not sure if I have the highest valid ID at all.

Would it be possible to add a way to the Java collector to find the highest ID?
Thank you.

Example, why it would be useful:

My script is at: 1,803,264
The fresh stat page (mine) says: 242,560 players.
According to my hand guess, the highest ID is: 19,096,969
Meanwhile, the "official" site lists 10 million players, So at this rate, my script is really off.

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago


Its a good idea, but I'm not really up for adding a feature that's being requested by someone competing with us unless you're going to be feeding back into the project yourself

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

In my opinion it's a good idea, I currently shift forwards the number each time I do a run, and it's not the greatest as occasionally I miss 100k IDs or so.

I'm guessing a good way would be to have it quit if it finds 5,000 missing pages in a row or something. If you have any solid suggestions let me know.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Thank you @Pricetx !

I love your guys work, really don't know why he was so offended. I mean if I intended to "steal your work", I most certainly would not have come here. Anyone could just copy the code, run it, then make any design they wanted.

Anyhow, about the ID finding... I had the same thought. Try a high number, then gradually go higher. Once it hits a missing person, it should back off bit by bit. Well, basically just what I did then. Wondering if there is a reliable way to find a "fairly recent id" somewhere to get a starting marker.

Will check around and comment if I find anything. Thank you again.

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

A couple of bits of info that may be useful to know:

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Yeah, see my opening post with the numbers. (Included at the bottom).

The weird bit - the reason I started the whole finding ID idea - is because it looks like my "try and guess" method was not good enough. But turns out, you also rely on a similar one. Because as you can see, it's almost at 2mil (ID wise), and only found 250k players.

Meanwhile, the live XIVCensus has 10.8 mil players, with a pre-Stormblood data. I reckon many people made new characters after Stormblood came out. So if I do a 10x250k, that's only 2.5mil. Way below the live pre-Stormblood data.

That worries me. The site can be found here btw: http://ffstat.agx.co

(I am slapping together some ugly Java code to test this number finding game. Added the link and warning I talked about. Didn't bother until now until I even get to create a working site with proper data, of course. So at the moment it's 1,849,291 ID and 249,303 players. Projected end player number is ~2,667,542.)

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

If it's any consolation as surprising as those numbers may seem, they match what I used to get with the Ruby gatherer and what I get with the Java gatherer that runs the live site. I'll do a quick bit of data analysis for you. Give me a few minutes.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Of course, I am by no means in a hurry, sorry if it seemed so. And thank you for the very quick reply. I get to the number game.

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago

I certainly agree that this is a good feature to add, I'm not in a position to add it myself at the moment.

In reference to creating your own instance of the stats site, I can see perfectly well why you want to do this - we've not updated the stats on the site for quite some time due to a lack of updates for heavensward, however we now have those updates in place and will be executing our own run shortly.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Yes, I saw the dev site on some other ticket, but see the comments, the IDs and player numbers seem to be off quite a bit. At the moment I am not even trying to get the full site up, but help you guys track this down. And of course, maybe implement the number guess part.

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago

Would be a fairly complex algorithm to do this for how simple a task it is at least based on my estimation.

It'd need to build in 'stepping' up in increments, then scanning along them if it hits a 404 for that increment, then stepping up further, repeat. The problem being how do you properly evaluate the 'terminal' state.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

How does your test run match up @ReidWeb ? The dev. site. How many IDs did you scan, and how many players did it find? Would it get to a "reasonable number" if you allowed it to do a full run?

I mean, as you can see, my on-going run getting very low results. (Pricetx is looking into this right now.)

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago

@Balls0fSteel didn't get to fully run it myself, @Pricetx is handling that. Results should be available soon for our small test run, hope to kick off complete run on September 1st.

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

Here's the results of analysing the June dataset:

0 to 999,999 = 114,939 1,000,000 to 1,999,999 = 145,234 2,000,000 to 2,999,999 = 617,615 3,000,000 to 3,999,999 = 706,858 4,000,000 to 4,999,999 = 677,867 5,000,000 to 5,999,999 = 611,694 6,000,000 to 6,999,999 = 623,244 7,000,000 to 7,999,999 = 657,453 8,000,000 to 8,999,999 = 635,399 9,000,000 to 9,999,999 = 692,838 10,000,000 to 10,999,999 = 657,786 11,000,000 to 11,999,999 = 675,689 12,000,000 to 12,999,999 = 629,330 13,000,000 to 13,999,999 = 620,318 14,000,000 to 14,999,999 = 594,508 15,000,000 to 15,999,999 = 585,848 16,000,000 to 16,999,999 = 714,455 17,000,000 to 17,999,999 = 771,092 18,000,000 to 18,999,999 = 86,319

I have to say i'm a little surprised how only 70% or so of all IDs actually exist anymore. I guess a lot of characters get deleted.

Anyway, this agrees with my previous statement about the low IDs having more missing than higher IDs.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

@Pricetx Wow, that is really detailed. Thank you very much.
Since I already set up the machine, I will let it run for a bit more. Since I set up the machine around a day ago, and it's at 2mil, I reckon it will take roughly 10 days at this rate to get a full stat result.

How many threads do you guys use, by the way? I realize no one should really hammer SE's servers, but how much is too much? (I mean there I have absolute power over the config, but what is ethical to use?)

Now I had a thought... What if...

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago

I hard limited it to 64 for both resources saving and as you put it 'ethical' reasons, there's also a diminishing return with the number of threads used, due to the way in which threads are being handled by the CPU it is faster to run with more threads, but a thread count beyond the no. cores (or number of virtual cores i.e. in hyperthreading or virtualisation) it does begin to diminish in return significantly.

Main reasons to run with fewer threads would be to save on memory and if you're hitting a lot of 429 error codes on the lodestone.

With our census hopefully kicking off on the 1st, I'd be concerned that we might see increased rates of 429s between us.

Out of interest what version of the gatherer are you running with? We may be able to collaborate in that we split the run up for this month if you're already running the latest version, then merge databases at end.

Note that the non-latest versions of the gatherer are no longer functional due to changes in the lodestone.

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

It's actually an interesting topic, and caused us to find a bug in the application a while ago.

It appears that Square Enix are running the website behind an nginx instance. This nginx instance has some sort of rate limiting set up. I've noticed that I hit the rate limit more often on weekends and evenings, so my best guess is that the rate limit is a global number of active connections or something.

I currently have the threads to 64, which I find to be a sweet spot between running well on quiet periods, and not triggering to many 429s (rate limit failures) during peak hours.

EDIT: I apparently forgot about the 64 hardcode limit. My points remain though. During absolute peak traffic I've found somewhere from 30-40 threads will just about max out the throughput.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Out of interest what version of the gatherer are you running with?

The XIVStats-Gatherer-Java-v1.4.0.jar version is running at the moment. So far so good. If the 1st schedule proceeds, I will stop my generation, of course, I don't want to cause any trouble for the site as I have used it numerous times in the past (and of course, I intend to use it from now on too, it's superb.)

Should I try this split-generation tomorrow? I could set up the image and deployment in a matter of hours. Based on my experiment the 429 errors gather up at ~500+ threads.

Quick (horrible) math: 2000 threads = ~2mil / day. (with 429s that is.) So 500 threads (no or rare 429) = 500k.

Let's aim for a day generation. That's 40 virtual machines. And 24 hours. The cheapest Vultr VPS is 25GB SSD + 1GB ram + 1 core, should be enough.

0,168$ / 24 hours. So we need 40 machines, 40 * 0,168 = ~7$. Not a huge amount, if I aim for two days (less stress on SE and less chance the Japanese Special Forces will knock on my door), then it's only 3.5$.

And yeah, if we go back to the ethical part, even two days with a 20 cluster is 10k constant requests. Real hard to even guess how much stress X thread puts on their system. I mean maybe they have a whole cluster and it's literally no load. Or, it's just a small cluster for FFXIV and many threads might hammer it. Oh boy. It's really hard to "feel it" too. Because from this point, it always feels slow (Japanese servers).

@Pricetx - I saw the same limit thing at Apache. But yeah, achieves the same thing really, sends clients away until they slow down. I used Japanese VPS machine(s) to do the work (less roundtrip, less load, faster response. Might be just placebo though).

Sorry for the lengthy post!

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

With that said I ran a website with way higher traffic (millions and millions of requests), with only a single PC behind (a plebeian simple i7) and we had a negligible load. Well, a lot matters on the code and content too, of course. Images and such were off-loaded using haproxy to a CDN machine. Again, just another poor PC that served the images.

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

Those results are interesting. It sounds like SE might have finally invested in better infrastructure for the site around the same time they updated the layout for Stormblood.

I had also considered latency assisting somewhat, but my bottleneck previously has been the request rate at the lodestone end so I hadn't really done any proper testing (although thinking back, if the limitation was a global connection one, having my connections freed up more rapidly from lower latency would help I guess).

By all means go ahead with your testing, it would be interesting to see. If you really can push those numbers then I wouldn't be too concerned about interfering with my comparatively trivial 64 threads. Just don't get into trouble with anyone! ;)

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago

You mentioned using Japanese VPS', I'd considered writing a new version for AWS Lambda that could run in the tokyo region, would be a cost of around $2.80 for a month (15 million players), @Pricetx and I have talked at length about getting him those resources back. Serverless is the best way to go IMO as you don't pay for any idle time.

I've also confirmed that they don't do any CDN/regional distribution of the HTML (I think they do for other assets, but not the HTML which is all we ened), all requests are served from Japan AFAIK.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

@ReidWeb I always steered away from AWS, it's just way too costly for me. Vultr, Linode, Ramnode, OVH, Hetzner - they all provide more and they are way cheaper. AWS cannot be beaten if you are an enterprise and need to deploy a 1000 machine cluster in matter of minutes. But as a regular folk with small needs, I always found other providers to be way better off. I used Vultr for the current node of mine since they have a Japanese location too.

The VPS providers based on my experience:

Best price / value: Hetzner. (+snapshot, +large bandwidth, +vCore, +fast connection [Germany location only]) Best price / value if you need 10TB of bandwidth: OVH. (+very large bandwidth any package; -100mbps only [several locations for VPS]) Best price / value if you need speed, fast deployment, global presence: Vultr. (+global, +snapshot, +fast IO+CPU, +fast connection, +custom iso, -Hetzner/OVH both offers +1 core for same price.) Still very good: Ramnode, Linode. (+global, -no snapshot, -worse than the others)

I've also confirmed that they don't do any CDN/regional distribution of the HTML (I think they do for other assets, but not the HTML which is all we need), all requests are served from Japan AFAIK.

Yes indeed, they only have Japanese IP. But it might be Square Enix's cluster and a front-end proxy. Good question why SE does not pay Cloudflare though for example, it would greatly benefit the Lodestone I think. Oh well, you cannot argue with suits (leader board of SE).

So, I am off to baking this VM image, @Pricetx. We shall see what happens. If the Special Forces get me, please delete my browsing history!

One last data bit: 2000 threads on very fast connection and high activity results in only ~30% 1 core usage on a VPS. Memory wise it also eats ~700MB only. I saw the ticket about rewriting the code base for the Java program, but I must say, it works very well in its current form.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Well, I have did what I planned. Started 20 cute slaves and started gathering data.

Connection failed! Please see output console
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor38.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:404)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createCommunicationsException(SQLError.java:981)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(MysqlIO.java:339)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.coreConnect(ConnectionImpl.java:2253)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectOneTryOnly(ConnectionImpl.java:2286)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(ConnectionImpl.java:2085)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.<init>(ConnectionImpl.java:795)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection.<init>(JDBC4Connection.java:44)
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor34.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:404)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(ConnectionImpl.java:400)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(NonRegisteringDriver.java:327)
        at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:664)
        at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:247)
        at com.ffxivcensus.gatherer.GathererController.openConnection(GathererController.java:604)
        at com.ffxivcensus.gatherer.GathererController.writeToDB(GathererController.java:467)
        at com.ffxivcensus.gatherer.Gatherer.run(Gatherer.java:38)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
        at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:350)
        at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:206)
        at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:188)
        at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:392)
        at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:589)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.connect(StandardSocketFactory.java:211)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(MysqlIO.java:298)
        ... 17 more

tl;dr: I don't think there is much we can do about the gather speed. Sadly. 👎

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

Just to confirm, were all of the slaves pausing at the same time, or were the times unique?

As for the MySQL error, that's interesting. I'm not sure what the cause would be there.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

It is 100% possible that Vultr's private network implementation sucks and that causes the hiccups. Though I doubt it. I mean it's only what, a few bytes per each transaction? A remote internet connection could do this at home seriously... So yeah, I would vote for the "alien powers at work" for this one.

Here is a cool matrix like video: https://youtu.be/jQNOLZ9ZjHg On the vid I just have 4 nodes opened but they all produce the same thing totally randomly all over the place.

I will try another thing. One big fat node with muscle and with threads. Threads and more threads.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Nevermind, the internal IPs all match, so that may be causing some issues. (I did a snapshot then deployed it over and over again.) I will correct the IPs and test it again. (Putty/Kitty could really use tabs, it's a pain to manage this many machines lol.)

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Report: Fixed up the IP configs, not much changed. I also gave a lot more resources to MySQL in the config, but nope, same issue. For some reason if there is too many threads hammering with mysql, it makes the gatherer fart itself (see the copied exception above.)

I am trying the big method now.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Seems like the big method is working. Will report back with numbers in a few hours. If you guys want, I can let this finish (1.5days), and then simply upload the db compressed. There should be no issues on the way, it seems stupid fast and stable.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Well, some more number pr0n:

And I am sorry about spamming this ticket, I will make a new one for the original idea, but it was an interesting experiment.

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

By any chance are you still running yours? I'm seeing this: https://i.imgur.com/zAs5Lx9.png

If nothing else, it proves the global limit imposed at their end.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

No @Pricetx , I have stopped my run long hours ago. It seem to worry from machine / IP / region / time of day and all the factors. Some machines were capable of maintaining high amount of threads, others got stuck by limit asap.

So it's not me.

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

@Balls0fSteel ah, no worries. Being the beginning of the month there might be other people doing similar things for other projects. It should calm down later.

Thanks for your testing though, you've certainly pushed it harder than either of us have before. It's just a shame it mostly revealed that we're at the bottleneck already.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Well, my best idea so far is to:

Well, once the generation is done, I will try a distributed run, I mean it's just too much fun to pass out on. Interesting how Java, SQL and the site behaves.

matthewhillier commented 7 years ago

Code-wise, there's a couple of things that stand-out to me that could be optimised quite nicely to get us some raw improvements in speed:

1. Connection Pooling - In-Progress

It looks like we're currently opening and closing raw connections, which is generally considered expensive. I've started looking at adding in a very basic connection pool implementation, and initial tests locally show a 1000-character run going from 59s to 49s.

2. Thread Pooling - In-Progress

Java implemented a ThreadPool mechanism which should allow us to load-up as many jobs as we want and then it'll internally re-use the same objects to run the actual gatherer workers. The differences are marginal over a small run, but over time that builds up.

I'm working on a code refactoring branch at the moment where I've started to implement some of these already, so I'll push that into the main repo as I get it tidied up.

Beyond that, however, I think there's some changes to the general approach that could do with investigating:

  1. Don't re-parse dead characters - I think, based on SE's notices, that once a character is deleted, they're "gone-gone". Which means that we can probably skip any characters that we've previously had the 404 page for and save ourselves a bucket of time. That does somewhat imply we need a consistent DB that we keep over time 😄, and also need to figure out how to separate dead characters from the end-of-the-stack (probably though some trim operation at the end of the batch).
  2. Message queuing - One way to aide scalability would be to use a message queue (see: AWS Simple Queue), so that we could split up the Gatherer into one part that creates jobs, and another that does the actual work per-character. An MQ would then give us the glue between creating parse jobs and seeing them done. AWS Lambda looks like it may give us an alternative to this as well, but need to read more and understand the mechanics there.

Things to explore from an architecture perspective. My main concern at the moment would be not overwhelming the Lodestone servers with too many simultaneous connections. We don't want the census to appear to their servers as being a DDOS attack, as that's just going us blocked. I need to read-up more on how Ngnix identifies and tries to mitigate for attacks, but it's also safe to assume that there will also be firewalls infront of Ngnix which are likely going to provide their own, and probably more aggressive, detection and prevention. I think we need to have a good balance between volume and efficiency here, so that we're only doing requests that matter and we can appropriately throttle ourselves as to not take unfair advantage of the fact that SE allows us to "freely" access their DB through the Lodestone. Just my 2-cents 😄

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Yeah, the original topic went really stray. I started a snippet when I talked about it, but then it all turned into performance and whatnot instead.

  1. Great to hear, sounds like a lot if scaled up!
  2. The biggest issue is that the clients cannot use a shared DB. I mean if you start like 4 in network and try one database server, it will just throw errors at you blindly (see my posts above). Don't know what causes that. Maybe a while() with random wait statement would work like what the code already does when the site slaps a 429 in your face.

Tbh there are three possibilities.

  1. They don't care, they just allow us to do this. Because there is virtually no cost of us doing this. Maybe 0.00001 cycles of the CPU? WOW! I mean yeah, it's negligible.
  2. They care about that someone making the entire DB available. But then it's not about the load, and the Census has been around for some time. So I doubt they would do this.
  3. They could simply make a db dump available for you guys, I mean really, it would take a db guy a few minutes to cook up a query.

But hey, it's SE. They don't care about RMT, about bots, about selling, about anything. So I would bet 1st. (I know this sounds harsh, but it's true. Sadly. I would be the happiest person if they cared one bit about players, bots, sellers, etc. But yeah, taking action costs $, and losing $ is awful!)

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

While this thread is currently being used for miscellaneous performance discussion I thought I would update you on the current live run:

We're 6 days and 18 hours into this months run currently. It is running as a single 64-thread gatherer. It is just about to approach ID 8,800,000. Based on this I would estimate that it will finish scanning IDs around the 15th. From there I imagine it will take roughly half a day to generate the page from the data.

I will try to record when those pieces of the process happens. As it stands, any improvement on a little over 2 weeks is more than welcome.

matthewhillier commented 7 years ago

Welcome to the official performance thread ;)

  1. I think the DB issues are due to the resources not being shut-down properly. When I first added the connection pool implementation, I locked up a single JVM simple running more than 64 characters, and it turned out things just weren't being shut down properly. I'm going to run some tests when I get home, but I suspect with everything closing down properly, that should sort out the multiple-instances issue (although, that somewhat depends on the MySQL configuration as well - max connections et al).

As another quick thought, I'm currently sat in Japan this week (hurrah!) and thought I'd try out a loading test in Chrome. Turns out, loading a character takes around 1s longer on the eu.finalfantasyxiv.com domain, versus the jp.finalfantasyfix.com. Same goes for the character search, which was almost 2x as fast. That makes me wonder whether they've got actual replica sites running, versus the same site being available over CDN. Might be worth running the same test elsewhere to better understand how much location has an impact on performance - there would be little gain hosting the gatherer in JP if we're hitting the EU URL 😄.

Also, did you say half a day to build the page?? O_o

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago

Also, did you say half a day to build the page?? O_o

Yeah, the SQL queries take quite some time to run. PHP may look like the problem to anyone initially viewing the code, but in fact any language would experience the same bottleneck with queries.

The queries could likely be optimised, our DB choice could be at fault (MariaDB), our database engine may need more tuning, but the issue well still occur

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

@Pricetx Well, my idea still stands. Albeit it may be a bit late. Use machines from Vultr, or any other cloud provider. Install SQL, add a copy of the Java gatherer, and fire it up. Just chop it up by hand, like two machines do 1-10 mil, and 10-20 mil IDs, for example.

I mean... grabbing all the deps takes around 1 minute. I just copy-pasted my sql password over several SSH windows open back then, took me 1 min really to set things up.

sudo apt -y install apache2 mysql-server phpmyadmin php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql openjdk-8-jdk-headless

Making a "one-in-all" tarball that contains a /var/lib/mysql, and a /root/ with the Gatherer + SQL set up is also helpful. I would add a script to /root/run.sh. It would invoke the .jar with 2 arguments for -f and -s. The SQL config could be already set in the gatherer files, as all nodes would use the same SQL pass/user anyway.

1) You deploy X machines. 2) You SSH into the machine with the key/pw, and execute the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y dist-upgrade && sudo apt -y install apache2 mysql-server phpmyadmin php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql openjdk-8-jdk-headless && sudo service mysql stop && wget http://amazonawslink/pack.zip && tar xf pack.zip -C / && sudo sync && sudo reboot

A new deployment with this method would take maybe 10 minutes (regardless of node amount) anytime.

FAQ (not you personally but people who may stumble upon this post): Why separate nodes? Because NGINX hits them by IP. So if you have more IP, you get faster speed.

Why use SQL on all servers? If you check the previous comments, the gatherer can fail to insert data into a remote SQL. So this way you gather smaller packs and just stitch them together at the end.

Isn't this DDOS? Not really. No one said you should start 10000 machines on AWS and start this on them. Worst case your provider gets a Cease and Desist email and your account is banned forever. Just use common sense.

Why didn't I link the tarball?! Well I could, but I don't know what user/pass you want for the SQL user+db. I would deploy a new node, add phpmyadmin, set things up, shut down mysql with service mysql stop then do the tar.

matthewhillier commented 7 years ago

We should probably containerize the gatherer in docker, then we can deploy it in whatever configuration makes the most sense.

Then we could deploy 15/16 containers to AWS micros with a 1M range each, use RDS for the DB to cut out the extra VM for the database (RDS is priced based on data size, not uptime).

Thinking through the original problem (what's the "latest ID?", I'm leaning towards either:

  1. We need a pre-process that searches for the highest ID, probably something fuzzy down to the nearest 1000 block
  2. Give the gatherer(s) a way to automatically stop themselves when they run out of verifiable characters

Either way, deploying multiple workers requires them to be able to coordinate. That can be done via the DB, but from experience it's a PITA to get working reliably.

For the PHP timings, are you using the MyISAM or InnoDB engine? We should get a pretty significant boost from adding an index to the server name column - but you'll need InnoDB.

The rest is then query rewrites, but I'll raise a separate ticket for that. The technology (MySQL / MariaDB) isn't the problem here.

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago

We should probably containerize the gatherer in docker, then we can deploy it in whatever configuration makes the most sense.

This is what I've been moving towards the notion of, I have the orchestration tools in place already.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

@ReidWeb I looked at the PHP file, and what if it used Threads? No need to over-complicate, just threads for each query. So if a host has more cores, it would scale up. I am not a PHP guru though. Theoretically, this should speed up the PHP generation though.

ReidWeb commented 7 years ago

@ReidWeb I looked at the PHP file, and what if it used Threads? No need to over-complicate, just threads for each query. So if a host has more cores, it would scale up. I am not a PHP guru though. Theoretically, this should speed up the PHP generation though.

@Balls0fSteel my knowledge of and experience with PHP is extremely limited so can't really comment to this myself, @Pricetx will be able to comment further.

Reflecting upon @Pricetx's decision it was a poor technology choice in terms of appropriateness to solving the problem when scaling up is considered, the choice was made based on experience on his part - which is a fair decision. Architectural decisions are always a balance of knowledge and experience vs use case. A language such as Python, F#, Golang or Node would likely be the appropriate technology choice as the problem stands today.

Can any discussions pertaining to the web page generation be logged and discussed against XIVStats/XIVStats, this repo pertains purely to the Gatherer Java Implementation

matthewhillier commented 7 years ago

For the PHP - go here.

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

For historical context, the PHP file you see today is just a modified version of the very first version of the site. It was actually written to be run once ever as I was curious to see what visualisations of the stats looked like. Quite literally no time was given to the design or optimisation of it, hence why it's just a single block of instructions that call sequentially. It could be written in pretty much any language of your choosing, but the limitation is always going to be the database rather than the language doing the data manipulation anyway.

Multi-threading may provide some performance benefit, but I wouldn't expect to see a huge benefit unless the database is sharded, as I imagine the natural bottleneck would be a disk one.

The real performance gains would be from reducing the number of queries to generate all of the data. The cause of the slow-downs are the large number of count() queries which are used to generate numbers on the total number of player characters under a range of conditions. These count queries obviously have to read every single row and won't really benefit from indexing. However, if you can reduce the number of total queries run, then you will greatly reduce the total execution time.

In terms of MySQL itself, it is running the InnoDB engine. Performance of the live process should be a bit quicker than the last successful run due to being on a newer server with faster I/O. There's not a lot of tuning that can happen however that will improve count() queries. The underlying filesystem is currently ZFS and I have tuned it for MySQL, so there shouldn't be any major performance losses there.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I reckon some black-belt DB guru could make a query and DB structure that would result in a 10s php page generation (exaggerated, but yeah, never underestimate DB ninjas).

The threading is just the lazy man's method. (me!) Btw if you guys use my method next time:

(In my case I had "ffdb" database + user. I created the DB+user with this command: drop database ffdb;DROP USER 'ffdb'@'localhost';CREATE USER 'ffdb'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password AS 'changeme';GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'ffdb'@'localhost' REQUIRE NONE WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0;CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTSffdb;grant all privileges on ffdb.* to ffdb@localhost identified by 'changeme'; exit;)

Hope my bits helped. So 4 cheap Vultr machines for 4 days, its' like 6$ overall. I would go with 6, but even 4 is OK, I mean 4 days for the entire generation is quite comfy. The stitching together also goes fast, only the PHP generation takes time.

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

Generation of 5 million characters in 4 days sounds pretty similar to what we're currently seeing, but good to see that the distributed method works.

I am still noticing a pronounced increase in rate limit around the beginning of the month and on weekends. This seems to suggest the limit is a global one rather than a per IP one (there could of course be both).

I suspect some performance gain may occur from being closer to the server however, as although retries occur in usually 1-10ms, it takes a RTT of at least 180ms or so for the application to even know that there was a 429 in the first place, so by the time it tries again and receives a proper result, almost half a second could have passed. If you are able to perform comparison testing in Europe and Japan I would be very interested to see how that turns out.

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

It must be both. Like at night, I had fast rates on each node while I was testing. But also, if I increased thread count way too much, I got hit. So it may be just both as well. :/

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

Heads up! I used my horrible math skills and it looks like the final PHP generation would take almost 6-7 days. As opposed to only 30 minutes with the new pull request. So IMO fixing the pull request at the PHP side is utmost priority, as the gathering will be soon done I reckon.

I tried to help over there, but I could only gather out all reported errors, as I am no SQL/PHP wizard. (Oracle classes during uni were more than enough for my taste, lol.)

Balls0fSteel commented 7 years ago

The request in question: https://github.com/XIVStats/XIVStats/pull/21

Pricetx commented 7 years ago

Wow, that's quite the miscalculation!

Don't worry, the live run for this month is still set up to use the old PHP. I was going to test the improvements before swapping it in, but I think i'll leave it for this run.