XJTUmg / pgrouting

Repository contains pgRouting library. Development branch is "develop", stable branch is "master"
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Get familiar with pgRouting and Prepare to the first contribution #15

Open XJTUmg opened 5 years ago

XJTUmg commented 5 years ago

The following TODOs are for who wants to contribute to pgRouting.

Setup the environment locally

Being a user of pgRouting

Be familiar with Git

Git is a really really important version control system for us developers. You will working with Git for many years, even you are in a company. And be sure you know how to work with Git is a dependence of GSoC.

Be familiar with pgRouting architecture.

First Contribution

Welcome to open source world! Have a nice trip.

XJTUmg commented 5 years ago

@Tivility Pls follow the above guidance.

Tivility commented 5 years ago

@XJTUmg I think I've followed the steps in guidance and setup all the dependencises in a fresh ubuntu system. And I've tested the postgres with some basic operations. Such as create, insert, delete, update, drop... I think it works normal. I'll try to use pgRouting and learn what pgRouting is doing by following 'Being a user of pgRouting' in the next few days.

Tivility commented 5 years ago

@XJTUmg I cloned the pgRouting from git and compile it with test_compile 7. Then I fellow the wiki and input the sample graph in my local postgresql. I've tried most of functions in Routing Funcions which data depended on the sample data(include all dijkstra like functions). Now, I have a preliminary understanding of what pgrouting is doing. I'll get familiar with git as soon as possible.

Tivility commented 5 years ago

@XJTUmg , I read the book you mentioned. Then follow the steps in "Be familiar with Git" . I push one test file mytest to the new branch *testMu on my online clone successfully.

I'll get familiar with pgRouting architecture in the next few days.

Tivility commented 5 years ago

@XJTUmg I think I've read the full of pgRouting developer documentation at this page. Then, I looked through the postgre sql documentation at this page. Just part of the postgre sql language in Chinese version of the doc. I've get touch with mySql before, so I think I could use postgre sql now.

I'll learn Boost.Graph library carefully in next periods of time.

Tivility commented 5 years ago

@XJTUmg I have left this project for a while. And I will continue to learn what you mentioned before in the next period of time. Maybe I need to review what I learned before...

ApocalypseYun commented 5 years ago
