XK9274 / syncthing-app-miyoo

Sets up Syncthing and injects into Onions runtime
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Issue with launch on boot #3

Closed PhyrexTechs closed 11 months ago

PhyrexTechs commented 11 months ago

I'm not sure if this has been tested or supports the new 4.2.0 RC. I had no issues installing the app running it and getting the sync to work.

However, it seems I have to launch the app every time to get it started as it does not launch on startup of the device. I checked the runtime.sh file in the .tmp_update folder and found the line sh $appdir/script/checkrun.sh #SYNCTHING INJECTOR just to make sure it got added. Don't know what else to check.

Thanks for making this cool tool though.

XK9274 commented 11 months ago

Hey! Yeah this was actually caused by a change i made a little while ago:

I've fixed the repo, but open your runtime.sh and replace:

sh $appdir/script/checkrun.sh #SYNCTHING INJECTOR


sh /mnt/SDCARD/App/Syncthing/script/checkrun.sh #SYNCTHING INJECTOR

Then it should boot on the next restart

PhyrexTechs commented 11 months ago

That fixed it. Thanks a lot. Really enjoying the ability to sync on the MM+.