XLIVE99 / AutoGrid

Autotile system for gridmap in godot engine
MIT License
55 stars 3 forks source link

Installation doesn't work #8

Open redlemonsydney opened 1 month ago

redlemonsydney commented 1 month ago

No matter what project I add the addon/autogrid folder to, it won't let me enable the plugin, stating:

"Unable to load addon script from path: 'res://addons/AutoGrid/core.gd'. This might be due to a code error in that script. Disabling the addon at 'res://addons/AutoGrid/plugin.cfg' to prevent further errors."

It finds an error in every script in the AutoGrid folder:

Here's the core.gd error messages:

Line 1:Unexpected "Identifier" in class body.
Line 2:Unexpected "extends" in class body.
Line 10:Expected end of statement after variable declaration, found "Identifier" instead.
Line 21:Expected end of statement after variable declaration, found "Identifier" instead.
Line 146:"yield" was removed in Godot 4. Use "await" instead.
Line 146:Expected statement, found "(" instead.
Line 157:"yield" was removed in Godot 4. Use "await" instead.
Line 157:Expected statement, found "(" instead.
Line 1261:"yield" was removed in Godot 4. Use "await" instead.
Line 1261:Expected statement, found "(" instead.

I could try fixing those seemingly simple errors myself, but I don't know if that would break things further, especially since I really have no idea what I'm doing. I'd rather not risk it.

The only exception to all this is when I load the demo project - then it works perfectly fine. But if I put it into my own project, or into a demo/learning project by Godot, then it doesn't work.

The version I'm using is 4.2.2.

What should I do?

XLIVE99 commented 1 month ago

This addon first made for Godot 3.x, I think you downloaded the Godot 3.x version, can you make sure to download from here?

Note: There is still some visuals missing in Godot 4 version, I am working on it.

redlemonsydney commented 1 month ago

I tried downloading from the embedded link, but it still gave me the exact same scripts. Is there a chance you accidentally uploaded the Godot 3 version?

XLIVE99 commented 1 month ago

I have published new release (v1.3) with some small improvements. Can you try that too? Can you share the errors or screenshot of the errors with me If it doesn't work?

redlemonsydney commented 1 month ago

I'll get back to you when I can, in a game jam rn

AlbinoElk commented 1 month ago

The addons folder isn't updated, only the demo project is

XLIVE99 commented 1 month ago

@AlbinoElk Thanks, I forgot to update that. I will probably remove that addons folder in the future to avoid confusion. Regardless, I recommend to download from releases.

Ryuggo commented 1 month ago

Changing the branch from Main to 4.X should give you the latest version for godot 4.X

XLIVE99 commented 1 month ago

@Ryuggo Thanks for reporting the release version was wrong. I have updated the releases for Godot 4 version

MTandi commented 1 month ago

Does it work for 4.2.2? The bitmap boxes don't show up.


XLIVE99 commented 1 month ago

@MTandi You have to create bitmask first. You can create it either with "AutoGrid" button which located on top menu or use the shortcut "Shift + T" while MeshInstance node is selected.

MTandi commented 1 month ago

@XLIVE99 Output has this line, on attempt to create a bitmask.

  res://addons/AutoGrid/edit_button.gd:56 - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'instance' in base 'PackedScene'.
XLIVE99 commented 1 month ago

@MTandi I fixed it, and updated the release file. I didn't get that error while testing. Thanks for reporting.