XLNT / gnarly

🤙 A blockchain ETL tool to make your life better. Now that’s fuckin’ gnarly.
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`build-ts` cannot find module #23

Open nionis opened 6 years ago

nionis commented 6 years ago

When using yarn within lerna, with useWorkspaces: true, yarn will attempt to hoist the packages, this resulted on my end issues where typescript would complain about the paths (since they are hoisted at root node_modules), and also build failing

By disabling workspaces and using lerna bootstrap --nohoist it was working fine, I am not sure if I should be experiencing this issue since you will have noticed it by now, any clues?

shrugs commented 6 years ago

I've updated the README with the commands I use to run the project locally

# in one terminal
yarn run watch-ts

# in another in //packages/gnarly-bin
yarn run ts-start

let me know if that helps. My PATH has ./node_modules/.bin in it, and lerna symlinks //packages/gnarly-bin/node_modules/.bin/ts-node to the version in gnarly-core.

let me know if that helps?

nionis commented 6 years ago

I have re-cloned the project and retried and it seems to be okay right now, no issues, it seems running watch-ts for first time (before lib folders are created) will show something like @xlnt/gnarly-reducer-events: src/reducer.ts(14,8): error TS2307: Cannot find module '@xlnt/gnarly-core'.

I guess its because they run in parallel, once lib folders are created there are no issues

shrugs commented 6 years ago

Ah! That makes sense. What's the best way to handle that? I expect other projects have run into the same when using lerna with transpiled js.

shrugs commented 6 years ago

this has been fixed as a side effect of the new references links in the various tsconfig files that were added in #49

shrugs commented 6 years ago

Actually, still got the issue locally. Running build-ts twice naturally fixes the issue. Will keep this open. Will most likely be fixed as part of #37