XLabs / portal-bridge-ui

Portal Bridge UI
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[bug] Errors during USDC transfer from Avalanche -> Fantom #611

Open tsadovska opened 7 months ago

tsadovska commented 7 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

Error: Insufficient token allowance
    at xk.approve (main.js:2:18213274)
    at async xk.send (main.js:2:18214283)
    at async Vne.send (main.js:37:444181)
    at async Object.send (main.js:37:572335)
    at async Object.onClick (main.js:137:5042)

MetaMask - RPC Error: Invalid transaction params: specified gasPrice but also included maxFeePerGas, these cannot be mixed {code: -32603, message: 'Invalid transaction params: specified gasPrice but also included maxFeePerGas, these cannot be mixed'}

Expected Behavior

Warning to register token should not be shown for already registered token. Transaction should proceed without errors.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Connect Metamask wallets in From and To sections
  2. Prepare to send USDC from Avalanche to Fantom
  3. Check if warning to register asset is displayed (actual result: warning to register asset is displayed)
  4. Type Amount 0.00212 USDC
  5. Click "Approve and proceed with transaction" button (actual result: Sometimes Insufficient token allowance error appears)
  6. Click "Approve and proceed with transaction" button again
  7. Check if transaction is started (actual result: transaction is started)
  8. Click on Claim button (actual result: Metamask RPC error appears)
  9. Click on Claim button again
  10. Check if transaction is completed


- OS: macOS 12.7.1 
- Wallet: Metamask
- Browser: Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.109 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Anything else?

Issue is not reproducible on https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/. Warning to register asset is not displayed when sending USDC from Avalanche to Fantom. Transaction is successfully started from the first attempt.

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 17 19 50


Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 17 25 35

Transaction can be successfully completed on https://preview.portalbridge.com/7102d8ccad/ if user clicks on "Approve and proceed with transaction" or Claim button several times.


mliu-xlabs commented 1 month ago

I dont think this is an issue anymore since fantom released a NTT variant of USDC