XLabs / portal-bridge-ui

Portal Bridge UI
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[bug] First transaction from Evmos fails "TypeError: Failed to fetch" #792

Open AigaD opened 8 months ago

AigaD commented 8 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

First transaction from Evmos network fails, reason TypeError: Failed to fetch Second transaction is started.

Expected Behavior

Transaction is started successfully with a first try

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Prepare to send 0.001 WMATIC from Evmos to BSC
  2. Click Approve and proceed with transaction
  3. Observe


- OS: macOS Ventura 13.0.1
- Wallet: Leap, Metamask
- Browser: Chrome Version 121.0.6167.85
- Tested from:
https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ - Tested OK
https://preview.portalbridge.com/b05f4e9322/# - Tested NOK
https://portalbridge.com/ - Tested NOK

Anything else?

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 10 31 06
AigaD commented 8 months ago

Reproduced from: https://preview.portalbridge.com/b05f4e9322/# First transaction from Evmos fails, reason TypeError: Failed to fetch Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 19 51 54
AigaD commented 8 months ago

Reproduced from: https://preview.portalbridge.com/8228d00809/# First transaction from Evmos fails, reason TypeError: Failed to fetch Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 10 53 01
tsadovska commented 8 months ago

Reproducible on https://preview.portalbridge.com/8228d00809/ [Mainnet] (v0.2.12-Pbd3e3109b6) when sending 0.00001 WMATIC from Injective (Leap) to Osmosis (Leap).

TypeError: Failed to fetch
    at http (pb-index-Bn_4pseu.js:490:16410)
    at HttpClient.execute (pb-index-Bn_4pseu.js:490:19079)
    at Tendermint37Client.doCall (pb-index-Bn_4pseu.js:490:98426)
    at Tendermint37Client.broadcastTxSync (pb-index-Bn_4pseu.js:490:95891)
    at Oo.broadcastTxSync (pb-index-Bn_4pseu.js:490:109856)
    at Oo.broadcastTx (pb-index-Bn_4pseu.js:490:109669)
    at ik.sendTransaction (cosmos-ySs4DZjY-DMrgS7G2.js:112:137966)
    at async pk (cosmos-ySs4DZjY-DMrgS7G2.js:112:138624)
    at async signAndSendTransaction (pb-index-Bn_4pseu.js:490:777337)
    at async Operator.send (pb-index-Bn_4pseu.js:495:127455)


agodlevska commented 2 weeks ago

The issue is no longer relevant after the redesign, Cosmos chains are not available on https://portalbridge.com/.

Ticket can be closed.