XLabs / wormscan-ui

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Review NTT Tx Detail #545

Open SamantaCasal opened 6 months ago

SamantaCasal commented 6 months ago


Once the task https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole-explorer/issues/1049 is finished we should review how we are showing the transaction details of the transactions that use NNT.

Some considerations:

Manual Case:



Payload. nttManagerMessage.nttMessage.trimmedAmount


SR Case: Txn Apply the new design layout proposed in our Figma file (view the design)

Required Changes:

Tabs Adjustment:

  1. There will be two Tabs left: Overview and Advanced View

  2. Overview Tab Enhancements: Incorporate the "Delivery Status" into the Overview tab, providing users with immediate visibility of the transaction status within the initial view.


mliu-xlabs commented 6 months ago

Native Token Transfer works

Appears correctly currently in dev. Open question is if the Token that is being transferred will appear in the trx details

SamantaCasal commented 5 months ago

@valentinoConti The design is https://www.figma.com/file/8qmNZk2VvL1ZCIBqNklKjT/WormholeScan-Design?type=design&node-id=1-66&mode=design&t=K7g2hcYUbujMJ2j7-0

SamantaCasal commented 5 months ago

One more step "delivery Status should be added" after Relaying. The row should contain:


Then, the last step should be the "Target chain". The

valentinoConti commented 5 months ago

Fixed! https://xlabs.github.io/wormscan-ui/#/tx/0xed76ec938e0f96d35a731d0564f7851a98a36a068b697d021e3406a9f4fe6fb9?network=TESTNET&view=overview