XLabs / wormscan-ui

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Implementation of Multi-Chain Selection in Transaction Filter #662

Open SamantaCasal opened 2 months ago

SamantaCasal commented 2 months ago


We need to modify the current transaction filter interface to allow the selection of multiple source and target chains using the provided endpoint. The goal is to enable users to efficiently and flexibly filter cross-chain transaction data across multiple blockchains. The endpoint already supports multiple values for sourceChain and targetChain via comma-separated parameters.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. User Interface: Implement checkboxes to allow the selection of multiple source and target chains.
  2. Endpoint Integration: Ensure that the values selected in the user filters are correctly passed to the endpoint in the expected format (e.g., sourceChain=1,2,3).
  3. Functional Testing: Conduct tests to verify that selecting multiple chains in the filters correctly updates the query results.
  4. Data Validation: Ensure that the data displayed after applying the filters corresponds exactly to the selected chains, without showing data from other chains.
  5. Responsive Design: Confirm that the new multi-selection functionality is displayed correctly across all supported devices and resolutions.


Search operations by multiple source chain,target chain and appIds /api/v1/operations?sourceChain=6,10004&targetChain=1,2,4&appId=CCTP_WORMHOLE_INTEGRATION,PORTAL_TOKEN_BRIDGE&exclusiveAppId=false

Search chain-activity-tops by multiple source chain,target chain and single appId. /v1/x-chain-activity/tops?from=2024-02-01T00:00:00Z&to=2024-02-15T00:00:00Z&timespan=1d&sourceChain=1,2,3,4,5&targetChain=5,6,7,8&appId=PORTAL_TOKEN_BRIDGE