XMLTV / xmltv

Utilities to obtain, generate, and post-process TV listings data in XMLTV format
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Get EPG for specific channel? #228

Closed nomaam closed 3 months ago

nomaam commented 3 months ago

Is it possible to get EPG data for a specific channel using this program through command line?

for example:

xmltv --target="4Music.uk"

where "4Music.uk" is the id of an iptv channel

I read over the guide, but I did not see anything about targeting specific channels.

honir commented 3 months ago

Channels are not specified on the commandline, but in a configuration file.

Channels available vary acording to the 'grabber' you use.

All grabbers have an initial configuration stage where you define the channels for which you want to collect data. If you want only one channel then you just select only that channel. That configuration file is then used on the commandline.

So the strict answer to your question is no. But the practical answer is yes. (A classic XY answer)

nomaam commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the reply.

Are there any detailed tutorials on how these config files could be modified after initial configuration? My library of channels is dynamic.

The linked guides are very minimal in detail. If I try to drill down to specific grabber repos they say you need subscriptions in order to obtain the data.

honir commented 3 months ago

The structure of a configuration file is pretty obvious, on inspection.

All the grabbers have detailed 'pod' pages.

Several grabbers access data which requires a third-party subscription. I'm afraid the days of useful free data are long gone.

nomaam commented 3 months ago

Oh so you have to pay to get good data out of this app?

garybuhrmaster commented 3 months ago

Oh so you have to pay to get good data out of this app?

The app itself is free. The EPG/guide services that the app accesses may, or may not, charge for their data, although, as @honir says, many of the better curated guide services charge for their data, as there is a cost to maintain and deliver it.

nomaam commented 3 months ago

Thank you for clarifying for me. Much appreciated. Take care and God bless.