XMuli / SunnyPages

Simple and beautiful screenshot software that supports Windows, macOS, and Linux. It also supports OCR and image translation features. | Sunny是一款简洁且漂亮的截图软件,支持Windows、MacOS和Linux系统,亦支持 OCR 和图片翻译
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Print Screen key shortcut #2

Open Healarybuf opened 8 months ago

Healarybuf commented 8 months ago

Hey great software, thanks for making it.

Would it be possible to allow us to bind hotkey to "Print Screen"? The goal would be to replace Snipping tool. I know it's possible because Greenshot does it!

XMuli commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your feedback, I'll try to fix it and support PrtScn keyboard button binding!

XMuli commented 5 months ago

This bug is not as easy as I thought it would be; but I'll try other solutions for it later on

XMuli commented 1 day ago

Hi friends; Print Screen key cannot be detected has been fixed in the v2.2.1 version;

However, this key is a system specific key that prioritizes the response to normal keys; and it's not the same for windows 10 and windows 11, in the latter it's the default shortcut for screenshots, which needs to be turned off in the settings of win11 - and make sure that this shortcut is not registered by other software, then it can be responded to; perhaps it's more recommended to use F1 as the capture key.

And make sure that this shortcut is not registered by other software, so it can be responded to; perhaps it is more recommended to use F1 as a capture key (a habit).