XMuli / SunnyPages

Simple and beautiful screenshot software that supports Windows, macOS, and Linux. It also supports OCR and image translation features. | Sunny是一款简洁且漂亮的截图软件,支持Windows、MacOS和Linux系统,亦支持 OCR 和图片翻译
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Problem with selection area #26

Closed thiagodalsoto closed 4 months ago

thiagodalsoto commented 4 months ago

I believe I found a bug in version 1.6.2 and in version 1.5 this did not occur. This occurs in every capture, as can be seen in the image when determining a capture area everything works, but if I need to adjust this area by clicking on the border lines, the tool is lost, making adjustments impossible, I need to get it right the first time. area selection to be able to make a capture.

I tested in the following environments; Environment - Linux Ubuntu 24.04 - Has the problem Environment - Windows 11 - Works perfectly in version 1.5 and 1.6.2 Peek 23-05-2024 10-20

Disregard the Peek message that appears above, it's from the screen recorder :) Peek 23-05-2024 10-29

XMuli commented 4 months ago

btother, I will fix this in Linux😎. and have a good weekend.

XMuli commented 4 months ago

It has been fixed in v1.6.3, you can try the new version