XOOPS / XoopsCore25

XOOPS Core 2.5.x (current release is 2.5.11: https://github.com/XOOPS/XoopsCore25/releases)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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myMenus support for themes #1011

Open liomj opened 3 years ago

liomj commented 3 years ago


Really nice work with xoops 2.5.11 so far

i would like to propose to add mymenus support in xoops core theme for easy menu creation

some theme examples with mymenus support https://github.com/insraq/old-xoops-premium-themes/tree/master/InsApp https://github.com/insraq/old-xoops-premium-themes/tree/master/InsLight https://github.com/liomj/gentelella https://github.com/liomj/sbadmin

Example put all the menu files inside the menu folder \themes\xswatch4\menu Activate the My menu Block In the block settings, use the following: a. Use skin from theme —> Yes b. Display Method —> Assign to template c. Unique ID —> xswatch4

then we can use <{$xoops_menu_xswatch4}> in theme something like <{if $xoops_menu_xswatch4}> <{$xoops_menu_xswatch4}> <{else}> xswatch4 default menu <{/if}>

by the way i tested with an old version of mymenu 1.3 and xoops 2.5.11 beta 2

...the option use skin from theme is not working properly somehow in my installation using latest mymenus and latest core from github

liomj commented 3 years ago

a multilevel menu that i play around based on this example https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/35p8X

playaround i use font awesome icon instead of image <{if $menu.image}><i class="<{$menu.image}>"></i><{/if}>

i attached the menu here if anyone of you would like to improve or edit it menu.zip upload the menu folder to \themes\xswatch4\

alain01 commented 3 years ago

Hi, Sorry if I dont understand, but with xswatch4, there is Bootstrap 4 included, So u can use easily the navbar function, nav

With that, you can change color, submenu...

liomj commented 3 years ago

Hi @alain01, this is just to help the user create menu list easily using the mymenu module and we can also use bootstrap class in mymenu skin