XPixelGroup / BasicSR

Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox for Super-resolution, Denoise, Deblurring, etc. Currently, it includes EDSR, RCAN, SRResNet, SRGAN, ESRGAN, EDVR, BasicVSR, SwinIR, ECBSR, etc. Also support StyleGAN2, DFDNet.
Apache License 2.0
6.44k stars 1.14k forks source link

distributed training #562

Open shawnnnkb opened 1 year ago

shawnnnkb commented 1 year ago

your build_dataloader: if phase == 'train': if dist: # distributed training batch_size = dataset_opt['batch_size_per_gpu'] num_workers = dataset_opt['num_worker_per_gpu'] else: # non-distributed training multiplier = 1 if num_gpu == 0 else num_gpu batch_size = dataset_opt['batch_size_per_gpu'] multiplier num_workers = dataset_opt['num_worker_per_gpu'] multiplier

i think if else should exchange their position?
multiplier should present in distrbuted training

CR7forMadrid commented 1 year ago

That's what I thought, but after I switched them around, I found it got worse. May I ask if you have any thoughts now? Can you clear up my confusion?