XRPLF / clio

An XRP Ledger API Server
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Support DynamicNFT XLS-46 #1471

Open cindyyan317 opened 1 week ago

cindyyan317 commented 1 week ago

Clio has an index table nf_token_uris to store the uri. Since the URI is changeable for XLS-46 , we need to update our logic to support.

shawnxie999 commented 1 week ago

There might be an edge case that could result in data loss. If NFTokenModify and NFTokenCreateOffer/NFTokenAcceptOffer occur in the same ledger, then the newest URI may not be stored. This is because the ETL sorts the NFT transactions in the order of their occurrence, and then only keeps the NFT data from the last transaction, which means that whatever data NFTokenModify wants to store is always discarded.

This should be looked into and checked. If it's the case, then we may potentially need to update the NFT ETL to store URI every time NFTokenCreateOffer/NFTokenAcceptOffer happens (currently, only NFTokenMint stores URI). There might be other solutions.