XRPLF / rippled

Decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain daemon implementing the XRP Ledger protocol in C++
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Proposal: SetFreezeTickSize #2769

Closed whotooktwarden closed 1 year ago

whotooktwarden commented 5 years ago

Based on #2768 I would like for the team to please take under consideration that some use cases will require an AccountSet transaction where you may choose to set a flag of an issuing account in-so-that it may not change its TickSize once it is set.

nbougalis commented 5 years ago

I can see the use for the feature described in #2768, although even then, if an issuer changed their transfer rate and I didn't agree with the change, I could simply choose to send the funds back to them (transfers back to the issuer have an effective rate of 0, see here and here)

But I'm not sure I see a benefit here. A tick size only affects the granularity of offers on the order books. I don't know why we'd want to prevent an issuer from changing that: it can be an advantage.

In the absence of a compelling explanation about why this feature is necessary, I'm inclined to say that this feature doesn't really add enough functionality to justify the cost associated with it.

Can you explain your rationale?

whotooktwarden commented 5 years ago

My original concept with the economics of a Ripple-based Real Cash Economy Game is based upon the following from https://forum.ripple.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9305

I would like to invite anyone who would like to have some fun and maybe make some XRP while doing that to join me in on playing a little proof of concept game that I have developed.

The Premise of Game:

I have created a simple, proof of concept, alternative reality game. In this reality game, we transact using only the assets available from the issuer ~RippleEarthGame. To play, simply trust the issuing account for one or more of its offered assets. Purchase an asset with XRP using the order book or ask for a freebie in the forums to begin playing (you may only claim one give away per person).

The point of the game is to trade up so that you get more overall value for the assets that you trade. All assets will have a market value relative to XRP, as the player's would like to buy into or sell out of the game's economy.

The issuing account and the market making account will not post more than one sell order for XRP of each game asset. There is a reserve of assets to be posted into the Giveaways board. There is also a second reserve of game assets to offer package deals on all four of the offered assets with a 40% discount off of the initial market price; there will only ever be 5,000 packages available.

~RippleEarthGame Assets:

STL => Steel => The building block of modern civilization’s industry NRG => Energy => The electricity which powers the Earth CNT => Contracts => Business and labour creates the available resources through contracts DRP => Drops => In this alternative Earth, their money consists of micrograms of Antimatter droplets.

Initial Market Setup:

*The only pathway into the game is by paying XRP for a game asset or to be gifted one.

250,000,000 STL sold for 0.90 NRG each 250,000,000 STL sold for 0.30 CNT each 250,000,000 STL sold for 0.155 DRP each 100,000,000 STL sold for XRP. 150,000,000 STL reserved for give aways and for packaged deals.

250,000,000 NRG sold for 1.45 STL each 250,000,000 NRG sold for 0.5 CNT each 250,000,000 NRG sold for 0.182 DRP each 100,000,000 NRG sold for XRP. 150,000,000 NRG reserved for give away and for packaged deals.

25,000,000 CNT sold for 3.2 STL each 25,000,000 CNT sold for 4.5 NRG each 25,000,000 CNT sold for 1.97 DRP each 10,000,000 CNT sold for XRP. 15,000,000 CNT reserved for give away and for packaged deals.

25,000,000 DRP sold for 5.2 STL each 25,000,000 DRP sold for 4.1 NRG each 25,000,000 DRP sold for 2.5 CNT each 10,000,000 DRP sold for XRP. 15,000,000 DRP reserved for give away and for packaged deals.

Initial Market Prices:

STL => 0.20 XRP per unit => Steel is the most common material, it is always within a bountiful supply. NRG => 0.25 XRP per unit => Energy is the most necessary tier 1 resource, though cheap, due to its ease of production. CNT => 0.5 XRP per unit => Contracts are what make production possible between both businesses and labourers alike. DRP => 1 XRP per unit => Antimatter drops are highly sought both due to their rarity and their high cost of production rates.

STL and NRG are Tier 1 items while CNT and DRP and Tier 2 items. Tier 1 items at release are 100,000,000 units and 10,000,000 units for Tier 2 items within the XRP Markets.


150,000,000 / 2 = 75,000,000 STL and NRG reserved for Giveaways and Packaged Deals both. 15,000,000 / 2 = 7,500,000 CNT and DRP reserved for Giveaways and Packaged Deals both.

1 million give away packages are available.

75,000,000 / 1,000,000 = 75 Tier 1 items and 7,500,000 / 1,000,000 = 7.5 Tier 2 items

75 STL .2 = 15 XRP 75 NRG .25 = 18.75 XRP 7.5 CNT .5 = 3.75 XRP 7.5 DRP 1 = 7.5 XRP Each user gets 45 XRP, assuming that they sell each asset for the full, initial market price of each item.

The game operator receives income from those who make purchases on the original sell orders for each item and rippling. Additionally, the game operator has reserved 5,000 packages worth of game assets for sale at a discount of 6,300 XRP, considering the initial market prices.

Last, I would like to automate the process of making four randomly generated sell orders each day into random market pairs as determined by a script that is run by a cron job daily. This is an extra element that is to be implemented soon, if you think you can be of some help, you can look at the bounty on this project here.

And the content from https://forum.ripple.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=9304

I'm looking for a developer's price to help me write the final portion of a simple script which will run with a cron job each day at a specific time. This little project is for a simple, proof of concept Ripple-based Game.

There are four OfferCreates that will be posted using a cron job each day, these OfferCreates will be issuing new currency from the issuing account by accepting payment of IOUs it already issues itself. There are four IOUs that the issuing account will deal with. Most of the script has been written, the remaining section is taking the already randomly created Order Details as input for creating four OfferCreate transactions using rippled.

Requirements for this bounty are: Install a rippled server, I will run it on a VPS that I will host. Write Four OfferCreates using the structure of the provided script. Using crond, have the script execute each day at a given hour.

Credit will be given for your contribution as well as a free package of the game's assets in exchange for your work (a value of over 15,000 XRP). This project will be released as an open source project when it is completed.

Please post your bid for this bounty if this offer is not sufficient.

As the original plan is that the players are aware that at a very specific time each day/week/month that the issuer is going to programatically post 4 OfferCreate transactions (if Codius was feasible, I would use a smart contract to perform this task) an these transactions may in fact not be completely filled upon submission, so an opportunity may arise to progress further in the game by purchasing/trading for them with XRP/Issuances of the Game.

This is also why a maximum supply of assets is not feasible within my use case, although I do very much appreciate the work-around that you provided in the other issue's thread. I hope now that all of you can see what I am attempting to do; I want to guarantee to players of this RCE Game that these offers' values' have consistency, so I must have the TickSize always set to 0-4 to ensure this consistency, and be able to a promise to my players cryptographically that this cannot change upon the operators' whim.

...Why will Ripple Inc not take me seriously when I say that you guys absolutely have to do a partnership of some sort with Mindark, the creators of DeepToken (DTA) and Entropia Universe ? Please tell me why you haven't done some kind of affiliation yet..?

Y'know, after my agreement with Ripple Inc in 2016, if I did not feel that it would be absolutely and 100% morally wrong to speculate with the very, very large amount of XRP I was given but instead used it for its intended purpose to transfer value into my national fiat currency at the exchange rate of below 1 cent CAD each XRP... If I had chosen not too then I would definitely have the capital to approach Mindark myself to become a Planet Partner and I would not need you guys anymore but as it stands I do, so I am still here, still working.

I hope all of you reading this post appreciate this content & my other feature request now that you have the full background of information available to you.

Karlos, if you so happen by this issue, please unban me on XRPchat `so that I can participate in this and many other threads that require my attention & input.

intelliot commented 1 year ago

Closing due to inactivity. If anyone is still interested in this, please re-open, or open a new issue.