XRPLF / rippled

Decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain daemon implementing the XRP Ledger protocol in C++
ISC License
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[ledger_entry of oracle with non numeric input of oracle_document_id do not return an error] (Version: ["2.2.0-b2"]) #5014

Open mounikakun opened 1 month ago

mounikakun commented 1 month ago

Issue Description

As per docs, oracle_document_id type is a number and should return an error if there's non numeric input but rippled do not return error whereas Clio does.

Steps to Reproduce

Sample request:

  "method": "ledger_entry",
  "params" : [
      "oracle" : {
        "account": "rpzkq5WTrgVQs3bx1ZodHRdK2MwXue1NKX",
        "oracle_document_id":  "1"
      "ledger_index": "validated"

Expected Result

Clio response

    "result": {
        "error": "malformedDocumentID",
        "error_code": 5007,
        "error_message": "Malformed oracle_document_id.",
        "status": "error",
        "type": "response",
        "request": {
            "method": "ledger_entry",
            "params": [
                    "oracle": {
                        "account": "rpzkq5WTrgVQs3bx1ZodHRdK2MwXue1NKX",
                        "oracle_document_id": "1"
                    "ledger_index": "validated"
    "warnings": [
            "id": 2001,
            "message": "This is a clio server. clio only serves validated data. If you want to talk to rippled, include 'ledger_index':'current' in your request"

Actual Result

    "result": {
        "index": "1FB0F6E973C37DC512BCEB5775434E71D2651009C726C443BA5B9CAA483AB192",
        "ledger_hash": "FA84A726DBB795C6BFD427127CE4AC1E8ADD8D487DBB52CC5EE44E5595690263",
        "ledger_index": 476452,
        "node": {
            "AssetClass": "20382A62402D23574E35295961607053",
            "Flags": 0,
            "LastUpdateTime": 1715038120,
            "LedgerEntryType": "Oracle",
            "Owner": "rpzkq5WTrgVQs3bx1ZodHRdK2MwXue1NKX",
            "OwnerNode": "0",
            "PreviousTxnID": "0009C9E0AA232FBD80EF9B6A31299E5177A0690AB30188E7579D5F0F57C58EB0",
            "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 476038,
            "PriceDataSeries": [
                    "PriceData": {
                        "AssetPrice": "2e4",
                        "BaseAsset": "BTC",
                        "QuoteAsset": "ETH",
                        "Scale": 1
            "Provider": "0123",
            "index": "1FB0F6E973C37DC512BCEB5775434E71D2651009C726C443BA5B9CAA483AB192"
        "status": "success",
        "validated": true


Supporting Files

mvadari commented 1 month ago

This seems like correct behavior to me. Numbers can be represented as strings in most cases in rippled JSON.

mounikakun commented 1 month ago

@cindyyan317 please add your thoughts on this.

gregtatcam commented 1 month ago

rippled accepts both "1" and 1 as valid input.

cindyyan317 commented 1 month ago

As the comment here suggested , I believed this is a known mismatch. @godexsoft We have decided not to accept the string type uint, right? If rippled accepts string-like uint as valid input consistently, Clio will mimic this behavior. @mounikakun Can you please open an issue for Clio.

godexsoft commented 1 month ago

We could support this in Clio but it would have to be the same for all RPCs, not just some of them as in Clio there is lots of common code that does all the parsing and validation, unlike rippled where those things are done (potentially) differently in each handler.

We discussed this with @gregtatcam some time ago and at least for oracle_document_id the conclusion was that it's ok to support just the UInt. Perhaps we can all align here on what we want to get to as the final result.

gregtatcam commented 1 month ago

I'm fine with Clio supporting just UInt for oracle_document_id. Is this a problem for the client libraries?