XRPLF / rippled

Decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain daemon implementing the XRP Ledger protocol in C++
ISC License
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book_changes takes a long time querying full-history servers #5036

Open mDuo13 opened 3 weeks ago

mDuo13 commented 3 weeks ago

Issue Description

When calling the book_changes method using WebSocket or JSON-RPC, asking for data from older ledgers leads to a long delay or even a request timeout.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Connect to a full-history rippled server via WebSocket
  2. Send the following request:
  3. {
    "command": "book_changes",
    "ledger_index": 72381103

Expected Result

Server should respond quickly with a value like this:

  "result": {
    "type": "bookChanges",
    "ledger_hash": "33C53CF838DEE3C1F74E0BA8BEDEE28D2527E11B1C53846A22E9DBB33EC048C2",
    "ledger_index": 72381103,
    "ledger_time": 708708711,
    "validated": true,
    "changes": [
        "currency_a": "XRP_drops",
        "currency_b": "rLqUC2eCPohYvJCEBJ77eCCqVL2uEiczjA/5852646F67650000000000000000000000000000",
        "volume_a": "520687381",
        "volume_b": "8568683",
        "high": "60.76767128172012",
        "low": "60.76159531559149",
        "open": "60.76159531559149",
        "close": "60.76767128172012"
        "currency_a": "XRP_drops",
        "currency_b": "rhLr8bGvHvBgYXAHNPyXrQAcKGrQ2X5nU4/5854726976694100000000000000000000000000",
        "volume_a": "3852",
        "volume_b": "4950495.0495049",
        "high": "0.000778104000000008",
        "low": "0.000778104000000008",
        "open": "0.000778104000000008",
        "close": "0.000778104000000008"
        "currency_a": "rKWH2NPtXn636uodWJ3dLLM7wHmyG2qpz6/KWH",
        "currency_b": "rTGoNeK6vpu28U2oE5tiqhH3x8z2jBhxv/TGO",
        "volume_a": "0.8",
        "volume_b": "8",
        "high": "0.1",
        "low": "0.1",
        "open": "0.1",
        "close": "0.1"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "response"

Actual Result

Server takes a long time (>30s) to respond if it responds at all. On xrplcluster.com this results in the gateway returning a 504 error.

For more recent ledgers, the server responds quickly with a valid response, so this has something to do with fetching older data specifically. It's unclear how old a ledger you have to ask for before it becomes a problem.


Tested on xrplcluster, with servers running (I think) rippled 2.1.0 and confirmed by Wietse querying FH servers directly.

Note that this issue does not seem to happen to Clio servers, so I could not reproduce on s1.ripple.com.