XRPLF / xrpl.js

A JavaScript/TypeScript API for interacting with the XRP Ledger in Node.js and the browser
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Use the submit() method to submit a transaction to the network.Appear“Field not found: TransactionType” #1262

Closed sbihgud closed 2 years ago

sbihgud commented 4 years ago

Hello, there was an error when I was about to submit my signature to the network. My node and ripple lib versions are v12.13.1 and ^ 1.6.5, respectively. Demo and error are also below,



hamed-elahifar commented 3 years ago

any news?

elmurci commented 3 years ago

can you share your sign and submit instructions? (remove addresses and secrets from the code).

hamed-elahifar commented 3 years ago

all addresses and secrets valid in TEST NET only

console.clear() const ripple = require('ripple-lib') const api = new ripple.RippleAPI({server: 'wss://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51233'})



txJSON = JSON.stringify(doPrepare())

const response  = api.sign(txJSON, "ssSonmQj2xiyWNymB8UB6169mFDsX")
const txID      = response.id
console.log("Identifying hash:", txID)
const txBlob    = response.signedTransaction
console.log("Signed blob:", txBlob)

const earliestLedgerVersion = await doSubmit(txBlob)


api.on('ledger', ledger => {
    console.log("Ledger version", ledger.ledgerVersion, "was validated.")
    // if (ledger.ledgerVersion > maxLedgerVersion) {
    //     console.log("If the transaction hasn't succeeded by now, it's expired")
    // }

// try {

//     (async()=>{
//         tx = await api.getTransaction(txID, {minLedgerVersion: earliestLedgerVersion})
//         console.log("Transaction result:", tx.outcome.result)
//         console.log("Balance changes:", JSON.stringify(tx.outcome.balanceChanges))
//     })()

// } catch(error) {

//     console.log("Couldn't get transaction outcome:", error)

// }


async function doPrepare() {

const preparedTx = await api.prepareTransaction({
    "Account":              "r38VSvqwRHesy6Dk7LBX9VBpwmNixsLT3J",
    "TransactionType":      "Payment",
    "Amount":               api.xrpToDrops("22"),//"2000000",
    "Destination":          "rGCRNJBkqBrYJRyn1GNjHN8YciZoUxXtyh",
    // "Fee":                  12,
    // "Sequence":             2,
    // Expire this transaction if it doesn't execute within ~5 minutes:
    "maxLedgerVersionOffset": 75
// const maxLedgerVersion = preparedTx.instructions.maxLedgerVersion
// console.log("Prepared transaction instructions:", preparedTx.txJSON)
// console.log("Transaction cost:", preparedTx.instructions.fee, "XRP")
// console.log("Transaction expires after ledger:", maxLedgerVersion)
return preparedTx.txJSON


async function doSubmit(txBlob) {

const latestLedgerVersion = await api.getLedgerVersion()

// const result = await 
    // console.log

// console.log(result)

// console.log("Tentative result code:", result.resultCode)
// console.log("Tentative result message:", result.resultMessage)

// Return the earliest ledger index this transaction could appear in
// as a result of this submission, which is the first one after the
// validated ledger at time of submission.
return latestLedgerVersion + 1


davep-dev commented 3 years ago

Hi, any ideas on this problem?

ximinez commented 3 years ago

I'd be interested in seeing the output of those console.log calls that are commented out in doPrepare. Copied and pasted, not screenshotted, please.

elmurci commented 3 years ago

@hamed-elahifar your doPrepare is an async function. In your example, you are not "waiting" for it to execute. Adding await should remove that error.

mvadari commented 2 years ago

Closing this because the original issue-opener hasn't responded in over a year. If you're still having this problem, please reopen the issue.