XRPLF / xrpl.js

A JavaScript/TypeScript API for interacting with the XRP Ledger in Node.js and the browser
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deno unable to find polyfill!cjs #2618

Open diadal opened 5 months ago

diadal commented 5 months ago

Deno is unable to start

import xrpl from 'https://dev.jspm.io/npm:xrpl'

Watcher Process started. error: Module not found "https://dev.jspm.io/npm:object-is@1/polyfill!cjs". at https://dev.jspm.io/npm:assert@2!cjs:4:8 Watcher Process failed. Restarting on file change...

JST5000 commented 4 months ago

What version of xrpl.js were you using?

(We just did a release last week which removes a lot of the polyfills which used to be required for xrpl.js, but we haven't tested with Deno so I'm not sure if it will affect the issue you're encountering)