XRobots / OnmiSwerve

MIT License
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Compilation error: 'thresholdStick' was not declared in this scope #4

Open usama0300854 opened 3 months ago

usama0300854 commented 3 months ago

i see that you have another ino file for thresholdstick.

usama0300854 commented 3 months ago

i fixed the code :





Servo servo1; // front_wheel_right_servo Servo servo2; // front_wheel_left_servo Servo servo3; // back_wheel_right_servo Servo servo4; // back_wheel_left_servo

const int front_wheel_right_servo = 22; const int front_wheel_left_servo = 23; const int back_wheel_right_servo = 24; const int back_wheel_left_servo = 25;

const int front_wheel_right_A = 2; const int front_wheel_right_B = 3;

const int front_wheel_left_A = 4; const int front_wheel_left_B = 5;

const int back_wheel_right_A = 6; const int back_wheel_right_B = 7;

const int back_wheel_left_A = 8; const int back_wheel_left_B = 9;

RF24 radio(7, 8); // CE, CSN const byte addresses[][6] = {"00001", "00002"};

//**remote control**** struct RECEIVE_DATA_STRUCTURE{ //put your variable definitions here for the data you want to send //THIS MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME ON THE OTHER ARDUINO int16_t menuDown;
int16_t Select;
int16_t menuUp;
int16_t toggleBottom;
int16_t toggleTop; int16_t toggle1; int16_t toggle2; int16_t mode;
int16_t RLR; int16_t RFB; int16_t RT; int16_t LLR; int16_t LFB; int16_t LT; };


int RLR = 0; float RFB = 0; float RFBa = 0; int RT = 0; int LLR = 0; int LFB = 0; int LT = 0; int LTa = 0;

float cor; float insideAngle; float outsideAngle; float insideAngleOutput; float outsideAngleOutput; float insideVel; float outsideVel;

unsigned long currentMillis; long previousMillis = 0; // set up timers long interval = 10; // time constant for timer

int servo1Offset = 1430; int servo2Offset = 1375; int servo3Offset = 1470; int servo4Offset = 1500;

int servo45 = 400;

void setup() { // initialize serial communication Serial.begin(115200);

radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[0]); // 00002
radio.openReadingPipe(1, addresses[1]); // 00001

pinMode(front_wheel_right_A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(front_wheel_right_B, OUTPUT);

pinMode(front_wheel_left_A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(front_wheel_left_B, OUTPUT);

pinMode(back_wheel_right_A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(back_wheel_right_B, OUTPUT);

pinMode(back_wheel_left_A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(back_wheel_left_B, OUTPUT);



} // end of setup

int thresholdStick(int pos) { // get zero centre position pos = pos - 512;

// threshold value for control sticks
if (pos > 50) {
    pos = pos - 50;
else if (pos < -50) {
    pos = pos + 50;
else {
    pos = 0;

return pos;


void loop() {
currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 20) { // start timed event

        previousMillis = currentMillis;

        // check for radio data
        if (radio.available()) {
                radio.read(&mydata_remote, sizeof(RECEIVE_DATA_STRUCTURE));   

        else {
          Serial.println("no data");

        // threshold remote data
        // some are reversed based on stick wiring in remote
        RFB = (thresholdStick(mydata_remote.RFB))/2;   
        RLR = (thresholdStick(mydata_remote.RLR))/2;
        LT = (thresholdStick(mydata_remote.LT))/2;
        LLR = (thresholdStick(mydata_remote.LLR))/2; 

        if (mydata_remote.toggleTop == 1) {                       // rotate on the spot

            servo1.writeMicroseconds(servo1Offset + servo45);
            servo2.writeMicroseconds(servo2Offset - servo45);
            servo3.writeMicroseconds(servo3Offset - servo45);
            servo4.writeMicroseconds(servo4Offset + servo45); 

            LT = LT / 1.5;        // scale driving stick some more

           if (LT >=0) {
              LTa = abs(LT);
              analogWrite(4, LTa);       // wheel 1
              analogWrite(3, 0);
              analogWrite(6, LTa);       // wheel 2
              analogWrite(5, 0);
              analogWrite(9, 0);       // wheel 3
              analogWrite(10, LTa);
              analogWrite(11, 0);       // wheel 4
              analogWrite(12, LTa);
            else if (LT <=0) {
              LTa = abs(LT);
              analogWrite(4, 0);          // wheel 1
              analogWrite(3, LTa);
              analogWrite(6, 0);          // wheel 2
              analogWrite(5, LTa);
              analogWrite(9, LTa);       // wheel 3
              analogWrite(10, 0);
              analogWrite(11, LTa);       // wheel 4
              analogWrite(12, 0);
        else {                                                  // swerve steering
            // trig calcs for Ackermann steering

            cor = 1000-abs(LLR*3.5);                            // scale centre of rotation from stick

            insideAngle = atan(104 / (cor - 114));              // calc angle in radians
            insideAngle = insideAngle * (180/PI);               // convert to degrees    

            outsideAngle = atan(104 / (cor + 114));
            outsideAngle = outsideAngle * (180/PI);

            outsideAngle = outsideAngle * 9;                    // convert to servo ms
            insideAngle = insideAngle * 9;                      // convert to servo ms

            if (LLR == 0) {
              insideAngleOutput = 0;                            // steer straight when the stick is in the middle
              outsideAngleOutput = 0;
            else if (LLR >=0) {
              insideAngleOutput = outsideAngle*-1;              // invert angles when we steer the other way
              outsideAngleOutput = insideAngle*-1;
            else if (LLR <=0) {
              insideAngleOutput = insideAngle;                  // angles can be used for the default side of the vehicle as they are
              outsideAngleOutput = outsideAngle;

            Serial.print(" , ");

            servo1.writeMicroseconds(servo1Offset + (LT * 3.8) - insideAngleOutput);        // write out the servo positions
            servo2.writeMicroseconds(servo2Offset + (LT * 3.8) + insideAngleOutput);        // use the left twist stick for swerve steering
            servo3.writeMicroseconds(servo3Offset + (LT * 3.8) - outsideAngleOutput);       // and use the angle calc for Ackermann steering.
            servo4.writeMicroseconds(servo4Offset + (LT * 3.8) + outsideAngleOutput); 

            insideVel = float ((RFB/100)*outsideAngle);
            outsideVel = float ((RFB/100)*insideAngle);
            insideVel = constrain(insideVel,-255,255);
            outsideVel = constrain(outsideVel,-255,255);

            // write to motors 
           if (LLR == 0) {

              // *** straight line ***
              RFB = RFB * 0.5;          // scale throttle a little more

              if (RFB > 0) {
                RFBa = abs(RFB);
                analogWrite(3, RFBa);       // wheel 1
                analogWrite(4, 0);
                analogWrite(5, RFBa);       // wheel 2
                analogWrite(6, 0);
                analogWrite(9, 0);       // wheel 3
                analogWrite(10, RFBa);
                analogWrite(11, 0);       // wheel 4
                analogWrite(12, RFBa);                  
              // backwards  
              else if (RFB < 0) {
                RFBa = abs(RFB);
                analogWrite(3, 0);          // wheel 1
                analogWrite(4, RFBa);
                analogWrite(5, 0);          // wheel 2
                analogWrite(6, RFBa);
                analogWrite(9, RFBa);       // wheel 3
                analogWrite(10, 0);
                analogWrite(11, RFBa);       // wheel 4
                analogWrite(12, 0);                  
            // stop
                else {
                  analogWrite(3, 0);          // wheel 1
                  analogWrite(4, 0);
                  analogWrite(5, 0);          // wheel 2
                  analogWrite(6, 0);
                  analogWrite(9, 0);       // wheel 3
                  analogWrite(10, 0);
                  analogWrite(11, 0);       // wheel 4
                  analogWrite(12, 0);

          if (LLR > 0) {  // *** steer right ***                     

              // forwards
              if (RFB > 0) {
                outsideVel = abs(outsideVel);
                insideVel = abs(insideVel);
                analogWrite(3, outsideVel);       // wheel 1
                analogWrite(4, 0);
                analogWrite(5, outsideVel);       // wheel 2
                analogWrite(6, 0);
                analogWrite(9, 0);       // wheel 3
                analogWrite(10, insideVel);
                analogWrite(11, 0);       // wheel 4
                analogWrite(12, insideVel);                  
              // backwards  
              else if (RFB < 0) {
                outsideVel = abs(outsideVel);
                insideVel = abs(insideVel);
                analogWrite(3, 0);          // wheel 1
                analogWrite(4, outsideVel);
                analogWrite(5, 0);          // wheel 2
                analogWrite(6, outsideVel);
                analogWrite(9, insideVel);       // wheel 3
                analogWrite(10, 0);
                analogWrite(11, insideVel);       // wheel 4
                analogWrite(12, 0);                  
            // stop
                else {
                  analogWrite(3, 0);          // wheel 1
                  analogWrite(4, 0);
                  analogWrite(5, 0);          // wheel 2
                  analogWrite(6, 0);
                  analogWrite(9, 0);       // wheel 3
                  analogWrite(10, 0);
                  analogWrite(11, 0);       // wheel 4
                  analogWrite(12, 0);

          if (LLR <0) {  // *** steer left ***                      

              // forwards
              if (RFB > 0) {
                outsideVel = abs(outsideVel);
                insideVel = abs(insideVel);
                analogWrite(3, insideVel);       // wheel 1
                analogWrite(4, 0);
                analogWrite(5, insideVel);       // wheel 2
                analogWrite(6, 0);
                analogWrite(9, 0);       // wheel 3
                analogWrite(10, outsideVel);
                analogWrite(11, 0);       // wheel 4
                analogWrite(12, outsideVel);                  
              // backwards  
              else if (RFB < 0) {
                outsideVel = abs(outsideVel);
                insideVel = abs(insideVel);
                analogWrite(3, 0);          // wheel 1
                analogWrite(4, insideVel);
                analogWrite(5, 0);          // wheel 2
                analogWrite(6, insideVel);
                analogWrite(9, outsideVel);       // wheel 3
                analogWrite(10, 0);
                analogWrite(11, outsideVel);       // wheel 4
                analogWrite(12, 0);                  
            // stop
                else {
                  analogWrite(3, 0);          // wheel 1
                  analogWrite(4, 0);
                  analogWrite(5, 0);          // wheel 2
                  analogWrite(6, 0);
                  analogWrite(9, 0);       // wheel 3
                  analogWrite(10, 0);
                  analogWrite(11, 0);       // wheel 4
                  analogWrite(12, 0);

    }     // end of timed loop          

} // end of main loop