XRobots / ReallyUsefulRobot

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Robot in Rviz doesnt move straight correctly #14

Closed Astrobubu closed 3 years ago

Astrobubu commented 3 years ago

i have played around and converted the wheel calculation to the new odrive standards, using this equation Turns = Counts/EncoderCpr

everything works perfectly except the odometry messages not sending the correct orientation of the robot. more like it is oscillating right and left while moving forward. here is a link of the movement: https://youtu.be/_V9KNEuVXbw and the low refresh rate is also a problem :( do keep in mind the robot is connected to the pc and the data of the movement is coming from odom

the only different thing I'm using is Teensy 4.0

I'm using the First upload of the here is the Arduino code:


//ODrive Objects ODriveArduino odrive1(Serial1);


include "ros.h"

include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"

include <ros/time.h>

include <tf/tf.h>

include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>

include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>

include <geometry_msgs/Vector3.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh; geometry_msgs::TransformStamped t; nav_msgs::Odometry odom_msg; ros::Publisher odom_pub("odom", &odom_msg); tf::TransformBroadcaster broadcaster;

// tf variables to be broadcast double x = 0; double y = 0; double theta = 0;

char base_link[] = "/base_link"; char odom[] = "/odom";

// cmd_vel variables to be received to drive with float demandx; float demandz;

// timers for the sub-main loop unsigned long currentMillis; long previousMillis = 0; // set up timers float loopTime = 10;

// ODrive init stuff int button; int requested_state;

// output variables to drive the ODrive int forward0; int forward1; int turn0; int turn1;

// position and velocity variables read from the ODrive int vel0; int vel1; long pos0; long pos1;

// variables to work out the different on each cycle

long pos0_old; long pos1_old; long pos0_diff; long pos1_diff; float pos0_mm_diff; float pos1_mm_diff; float pos_average_mm_diff; float pos_total_mm;

// ROS callback & subscriber

void velCallback( const geometry_msgs::Twist& vel) { demandx = vel.linear.x; demandz = vel.angular.z; }

ros::Subscriber sub("cmd_vel" , velCallback);

// Setup

void setup() {

nh.getHardware()->setBaud(115200);      // set baud rate to 115200
nh.initNode();              // init ROS
nh.subscribe(sub);          // subscribe to cmd_vel
broadcaster.init(nh);       // set up broadcaster

pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);   // ODrive init switch

Serial1.begin(115200);    // ODrive
Serial6.begin(115200);    // debug port using a USB-serial adapter (Serial-zero is in use by ros_serial


// Main loop

void loop() {

nh.spinOnce();        // make sure we listen for ROS messages and activate the callback if there is one

currentMillis = millis();
      if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= loopTime) {  // run a loop every 10ms          
          previousMillis = currentMillis;          // reset the clock to time it

          button = digitalRead(2);                 // init ODrive
          if (button == 0) {

          float modifier_lin = 1.03;        // scaling factor because the wheels are squashy / there is wheel slip etc.
          float modifier_ang = 1.5;        // scaling factor because the wheels are squashy / there is wheel slip etc.

          forward0 = demandx * ((83466/8192) * modifier_lin) ; // convert m/s into counts/s
          forward1 = demandx * ((83466/8192) * modifier_lin); // convert m/s into counts/s

          turn0 = demandz * ((15091/8192) * modifier_ang);    // convert rads/s into counts/s
          turn1 = demandz * ((15091/8192) * modifier_ang);    // convert rads/s into counts/s

          forward1 = forward1*-1;      // one motor and encoder is mounted facing the other way

          odrive1.SetVelocity(0, forward0 + turn0); 
          odrive1.SetVelocity(1, forward1 + turn1);

          // get positions and velocities from ODrive

          pos0 = (odrive1.GetPosition(1)) *-1;                   
          pos1 = odrive1.GetPosition(0);   

          // work out the difference on each loop, and bookmark the old value
          pos0_diff = pos0 - pos0_old;
          pos1_diff = pos1 - pos1_old;            
          pos0_old = pos0;
          pos1_old = pos1;

          // calc mm from encoder counts
          pos0_mm_diff = pos0_diff / 83.44*8192;
          pos1_mm_diff = pos1_diff / 83.44*8192;

          // calc distance travelled based on average of both wheels
          pos_average_mm_diff = (pos0_mm_diff + pos1_mm_diff) / 2;   // difference in each cycle
          pos_total_mm += pos_average_mm_diff;                       // calc total running total distance

          // calc angle or rotation to broadcast with tf
          float phi = ((pos1_mm_diff - pos0_mm_diff) / 360);

          theta += phi;

          if (theta >= TWO_PI) {
              theta -= TWO_PI;
          if (theta <= (-TWO_PI)) {
              theta += TWO_PI;

          // calc x and y to broadcast with tf

          y += pos_average_mm_diff * sin(theta);
          x += pos_average_mm_diff * cos(theta);

          // *** broadcast odom->base_link transform with tf ***

          geometry_msgs::TransformStamped t;

          t.header.frame_id = odom;
          t.child_frame_id = base_link;

          t.transform.translation.x = x/1000;   // convert to metres
          t.transform.translation.y = y/1000;
          t.transform.translation.z = 0;

          t.transform.rotation = tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(theta);
          t.header.stamp = nh.now();


          // *** broadcast odom message ***

          nav_msgs::Odometry odom_msg;
          odom_msg.header.stamp = nh.now();
          odom_msg.header.frame_id = odom;
          odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = x/1000;
          odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = y/1000;
          odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0;
          odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(theta);

          odom_msg.child_frame_id = base_link;
          odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = ((pos0_mm_diff + pos1_mm_diff) / 2)/10;          // forward linear velovity
          odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0;                                        // robot does not move sideways
          odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = ((pos1_mm_diff - pos0_mm_diff) / 360)*100;      // anglular velocity


      } // end of 10ms loop

} // end of main loop


Astrobubu commented 3 years ago

alright, the new odrive update ruins the entire robot code...

Master Bruton, Don't update ODrive :P

as for the solution, use windows to reflash odrive firmware. ubuntu just throws unicode errors make sure to follow the instructions and use the STM32Cube tool to reflash, it will do it in a second compared to the crappy dfu tool which will make ur night hell.