XTLS / Xray-core

Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination #3481

Closed TommyYOyoyo closed 4 days ago

TommyYOyoyo commented 4 days ago

I'm using reality-ezpz one-click script to generate configs for my personal VPS in order to bypass the GFW. However, when I arrived to China, I couldn't connect to any website when I enable the connection. Upon examining the logs of V2rayXS, I noticed that this error was constantly producing: app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp myIP:myPort: i/o timeout dial tcp myIP:myPort: operation was canceled] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed.

What might be causing this issue?

What I tried

My VPS: Google Cloud VM

My server-side configs from reality-ezpz:

Core: xray (v1.8.4)
Server Address:
Domain SNI: www.google.com Port: 54321 Transport: tcp Security: reality Safenet: OFF WARP: ON WARP License: myLicense Telegram Bot: OFF
Telegram Bot Token: none Telegram Bot Admins: none

My current client config.json:

  "routing" : {
    "name" : "all_to_main",
    "domainStrategy" : "AsIs",
    "rules" : [
        "type" : "field",
        "outboundTag" : "RealityEZPZ",
        "port" : "0-65535"
  "inbounds" : [
      "listen" : "",
      "protocol" : "socks",
      "settings" : {
        "ip" : "",
        "auth" : "noauth",
        "udp" : false
      "tag" : "socksinbound",
      "port" : 1081
      "listen" : "",
      "protocol" : "http",
      "settings" : {
        "timeout" : 0
      "tag" : "httpinbound",
      "port" : 8001
  "dns" : {
    "servers" : [
  "log" : {
    "error" : "\/var\/folders\/51\/1pgrz5295dg1b15vht_4rft00000gn\/T\/cenmrev.v2rayx.log\/error.log",
    "loglevel" : "warning",
    "access" : "\/var\/folders\/51\/1pgrz5295dg1b15vht_4rft00000gn\/T\/cenmrev.v2rayx.log\/access.log"
  "outbounds" : [
      "sendThrough" : "",
      "mux" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "concurrency" : 8
      "protocol" : "vless",
      "settings" : {
        "vnext" : [
            "address" : "myIP",
            "users" : [
                "flow" : "xtls-rprx-vision",
                "id" : "1db09fb8-23c5-4731-9aa9-f374c790b6cc",
                "alterId" : 64,
                "security" : "none",
                "level" : 0,
                "encryption" : "none"
            "port" : 54321
      "tag" : "RealityEZPZ",
      "streamSettings" : {
        "sockopt" : {

        "tlsSettings" : {
          "allowInsecure" : false,
          "alpn" : [
          "serverName" : "server.cc",
          "allowInsecureCiphers" : false
        "wsSettings" : {
          "path" : "",
          "headers" : {

        "tcpSettings" : {
          "header" : {
            "type" : "none"
        "kcpSettings" : {
          "header" : {
            "type" : "none"
          "mtu" : 1350,
          "congestion" : false,
          "tti" : 20,
          "uplinkCapacity" : 5,
          "writeBufferSize" : 1,
          "readBufferSize" : 1,
          "seed" : "",
          "downlinkCapacity" : 20
        "httpSettings" : {
          "path" : "",
          "host" : [
        "security" : "reality",
        "grpcSettings" : {
          "multiMode" : false
        "quicSettings" : {
          "key" : "",
          "header" : {
            "type" : "none"
          "security" : "none"
        "realitySettings" : {
          "allowInsecureCiphers" : false,
          "allowInsecure" : false,
          "fingerprint" : "chrome",
          "serverName" : "www.google.com",
          "spiderX" : "",
          "alpn" : "h2,http\/1.1",
          "publicKey" : "9MxEqQ2BovCAZowoE8o8qruCWDGeI8ZzL9FLf0kngm0",
          "shortId" : "29d8da22cd1ddf9c"
        "network" : "tcp",
        "xtlsSettings" : {
          "serverName" : "server.cc",
          "alpn" : [
          "allowInsecure" : false

Thank you very much!

Fangliding commented 4 days ago

If it can be used outside of China, it is likely that your server has been blocked by GFW

TommyYOyoyo commented 4 days ago

If it can be used outside of China, it is likely that your server has been blocked by GFW

I'm using WARP+ to hide the server address, which hides my server's address, also I can ssh into my server here in China. So it shouldn't be blocked, no?

Also, I tried deactivating WARP+ on my VPS and it is still not working...

Fangliding commented 4 days ago

Warp has nothing to do with blocking It is common to ban one port, so SSH can still be available

TommyYOyoyo commented 4 days ago

Warp has nothing to do with blocking It is common to ban one port, so SSH can still be available

Thanks for your answer. Is it only the port blocked (I need to continue trying others) or the IP address as well? I tried changing my server's IP address and port but it is still giving me the same results... Is there another way to connect?

TommyYOyoyo commented 3 days ago

Update: I finally got it working when I changed my SNI domain. Thank you for your helps.

Fangliding commented 3 days ago


TommyYOyoyo commented 3 days ago

Yep, that was the default SNI, I changed it to swisscows.ch and now it is working like a charm!

Fangliding commented 3 days ago

because google is blocked in china(

TommyYOyoyo commented 3 days ago

You're right, I didn't think about that when I created my server.