XUANTIE-RV / openc910

OpenXuantie - OpenC910 Core
Apache License 2.0
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Getting the warning "UNOPTFLAT" while simulating openc910 with Verilator. #38

Open vinuthavelaga opened 1 month ago

vinuthavelaga commented 1 month ago

I am currently using Verilator (v5.026) to simulate the OpenC910 core. During the compilation process (make compile), there are a few warnings, one of which is "UNOPTFLAT." This warning appears for approximately 15-20 signals (e.g., hart_ict_read_data_tmp) due to circular combinational logic. Furthermore, when attempting to run the hello_world test case (make runcase CASE=hello_world SIM=verilator DUMP=on), the system's entire 64GB RAM is consumed, resulting in a system hang. Any ideas for resolving this issue?