XVMX / vmbot

Jabberbot based chatbot
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 5 forks source link

Added automatic zBot lookup #51

Closed TheJokr closed 9 years ago

TheJokr commented 9 years ago

The bot will now automatically print information for every zKB link as long as it is not part of a command


(00:26:18) joker_gates: sdada sd https://zkillboard.com/kill/47576649/ dad (00:26:18) BugBot: Eisenkopf Mishi's Crow worth 31.67m ISK was killed in YZ-LQL (Fountain) on 2015-06-29 21:29:00 (00:26:26) joker_gates: zbot https://zkillboard.com/kill/47576649/ (00:26:26) BugBot: Eisenkopf Mishi's Crow worth 31.67m ISK was killed in YZ-LQL (Fountain) on 2015-06-29 21:29:00 Eisenkopf Mishi is in corporation Dreddit in alliance Test Alliance Please Ignore and took 1,968 damage for 2 point(s) Windrammers's Minmatar Control Tower did 1,444 damage (73.37% of total damage) Master Founder's [Unknown] did 524 damage (26.63% of total damage) Jandrik Wahl's Dominix did 0 damage (0.00% of total damage) and scored the final blow

ThirteenFish commented 9 years ago

Please limit pull requests to one feature per pull. You can submit multiple pull requests at the same time from different branches. This will speed overall code acceptance because we can review each individual feature on its own merits, and not have to be concerned about accepting a poor pull because it has one nice feature, or spend weeks blocking on one PR because only a small subset of the features in it need changed. Massive single pull requests also hamper other people (mostly me) from working on the bot at the same time because I'd rather avoid the ugly merge conflicts of 700 lines of change in the middle of things.

In this instance there are at least six features here:

Possibly not all of them deserve a new pr, but most of them do. I'm going to reject this pull request and ask that you split things up.

Also try to get in the habit of making single focus or atomic commits. You will find using git add -p helpful in doing so. Other git flags you might find helpful: git commit --amend and git commit --fixup=<commit> or git commit --squash=<commit> in combination with git rebase --autosquash -i. This allows you go back and add things to commits that really should have been there but were an oversight, or even just fix up the commit message. For example f74816af5581fe (Added remindme.sqlite to .gitignore) should have probably been added to b0298b38bf8 (Added RemindMe command) through git commit --amend instead of existing in its own commit.