XVimProject / XVim2

Vim key-bindings for Xcode 9
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Xcode 13 - Vim Supported. Thank you Xvim! #380

Open escakot opened 3 years ago

escakot commented 3 years ago

Xcode 13 will have Vim Mode now. 🎉 🎉 I just want to say thank you so much for XVim maintainers esp. @pebble8888.

Source: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/


JugglerShu commented 3 years ago

The time has come. I’m glad that Xcode finally supports vim mode natively. It has been almost 10years since I first wrote code for XVim. I haven’t worked on XVim project recent years but I’m happy to hear this. I don’t know how much of vim features are supported in Xcode 13 but I think it will replace XVim anyway. If any features are missing XVim can be a plug-in to complement it. Thank you for everyone who supports XVim.

hyouuu commented 3 years ago

Thank you @JugglerShu! Can't express enough how much XVim helped my development. Hope your health is getting better and stay well! And many thanks to @pebble8888 for keeping XVim updated in recent years!

qiudaomao commented 3 years ago

I believe XVim still worth continue developing. Current XVim even works on Xcode 13 beta without issues. XVim is and will be better then the builtin vim mode in feature Xcode, the builtin Vim didn't support lots of features such as column mode edit, vimrc etc.

sebbo176 commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for XVim ❤️

r-plus commented 3 years ago

I just tried Xcode 13b1 with Vim key bindings that is great for basic vim keybindings! As @qiudaomao says, still missing many feature such as recording, visual line mode, visual block mode (can be use multiline editing feature without vim keybinding instead) and window manipulation (e.g. C-w + h/j/k/l) that I heavily using feature in my daily coding.

But this is huge step for Vim lovers. Thanks Apple, Thanks XVim! Probably I'll continue to use and support XVim especially for window manipulation feature that very important for me.

horizonless commented 3 years ago

Really appreciate the effort for developing XVim! helps me a lot

rudedogg commented 3 years ago

I just tried Xcode 13b1 with Vim key bindings that is great for basic vim keybindings! As @qiudaomao says, still missing many feature such as recording, visual line mode, visual block mode (can be use multiline editing feature without vim keybinding instead) and window manipulation (e.g. C-w + h/j/k/l) that I heavily using feature in my daily coding.

But this is huge step for Vim lovers. Thanks Apple, Thanks XVim! Probably I'll continue to use and support XVim especially for window manipulation feature that very important for me.

Another missing feature with the built-in Xcode keybindings is using r to replace the character under the cursor, or current selection, in normal mode.

t-var-s commented 3 years ago

If any features are missing XVim can be a plug-in to complement it.

These are great news. Thank you for all the work.

jaimejazarenoiii commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much XVim ❤️

timothycosta commented 3 years ago

This is wonderful news! Thanks to all who have contributed to XVim.

Just a reminder, if you see missing vim features in Xcode, do file feedback for them. They've mentioned this several times in the WWDC lounges. They were also quite responsive when I asked for documentation. Hopefully we'll see more features as the beta continues.

wdcew commented 3 years ago

Thank you for xvim developers

ghost commented 3 years ago

@timothycosta That is great news. Could you point me in the direction of where we could file feedback for missing features? and is it possible to see which feedback people have have submitted already?

timothycosta commented 3 years ago

@reawakening https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/

Unfortunately you can’t see other people’s reports.

tspike commented 3 years ago

OK so super duper thank you to the XVim2 developers, and we should definitely file requests for missing features to the Xcode team, but I don't think XVim2 is obsolete by a long shot yet. Huge productivity drop for me using the Xcode key bindings without recording macros, replacing characters with r, :%s, :wq, repeating an action with ., etc etc. Please keep XVim chugging along until if/when the Xcode version is usable!

hanawat commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much XVim developers 💖

gonefish commented 3 years ago

I love this project.

xissy commented 3 years ago

Many thanks for your tremendous works on XVim2. I’ve always enjoyed coding with it. :)

DS-FS-FENG commented 3 years ago

Thank you Xvim !

rudedogg commented 3 years ago

Just gave Xcode 13.0 beta 2 a whirl and I don't see any changes to their Vim Keybindings. The following are still missing:

So I think I'll be using Xvim for at least another year. I've submitted feedback about the first two issues at least. I hope this doesn't end up like the Xcode extensions API.

timothycosta commented 3 years ago

@rudedogg Please report all of them. The more reports they get on the same issue the more likely it is they're fixed.

It might be good to create a list of issues that XVim users can just paste into apple feedback. A sort of vim open radar.

michaeleisel commented 3 years ago

@timothycosta what if we made another github issue for that? People could put down unique suggestions, and copy-paste from there to radars and put thumbs up emojis on suggestions to show support

timothycosta commented 3 years ago

@michaeleisel Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking.

I could see either:

  1. An issue here in this repo
  2. A separate repo just for vim mode radars

Advantage of #1 is that Xvim2 is already well known and people would find it. The disadvantage is that actual submissions might get drowned out in discussion if it's a single thread. Maybe single issues with a specific tag?

Or, if #2, maybe we could keep it under, e.g. https://github.com/XVimProject/XcodeBugs so it's still associated with XVim?

JugglerShu commented 3 years ago

I created https://github.com/XVimProject/XcodeIssues . Use this to keep track issues of Xcode's Vim bindings. Maybe I'll add some template to issues page.

YJRookie commented 3 years ago

It annoy me a lot since XVim having the issue about account sign in, now the vim mode is comming. Thanks you a lot @JugglerShu for XVim

azinman commented 2 years ago

Will XVim take advantage and improve the existing implementation now in Xcode 13?

xincc commented 2 years ago


xkia commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much XVim ❤️

ryderfang commented 2 years ago

Awesome project, Thanks ❤️

nuynait commented 2 years ago

This is the must-have plugin for me to use code for years and years. Without this plugin, I cannot imagine how hard my life is for the development. I really appreciate this. Thank you to everyone that contributes to the XVIM!

jairsinho commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much to everyone involved in this project! ❤️

chungkil commented 2 years ago

it has many missing function for vim..

jarrodmoldrich commented 1 year ago

The Xcode native Vim binding in Xcode 13 is a joke. No macros, not even . to repeat commands. So glad XVim2 still kind of works on Xcode 13.

superarts commented 1 year ago

The Xcode native Vim binding in Xcode 13 is a joke. No macros, not even . to repeat commands. So glad XVim2 still kind of works on Xcode 13.

Am I missing something here? With Xcode 14.0.1 and XVim2, I still can't use . to repeat commands, which is very annoying because it shuts down my mind while doing my work. :'(

jarrodmoldrich commented 1 year ago

@superarts XVim doesn't work with Xcode 14 on M1. If you're willing to use MacForge, it half-works on Intel Macs.


Check your menu to see if the XVim option is there.

It looks like adding very basic Vim emulation (via Editor > Vim Mode) to Xcode was a prelude for the Xcode team to drop support entirely for plugins? I can't find any announcement about this, but the unofficial installation method that requires self-signing Xcode foretold that one day it was going to break.

RIP XVim. Thanks to @r-plus , @pebble8888 , and @JugglerShu for keeping the dream alive ❤️

mickael-menu commented 1 year ago

The dream lives on!

After mourning the death of AppCode and XVim, I started working on a very different approach: a macOS app integrating Neovim in Xcode. The first version is promising and I'm already using it for my daily work.

Come check it out: https://github.com/mickael-menu/ShadowVim

tspike commented 1 year ago

@mickael-menu amazing! Will be watching this with great interest. Thank you!