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A proxy tool to bypass GFW.
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connected link 0,0怎么解决? #433

Open chenjb7608 opened 9 years ago

chenjb7608 commented 9 years ago

大家好!我用的是上海电信(固定IP),最近经常出现connected 0,0无法翻墙的情况。重启XXNET后又可以连上,请各路大神给点帮助,谢谢! ============================================= 状态页:GoAgent状态信息

Property Value Sys Platform win32 OS System Windows OS version 6.1.7601 OS release 7 OS detail Version:6-1; Build:7601; Platform:2; CSD:Service Pack 1; ServicePack:1-0; Suite:256; ProductType:0 language zh_CN architecture 32bitWindowsPE Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.152 Safari/537.36 XX-Net Version 1.14.6 Launcher Version 1.4.0 GoAgent Version 3.1.49 Python Version 2.7.9 Proxy Listen working appids chenjb7608|sunsq8104|chenjb1111|chenjb2222|chenjb3333|chenjb6666|chenjb7777|chenjb8888 Out of Quota appids Not Exist appids
PAC URL Google IP 3000 connected link 10,0 ip-connect-interval 10 block stat(帮助) OK 报告问题, 请附上状态页信息和日志页内容, 方便分析问题。 ========================================================================================== 日志页:May 19 21:11:15 - [INFO] load ip range file:D:\Program Files\XX-Net-1.13.6\goagent\3.1.49\local\ip_range.txt May 19 21:11:15 - [INFO] load google ip_list num:3000, gws num:3000 May 19 21:11:15 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:0 May 19 21:11:16 - [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------ GoAgent Version : 3.1.49 (python/2.7.9 ) Listen Address : Control Address : GAE APPID : chenjb7608|sunsq8104|chenjb1111|chenjb2222|chenjb3333|chenjb6666|chenjb7777|chenjb8888

Pac Server :

May 19 21:11:17 - [DEBUG] GoAgent Web_control "GET /is_ready May 19 21:11:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:327 May 19 21:11:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:331 May 19 21:11:18 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:312 May 19 21:11:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:465 May 19 21:11:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:490 May 19 21:11:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:512 May 19 21:11:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:802 May 19 21:11:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:604 May 19 21:11:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:604 May 19 21:11:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:577 May 19 21:11:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 May 19 21:11:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:606 May 19 21:11:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:607 May 19 21:11:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:612 May 19 21:11:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:621 May 19 21:11:20 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:654 May 19 21:11:21 - [INFO] DIRECT t:398 s:6017 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:21 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:21 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:21 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:11:21 - [INFO] DIRECT t:556 s:744 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:22 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4011 h:0 May 19 21:11:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4006 h:0 May 19 21:11:23 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail May 19 21:11:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4005 h:0 May 19 21:11:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4006 h:0 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4006 h:0 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:655 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:682 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:691 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:705 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:24 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4013 h:0 May 19 21:11:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:25 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:721 May 19 21:11:25 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:14 May 19 21:11:25 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:810 May 19 21:11:25 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:825 May 19 21:11:25 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:868 May 19 21:11:25 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:884 May 19 21:11:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:899 May 19 21:11:26 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:1168 May 19 21:11:27 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:722 May 19 21:11:28 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:28 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&safe=off&site=&source=hp&q=speedtest&oq=speedtest&gs_l=hp.3...3535.6546.0.7096.,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.93564037,d.dGY&biw=1034&bih=595&dpr=1&ech=1&psi=QjZbVa66LqXcmgWE0YGoDw.1432041026824.3&ei=QjZbVa66LqXcmgWE0YGoDw&emsg=NCSR&noj=1, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:11:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:28 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT lh6.googleusercontent.com:443 May 19 21:11:28 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT ssl.gstatic.com:443 May 19 21:11:28 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/h_bedf916a.png May 19 21:11:28 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-IdKvJ7PLjLM/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/LVWT7SrXly8/s24-c/photo.jpg May 19 21:11:28 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:28 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/images/nav_logo195.png May 19 21:11:28 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:838 s:48662 200 www.google.com /search?newwindow=1&safe=off&site=&source=hp&q=speedtest&oq=speedtest&gs_l=hp.3...3535.6546.0.7096.,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.93564037,d.dGY&biw=1034&bih=595&dpr=1&ech=1&psi=QjZbVa66LqXcmgWE0YGoDw.1432041026824.3&ei=QjZbVa66LqXcmgWE0YGoDw&emsg=NCSR&noj=1 May 19 21:11:29 - [INFO] DIRECT t:151 304 ssl.gstatic.com /gb/images/h_bedf916a.png May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] createssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:29 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT id.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://id.google.com/verify/OAAAALR6GHXf9rwP9W5VqLx4gDOWk4rshn4V2sLYvcL-DzxUyFA6UARxbU4Am0N6gGL8f82JRxjEycWDeJK0099tnIo May 19 21:11:29 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/xjs//js/sdch=d/k=xjs.s.zh_TW.sTFaD_uj_vA.O/m=sx,c,sb,cdos,cr,elog,jsa,r,hsm,d,csi/am=pEoI8bcYCINJQTEh1AE/rt=j/d=1/t=zcms/rs=ACT90oFkqFufQI2WUvzAK4TX2NCCMAEQ May 19 21:11:29 - [INFO] DIRECT t:402 304 lh6.googleusercontent.com /-IdKvJ7PLjLM/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/LVWT7SrXly8/s24-c/photo.jpg May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:722 May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:727 May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:742 May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:755 May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:767 May 19 21:11:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:779 May 19 21:11:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:803 May 19 21:11:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:936 May 19 21:11:31 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:312 May 19 21:11:31 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:328 May 19 21:11:31 - [INFO] DIRECT t:2797 304 www.google.com /images/nav_logo195.png May 19 21:11:31 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:32 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:431 May 19 21:11:32 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:512 May 19 21:11:33 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:11:33 - [INFO] DIRECT t:259 s:7897 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:33 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl update ip: time:901, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:33 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:33 - [INFO] DIRECT t:348 s:371 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:33 - [INFO] DIRECT t:4549 s:0 200 id.google.com /verify/OAAAALR6GHXf9rwP9W5VqLx4gDOWk4rshn4V2sLYvcL-DzxUyFA6UARxbU4Am0N6gGL8f82JRxjEycWDeJK0099tnIo May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:577 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:950 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:956 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:966 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1007 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:34 - [DEBUG] createssl update ip: time:408 May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1008 May 19 21:11:35 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:5918 s:9874 200 www.google.com /xjs//js/sdch=d/k=xjs.s.zh_TW.sTFaD_uj_vA.O/m=sx,c,sb,cdos,cr,elog,jsa,r,hsm,d,csi/am=pEoI8bcYCINJQTEh1AE/rt=j/d=1/t=zcms/rs=ACT90oFkqFufQI2WUvzAK4TX2NCCMAEQ May 19 21:11:35 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/textinputassistant/tia.png May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] host_connpool www.google.com get: handshake:328 May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:6 May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1010 May 19 21:11:35 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/xjs//js/k=xjs.s.zhTW.Zo-15YFNzo.O/m=sy23,abd,sy55,sy56,sy57,sy59,sy73,sy58,sy62,sy65,sy72,sy60,sy64,sy71,sy74,async,sy176,sy361,sy362,sy9,sy35,sy363,sy376,sy7,sy377,dvl,sy75,foot,sy61,fpe,sy164,hv,idck,ipv6,sy31,lc,sy130,sy137,lu,sy383,m,sy198,sy135,sy170,sy199,sy30,sy113,sy197,sy231,sy351,mpck,sf,sy172,sy39,sy116,sy208,sy209,sy222,sy182,sy225,sy181,sy117,sy207,sy223,sy226,sy228,sy220,spch,ssb,sy49,sy50,sy129,em15,vs,sy41,sy42,sy44,sy46,sy43,sy47,sy45,sy76,sy79,sy77,tnv,me/am=pEoI8bcYCINJQTEh1AE/rt=j/d=0/t=zcms/rs=ACT90oFpOKv9VIx3khOOMa5k9rks3WqbpA May 19 21:11:35 - [INFO] DIRECT t:151 304 www.google.com /textinputassistant/tia.png May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1010 May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1010 May 19 21:11:35 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1010 May 19 21:11:36 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:37 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:595 May 19 21:11:38 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:415 May 19 21:11:38 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:38 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:38 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:38 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:38 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:38 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/ads/measurement/t May 19 21:11:38 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google.com get: handshake:328 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4004 h:0 May 19 21:11:39 - [INFO]LOGEXCEPT: DIRECT t:3803 s:66204 200 www.google.com /xjs//js/k=xjs.s.zhTW.Zo-15YFNzo.O/m=sy23,abd,sy55,sy56,sy57,sy59,sy73,sy58,sy62,sy65,sy72,sy60,sy64,sy71,sy74,async,sy176,sy361,sy362,sy9,sy35,sy363,sy376,sy7,sy377,dvl,sy75,foot,sy61,fpe,sy164,hv,idck,ipv6,sy31,lc,sy130,sy137,lu,sy383,m,sy198,sy135,sy170,sy199,sy30,sy113,sy197,sy231,sy351,mpck,sf,sy172,sy39,sy116,sy208,sy209,sy222,sy182,sy225,sy181,sy117,sy207,sy223,sy226,sy228,sy220,spch,ssb,sy49,sy50,sy129,em15,vs,sy41,sy42,sy44,sy46,sy43,sy47,sy45,sy76,sy79,sy77,tnv,me/am=pEoI8bcYCINJQTEh1AE/rt=j/d=0/t=zcms/rs=ACT90oFpOKv9VIx3khOOMa5k9rks3WqbpA, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:11:39 - [INFO] DIRECT t:419 s:318 302 www.google.com /ads/measurement/t May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:910 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1008 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1009 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1009 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1009 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:39 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:40 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1010 May 19 21:11:40 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1011 May 19 21:11:40 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:40 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/gen_204?v=3&s=web&imc=4&imn=4&imp=3&ei=gDZbVYqfL-bUmgWuzoG4CA&e=3300103,3300133,3300137,3300161,3310750,3310773,3312145,3700272,4023709,4026111,4029417,4029419,4029815,4031636,4032032,4032500,4032521,4032523,4032643,4032645,4032677,4032926,4033143,4033191,4033243,4033256,4033344,4034322,4034425,4035816,4035933,4035980,4035999,4036010,4036304,4036464,4036485,4036532,4036664,4036883,8300095,8500394,8501248,8501258,8501280,8501295,8501350,8501406,8501489,10200083,10200980,10201089,10201180,10201204&atyp=csi&adh=&xjs=init.170.25.dvl.72.sb.60.spch.16.m.5.c.4&action=&srt=417&rt=xjsls.786,prt.789,iml.3248,xjses.6798,xjsee.6928,xjs.7336,ol.11924,wsrt.416,cst.23,dnst.0,rqst.839,rspt.535,sslt.22,rqstt.40,unt.0,cstt.17,dit.1205 May 19 21:11:40 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google.com get: handshake:328 May 19 21:11:40 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1011 May 19 21:11:40 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1011 May 19 21:11:40 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1011 May 19 21:11:41 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:775 May 19 21:11:41 - [INFO] DIRECT t:731 204 www.google.com /gen_204?v=3&s=web&imc=4&imn=4&imp=3&ei=gDZbVYqfL-bUmgWuzoG4CA&e=3300103,3300133,3300137,3300161,3310750,3310773,3312145,3700272,4023709,4026111,4029417,4029419,4029815,4031636,4032032,4032500,4032521,4032523,4032643,4032645,4032677,4032926,4033143,4033191,4033243,4033256,4033344,4034322,4034425,4035816,4035933,4035980,4035999,4036010,4036304,4036464,4036485,4036532,4036664,4036883,8300095,8500394,8501248,8501258,8501280,8501295,8501350,8501406,8501489,10200083,10200980,10201089,10201180,10201204&atyp=csi&adh=&xjs=init.170.25.dvl.72.sb.60.spch.16.m.5.c.4&action=&srt=417&rt=xjsls.786,prt.789,iml.3248,xjses.6798,xjsee.6928,xjs.7336,ol.11924,wsrt.416,cst.23,dnst.0,rqst.839,rspt.535,sslt.22,rqstt.40,unt.0,cstt.17,dit.1205 May 19 21:11:42 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1012 May 19 21:11:43 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:11:43 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:43 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:43 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:43 - [DEBUG] createssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:43 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT plus.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:43 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://plus.google.com/u/0//n/gcosuc?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:439 May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG] createssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:44 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:682 s:54 200 plus.google.com /u/0//n/gcosuc?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:328 May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:408 May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:531 May 19 21:11:44 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT plus.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1012 May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:44 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:322 May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:312 May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1013 May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:389 May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1013 May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:6 May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:45 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:46 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:46 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:46 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:46 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:47 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:48 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:49 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:49 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:49 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:49 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:415 May 19 21:11:49 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:49 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:775 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1013 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1013 May 19 21:11:50 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:11:50 - [INFO] DIRECT t:258 s:6292 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:50 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1013 May 19 21:11:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1013 May 19 21:11:51 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1013 May 19 21:11:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1013 May 19 21:11:51 - [INFO] DIRECT t:338 s:744 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:11:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1014 May 19 21:11:52 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1014 May 19 21:11:53 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:394 May 19 21:11:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:54 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:439 May 19 21:11:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1014 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1014 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:20 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl update ip: time:1014, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:56 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:56 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:11:56 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:56 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:11:56 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1017 May 19 21:11:57 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1017 May 19 21:11:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:11:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4003 h:0 May 19 21:11:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:312 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:322 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:389 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:336 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:394 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:332 May 19 21:12:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1015 May 19 21:12:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1015 May 19 21:12:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:12:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1015 May 19 21:12:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1015 May 19 21:12:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:596 May 19 21:12:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1015 May 19 21:12:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1015 May 19 21:12:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:12:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:12:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:12:04 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:391 May 19 21:12:04 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:12:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4002 h:0 May 19 21:12:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:12:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:12:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4000 h:0 May 19 21:12:17 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:17 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:12:17 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:12:17 - [INFO] DIRECT t:263 s:8061 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:12:17 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:17 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:12:17 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:12:17 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:17 - [INFO] DIRECT t:354 s:496 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&clientid=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com//chrome/newtab/manifest?espv=2&ie=UTF-8 May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: host_connpool www.google.com get: handshake:328, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:12:18 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:208 s:245 200 www.google.com //chrome/newtab/manifest?espv=2&ie=UTF-8 May 19 21:12:18 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google.com/chromesuggestions/click?q=1432030688209531&cd=-1 May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google.com get: handshake:415 May 19 21:12:18 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/async/newtab?async=xid:1,_fmt:json&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&espv=2&yv=2 May 19 21:12:18 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:18 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/webpagethumbnail?c=63&d=https://www.baidu.com/&r=4&s=148:94&a=jsjJso9wku_66hpYwW69_61suDE May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/webpagethumbnail?c=63&d=http://www.taobao.com/&r=4&s=148:94&a=HIKM0IdlG_Lo7ugyPPf9FIhJEMg May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:5 May 19 21:12:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:332 May 19 21:12:18 - [INFO] DIRECT t:247 204 www.google.com /chromesuggestions/click?q=1432030688209531&cd=-1 May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] DIRECT t:162 s:2837 200 www.google.com /webpagethumbnail?c=63&d=http://www.taobao.com/&r=4&s=148:94&a=HIKM0IdlG_Lo7ugyPPf9FIhJEMg May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/gen_204?v=3&s=newtab&atyp=csi&e=4017578,4023709,4024036,4026111,4029417,4029815,4030091,4031636,4032032,4032500,4032521,4032523,4032643,4032645,4032677,4033143,4033191,4033243,4033256,4033344,4033372,4034322,4034425,4035816,4035980,4035999,4036010,4036048,4036485,4036532,4036664,8300095,8500394,8501248,8501258,8501280,8501295,8501350,8501406,8501489,10200083,10200980,10201089,10201180&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&action=perf&srt=714&rt=nti.126,fbd.130,thd.139,dbi.167,ic0.219,mll.219,mltr.689,wsrt.723,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.13,rspt.13,rqstt.563,unt.563,cstt.563,dit.733 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google.com get: handshake:322 May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:444 s:44907 200 www.google.com /async/newtab?async=xid:1,_fmt:json&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&espv=2&yv=2 May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] DIRECT t:475 s:1846 200 www.google.com /webpagethumbnail?c=63&d=https://www.baidu.com/&r=4&s=148:94&a=jsjJso9wku_66hpYwW69_61suDE May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] DIRECT t:203 204 www.google.com /gen_204?v=3&s=newtab&atyp=csi&e=4017578,4023709,4024036,4026111,4029417,4029815,4030091,4031636,4032032,4032500,4032521,4032523,4032643,4032645,4032677,4033143,4033191,4033243,4033256,4033344,4033372,4034322,4034425,4035816,4035980,4035999,4036010,4036048,4036485,4036532,4036664,8300095,8500394,8501248,8501258,8501280,8501295,8501350,8501406,8501489,10200083,10200980,10201089,10201180&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&action=perf&srt=714&rt=nti.126,fbd.130,thd.139,dbi.167,ic0.219,mll.219,mltr.689,wsrt.723,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.13,rspt.13,rqstt.563,unt.563,cstt.563,dit.733 May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:336 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/gen_204?v=3&s=newtab&atyp=csi&e=4017578,4023709,4024036,4026111,4029417,4029815,4030091,4031636,4032032,4032500,4032521,4032523,4032643,4032645,4032677,4033143,4033191,4033243,4033256,4033344,4033372,4034322,4034425,4035816,4035980,4035999,4036010,4036048,4036485,4036532,4036664,8300095,8500394,8501248,8501258,8501280,8501295,8501350,8501406,8501489,10200083,10200980,10201089,10201180&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&action=update&rt=xhr.517,wsrt.1022,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.13,rspt.13,rqstt.563,unt.563,cstt.563,dit.733 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google.com get: handshake:322 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:518 May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO]LOG_EXCEPT: DIRECT t:201 204 www.google.com /gen204?v=3&s=newtab&atyp=csi&e=4017578,4023709,4024036,4026111,4029417,4029815,4030091,4031636,4032032,4032500,4032521,4032523,4032643,4032645,4032677,4033143,4033191,4033243,4033256,4033344,4033372,4034322,4034425,4035816,4035980,4035999,4036010,4036048,4036485,4036532,4036664,8300095,8500394,8501248,8501258,8501280,8501295,8501350,8501406,8501489,10200083,10200980,10201089,10201180&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&action=update&rt=xhr.517,wsrt.1022,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.13,rspt.13,rqstt.563,unt.563,cstt.563,dit.733, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients5.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT plus.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://plus.google.com/u/0//n/gcosuc May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:391 May 19 21:12:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/gen_204?v=3&s=newtab&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&e=4017578,4023709,4024036,4026111,4029417,4029815,4030091,4031636,4032032,4032500,4032521,4032523,4032643,4032645,4032677,4033143,4033191,4033243,4033256,4033344,4033372,4034322,4034425,4035816,4035980,4035999,4036010,4036048,4036485,4036532,4036664,8300095,8500394,8501248,8501258,8501280,8501295,8501350,8501406,8501489,10200083,10200980,10201089,10201180&atyp=csi&adh=&xjs=init.49.4.spch.29.ntp.17.jsa.2.bbd.1&action=&rt=prt.8,xjsls.11,xjses.90,xjsee.145,xjs.152,ol.1391,wsrt.722,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.13,rspt.13,rqstt.563,unt.563,cstt.563,dit.733 May 19 21:12:19 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google.com get: handshake:322 May 19 21:12:20 - [INFO] DIRECT t:206 204 www.google.com /gen_204?v=3&s=newtab&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&e=4017578,4023709,4024036,4026111,4029417,4029815,4030091,4031636,4032032,4032500,4032521,4032523,4032643,4032645,4032677,4033143,4033191,4033243,4033256,4033344,4033372,4034322,4034425,4035816,4035980,4035999,4036010,4036048,4036485,4036532,4036664,8300095,8500394,8501248,8501258,8501280,8501295,8501350,8501406,8501489,10200083,10200980,10201089,10201180&atyp=csi&adh=&xjs=init.49.4.spch.29.ntp.17.jsa.2.bbd.1&action=&rt=prt.8,xjsls.11,xjses.90,xjsee.145,xjs.152,ol.1391,wsrt.722,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.13,rspt.13,rqstt.563,unt.563,cstt.563,dit.733 May 19 21:12:20 - [DEBUG] createssl update ip: time:518 May 19 21:12:20 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:391 s:54 200 plus.google.com /u/0//n/gcosuc May 19 21:12:20 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:20 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext&xssi=t&q=1&oit=4&cp=1&pgcl=7&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw May 19 21:12:20 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google.com get: handshake:322 May 19 21:12:20 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:20 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=nfkbx&cad=&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&zx=1432041140241 May 19 21:12:20 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google.com get: handshake:332 May 19 21:12:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:489 May 19 21:12:20 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:212 s:447 200 www.google.com /complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext&xssi=t&q=1&oit=4&cp=1&pgcl=7&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw May 19 21:12:20 - [INFO] DIRECT t:204 204 www.google.com /gen_204?atyp=i&ct=nfkbx&cad=&ei=oPdVVb6MJcGqsgG1sIHgAQ&zx=1432041140241 May 19 21:12:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:539 May 19 21:12:21 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:395 May 19 21:12:21 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:417 May 19 21:12:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4001 h:0 May 19 21:12:26 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:12:26 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect May 19 21:12:26 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:12:26 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=578927160&t=pageview&_s=1&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues&ul=zh-cn&de=UTF-8&dt=Issues%20%C2%B7%20XX-net%2FXX-Net&sd=24-bit&sr=1366x768&vp=1017x595&je=1&fl=17.0%20r0&_u=eACAAAQBM~&jid=1098280973&cid=1813224565.1427206099&tid=UA-3769691-2&_r=1&cd1=Logged%20In&cd2=Header%20v3&z=945619978 May 19 21:12:26 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:12:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:12:26 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=578927160&t=event&_s=3&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues&ul=zh-cn&de=UTF-8&dt=Issues%20%C2%B7%20XX-net%2FXX-Net&sd=24-bit&sr=1366x768&vp=1017x595&je=1&fl=17.0%20r0&ec=Support&ea=view&el=no_last_repo&_u=eACAAAQFM~&jid=&cid=1813224565.1427206099&tid=UA-3769691-2&cd1=Logged%20In&cd2=Header%20v3&z=333763051, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:12:27 - [INFO] DIRECT t:265 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /collect May 19 21:12:27 - [INFO] DIRECT t:196 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=578927160&t=event&_s=3&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues&ul=zh-cn&de=UTF-8&dt=Issues%20%C2%B7%20XX-net%2FXX-Net&sd=24-bit&sr=1366x768&vp=1017x595&je=1&fl=17.0%20r0&ec=Support&ea=view&el=no_last_repo&_u=eACAAAQFM~&jid=&cid=1813224565.1427206099&tid=UA-3769691-2&cd1=Logged%20In&cd2=Header%20v3&z=333763051 May 19 21:12:27 - [INFO] DIRECT t:559 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /r/collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=578927160&t=pageview&_s=1&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues&ul=zh-cn&de=UTF-8&dt=Issues%20%C2%B7%20XX-net%2FXX-Net&sd=24-bit&sr=1366x768&vp=1017x595&je=1&fl=17.0%20r0&_u=eACAAAQBM~&jid=1098280973&cid=1813224565.1427206099&tid=UA-3769691-2&_r=1&cd1=Logged%20In&cd2=Header%20v3&z=945619978 May 19 21:12:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1016 May 19 21:12:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:1018 May 19 21:12:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:884 May 19 21:12:30 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:0 May 19 21:12:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:432 May 19 21:12:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:342 May 19 21:12:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4004 h:0 May 19 21:12:31 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:31 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:12:31 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:12:31 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:436 May 19 21:12:31 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:971 May 19 21:12:32 - [INFO] DIRECT t:921 s:8254 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:12:32 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:12:32 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:12:32 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:12:32 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:335 May 19 21:12:32 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4013 h:0 May 19 21:12:32 - [INFO] DIRECT t:362 s:620 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:12:35 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:4009 h:0 May 19 21:14:34 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:14:34 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect May 19 21:14:34 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google-analytics.com get: handshake:389 May 19 21:14:34 - [INFO] DIRECT t:260 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /collect May 19 21:14:40 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:14:40 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect May 19 21:14:40 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google-analytics.com get: handshake:389 May 19 21:14:41 - [INFO] DIRECT t:269 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /collect May 19 21:14:44 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:14:44 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect May 19 21:14:44 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google-analytics.com get: handshake:389 May 19 21:14:45 - [INFO] DIRECT t:266 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /collect May 19 21:14:46 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:14:46 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect May 19 21:14:46 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google-analytics.com get: handshake:389 May 19 21:14:46 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:14:46 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=1509811093&t=pageview&_s=1&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues%2Fnew&ul=zh-cn&de=UTF-8&dt=New%20Issue%20%C2%B7%20XX-net%2FXX-Net&sd=24-bit&sr=1366x768&vp=1017x595&je=1&fl=17.0%20r0&_u=eACAAAQBM~&jid=&cid=1813224565.1427206099&tid=UA-3769691-2&cd1=Logged%20In&cd2=Header%20v3&z=247224530, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:14:46 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google-analytics.com get: handshake:391 May 19 21:14:46 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 May 19 21:14:47 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=1509811093&t=event&_s=3&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues%2Fnew&ul=zh-cn&de=UTF-8&dt=New%20Issue%20%C2%B7%20XX-net%2FXX-Net&sd=24-bit&sr=1366x768&vp=1017x595&je=1&fl=17.0%20r0&ec=Support&ea=view&el=no_last_repo&_u=eACAAAQFM~&jid=&cid=1813224565.1427206099&tid=UA-3769691-2&cd1=Logged%20In&cd2=Header%20v3&z=2029342638 May 19 21:14:47 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool www.google-analytics.com get: handshake:394 May 19 21:14:47 - [INFO] DIRECT t:201 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=1509811093&t=pageview&_s=1&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues%2Fnew&ul=zh-cn&de=UTF-8&dt=New%20Issue%20%C2%B7%20XX-net%2FXX-Net&sd=24-bit&sr=1366x768&vp=1017x595&je=1&fl=17.0%20r0&_u=eACAAAQBM~&jid=&cid=1813224565.1427206099&tid=UA-3769691-2&cd1=Logged%20In&cd2=Header%20v3&z=247224530 May 19 21:14:47 - [INFO] DIRECT t:203 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=1509811093&t=event&_s=3&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues%2Fnew&ul=zh-cn&de=UTF-8&dt=New%20Issue%20%C2%B7%20XX-net%2FXX-Net&sd=24-bit&sr=1366x768&vp=1017x595&je=1&fl=17.0%20r0&ec=Support&ea=view&el=no_last_repo&_u=eACAAAQFM~&jid=&cid=1813224565.1427206099&tid=UA-3769691-2&cd1=Logged%20In&cd2=Header%20v3&z=2029342638 May 19 21:14:47 - [INFO] DIRECT t:1018 s:35 200 www.google-analytics.com /collect May 19 21:14:57 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:14:57 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:14:57 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:312 May 19 21:14:57 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:236 s:147 401 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:14:57 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 May 19 21:14:57 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token May 19 21:14:57 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:217 s:170 200 accounts.google.com /o/oauth2/token May 19 21:14:57 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:14:57 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:14:57 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:6 May 19 21:14:57 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:335 May 19 21:14:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:491 May 19 21:14:58 - [INFO] DIRECT t:700 s:8836 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:14:58 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:14:58 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:14:58 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:342 May 19 21:14:58 - [INFO] DIRECT t:407 s:371 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:14:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:342 May 19 21:14:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:342 May 19 21:15:06 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:15:06 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/invalidation/android/request/CHES4QEStwFBUEE5MWJIZmpxMUhlUXNnM0hscjQ5SWJ0VEx5UWo1TXFpc21sX0F6VzRFblBoeTlnZUNDV1llMGxDY3pBaWlwREt1Skt2V21CQzliUzdOaExTRDV1dDdEaWlvLS1HSDhMNFhyR0pwMENadGlNenNoRGNOMHA5MEp2S2h4RmExVDB1ZkI0T0dEaFBNTUVqTmlNWnliS1NTRzRCaldsbHRGQWVYbWtsTmhQQXVMX2NkLTN3czB5UFkaACoCCAAyH2NvbS5nb29nbGUuY2hyb21lLmludmFsaWRhdGlvbnM May 19 21:15:06 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:342 May 19 21:15:06 - [INFO]LOG_EXCEPT: DIRECT t:308 204 clients4.google.com /invalidation/android/request/CHES4QEStwFBUEE5MWJIZmpxMUhlUXNnM0hscjQ5SWJ0VEx5UWo1TXFpc21sX0F6VzRFblBoeTlnZUNDV1llMGxDY3pBaWlwREt1Skt2V21CQzliUzdOaExTRDV1dDdEaWlvLS1HSDhMNFhyR0pwMENadGlNenNoRGNOMHA5MEp2S2h4RmExVDB1ZkI0T0dEaFBNTUVqTmlNWnliS1NTRzRCaldsbHRGQWVYbWtsTmhQQXVMX2NkLTN3czB5UFkaACoCCAAyH2NvbS5nb29nbGUuY2hyb21lLmludmFsaWRhdGlvbnM, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor May 19 21:15:22 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:15:22 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:15:22 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:342 May 19 21:15:23 - [INFO] DIRECT t:269 s:7399 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:15:23 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 May 19 21:15:23 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:15:23 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:342 May 19 21:15:23 - [INFO] DIRECT t:371 s:496 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=geMAvuoWgvNy6NAYrObG3w%3D%3D May 19 21:15:35 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:15 May 19 21:15:35 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:342 May 19 21:15:35 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:357

clawneo commented 9 years ago

我用这个版本也是这样子。。。 用最新的测试版正常。。。

chenjb7608 commented 9 years ago


2015-05-20 16:50 GMT+08:00 clawneo notifications@github.com:

我用这个版本也是这样子。。。 用最新的测试版正常。。。

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/XX-net/XX-Net/issues/433#issuecomment-103813722.