XX-net / XX-Net

A proxy tool to bypass GFW.
33k stars 7.7k forks source link

私有appid部署失败upload fail: HTTP Error 404: Not Found #4362

Open ZizzHe opened 7 years ago

ZizzHe commented 7 years ago

完全是按照步骤一步步来的,可是就卡在部署appid这最后一步了。 也已经尝试过很多版本的XX-net,现在束手无策啊~求解救~~ @xxnet

Oct 13 12:22:40 - ============ Begin upload ============ appid:zizziz-146200

Oct 13 12:22:40 - Application: zizziz-146200 Oct 13 12:22:40 - Host: appengine.google.com Oct 13 12:22:40 - Rolling back the update. Oct 13 12:22:41 - Error 404: --- begin server output --- https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps --- end server output --- Oct 13 12:22:41 - upload fail: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Oct 13 12:22:41 - Retry 1 time...

Oct 13 12:22:41 - Application: zizziz-146200 Oct 13 12:22:41 - Host: appengine.google.com Oct 13 12:22:41 - Rolling back the update. Oct 13 12:22:42 - Error 404: --- begin server output --- https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps --- end server output --- Oct 13 12:22:42 - upload fail: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Oct 13 12:22:42 - Retry 2 time...

Oct 13 12:22:43 - Application: zizziz-146200 Oct 13 12:22:43 - Host: appengine.google.com Oct 13 12:22:43 - Rolling back the update. Oct 13 12:22:44 - Error 404: --- begin server output --- https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps --- end server output --- Oct 13 12:22:44 - upload fail: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Oct 13 12:22:44 - Retry 3 time...

Oct 13 12:22:46 - Application: zizziz-146200 Oct 13 12:22:46 - Host: appengine.google.com Oct 13 12:22:46 - Rolling back the update. Oct 13 12:22:46 - Error 404: --- begin server output --- https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps --- end server output --- Oct 13 12:22:46 - upload fail: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Oct 13 12:22:46 - Retry 4 time...

属性 值 本地网络状态 OK IP数量 1104 IP质量 219 连接池(帮助) 6 / 0 浏览器代理设置 OK CA证书状态 OK 扫描IP线程数(设置) 50 屏蔽状态 (帮助) OK

属性 值 监听代理 PAC自动代理地址 IPv6 禁用

属性 值 当前工作AppID 你正使用公共AppID 超额AppID xxnet-72|xxnet-19|xxnet-90|xxnet-146|xxnet-5|xxnet-4|xxnet-152|xxnet-133|xxnet-73|xxnet-22|xxnet-69|xxnet-99|xxnet-84|xxnet-104|xxnet-148|xxnet-149|xxnet-58|xxnet-158|xxnet-8|xxnet-1|xxnet-9|xxnet-141|xxnet-92|xxnet-39|xxnet-119|xxnet-55|xxnet-102|xxnet-132|xxnet-66|xxnet-120|xxnet-65|xxnet-75|xxnet-64|xxnet-3|xxnet-52|xxnet-150|xxnet-112|xxnet-67|xxnet-125|xxnet-70|xxnet-110|xxnet-35|xxnet-113|xxnet-157|xxnet-14|xxnet-131|xxnet-121|xxnet-36|xxnet-87|xxnet-77|xxnet-89|xxnet-7|xxnet-38|xxnet-127|xxnet-128|xxnet-142|xxnet-60|xxnet-106|xxnet-124|xxnet-59|xxnet-94|xxnet-40|xxnet-159|xxnet-10|xxnet-129|xxnet-83|xxnet-85|xxnet-12|xxnet-82

属性 值 XX-Net Version 2.8.9 Python Version 2.7.9 System Platform AMD64, Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 OS System Windows OS Version 6.1.7601 OS Release 7 OS Detail Version:6-1; Build:7601; Platform:2; CSD:Service Pack 1; ServicePack:1-0; Suite:256; ProductType:0 Language zh_CN Architecture 32bit,WindowsPE Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36

sys-platform: AMD64, Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 os-system: Windows os-version: 6.1.7601 os-release: 7 os-detail: Version:6-1; Build:7601; Platform:2; CSD:Service Pack 1; ServicePack:1-0; Suite:256; ProductType:0 architecture: 32bit,WindowsPE browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36 xxnet-version: 2.8.9 python-version: 2.7.9

ipv6-status: 0 gws-ip-num: 3000 / 1104 network-status: OK connected-link: 6 / 0 scan-ip-thread-num: 50 ip-quality: 219 block-stat: OK proxy_state: OK ca_state: OK Appid_Working: true Appids_Out_Of_Quota: true Appids_Not_Exist: false Using_Public_Appid: true

Oct 13 12:49:28.839 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:49:29.725 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:49:29.844 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:55 Oct 13 12:49:29.844 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:65 Oct 13 12:49:29.922 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:59 Oct 13 12:49:37.293 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:49:37.293 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:49:37 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: ssl_closed, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:49:43.137 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:49:43.137 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:49:43.278 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:55 Oct 13 12:49:43.357 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:43.381 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps Oct 13 12:49:43.393 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:79 Oct 13 12:49:43.393 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:110 Oct 13 12:49:43.486 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:68 Oct 13 12:49:44.020 - [INFO] GAE 1192||409 t:638 s:0 hs:59 301 https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps Oct 13 12:49:44.028 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.047 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/AuthForInstalledApps Oct 13 12:49:44.047 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:59 Oct 13 12:49:44.589 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:162 Oct 13 12:49:44.690 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:209 Oct 13 12:49:44.788 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:140 Oct 13 12:49:44.833 - [INFO] GAE 1192||846 t:786 s:71531 hs:59 Spd:803719 200 https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/AuthForInstalledApps Oct 13 12:49:44.885 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT fonts.googleapis.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.889 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.898 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/css/devsite-teal.css Oct 13 12:49:44.899 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:59 Oct 13 12:49:44.900 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT ajax.googleapis.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.901 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic|Roboto+Mono:400,500,700|Material+Icons Oct 13 12:49:44.903 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.904 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.913 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js Oct 13 12:49:44.915 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/js/jquery_ui-bundle.js Oct 13 12:49:44.920 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.922 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.924 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:44.924 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_static2/696d99a5ad/jsi18n/ Oct 13 12:49:44.925 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:219 Oct 13 12:49:44.936 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:233 Oct 13 12:49:44.937 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/js/script_foot_closure__zh_cn.js Oct 13 12:49:44.939 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/js/script_foot.js Oct 13 12:49:44.944 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:233 Oct 13 12:49:44.945 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:238 Oct 13 12:49:44.947 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/images/silhouette36.png?sz=64 Oct 13 12:49:44.968 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:208 Oct 13 12:49:45.125 - [INFO] GAE 2000||388 t:223 s:2195 hs:78 200 https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic|Roboto+Mono:400,500,700|Material+Icons Oct 13 12:49:45.216 - [INFO] GAE 1864||164 t:902 s:152 hs:68 200 http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:49:45.231 - [INFO] GAE 1192||72667 t:332 s:16023 hs:59 Spd:1144504 200 https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/css/devsite-teal.css Oct 13 12:49:45.233 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:45.243 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/accounts/images/ClientLoginDiagram.png Oct 13 12:49:45.244 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:59 Oct 13 12:49:45.245 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:243 Oct 13 12:49:45.260 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:224 Oct 13 12:49:45 - [INFO]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE 3356||420 t:348 s:2102 hs:140 Spd:2102152 200 https://developers.google.com/_static2/696d99a5ad/jsi18n/, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:49:45.275 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:45.284 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/images/redesign-14/logo-color-knockout.svg Oct 13 12:49:45.284 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:68 Oct 13 12:49:45.289 - [INFO] GAE 2064||375 t:375 s:29885 hs:131 Spd:373562 200 https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js Oct 13 12:49:45.290 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:240 Oct 13 12:49:45.290 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:233 Oct 13 12:49:45.318 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:287 Oct 13 12:49:45.326 - [INFO] GAE 1932||291 t:410 s:65292 hs:79 Spd:522336 200 https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/js/jquery_ui-bundle.js Oct 13 12:49:45.333 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT fonts.gstatic.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:45.344 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/materialicons/v18/2fcrYFNaTjcS6g4U3t-Y5ZjZjT5FdEJ140U2DJYC3mY.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.344 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:78 Oct 13 12:49:45.361 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT fonts.gstatic.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:45.370 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT fonts.gstatic.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:45.375 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT fonts.gstatic.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:45.378 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v15/Hgo13k-tfSpn0qi1SFdUfVtXRa8TVwTICgirnJhmVJw.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.379 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:79 Oct 13 12:49:45.391 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/robotomono/v4/N4duVc9C58uwPiY8_59Fz7BojE9J5UnpMtv5N3zfxwk.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.391 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:131 Oct 13 12:49:45.392 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/robotomono/v4/hMqPNLsu_dywMa4C_DEpY44P5ICox8Kq3LLUNMylGO4.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.392 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:140 Oct 13 12:49:45.506 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT fonts.gstatic.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:45.507 - [INFO] GAE 1968||297 t:568 s:88393 hs:208 Spd:439766 200 https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/js/script_foot.js Oct 13 12:49:45.519 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v15/Fcx7Wwv8OzT71A3E1XOAjvesZW2xOQ-xsNqO47m55DA.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.520 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:208 Oct 13 12:49:45.521 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT fonts.gstatic.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:45.525 - [INFO] GAE 1864||603 t:241 s:19034 hs:68 Spd:2379209 200 https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/images/redesign-14/logo-color-knockout.svg Oct 13 12:49:45.531 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v15/u0TOpm082MNkS5K0Q4rhqvesZW2xOQ-xsNqO47m55DA.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.531 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:68 Oct 13 12:49:45.532 - [INFO] GAE 3316||268 t:585 s:1587 hs:224 200 https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/images/silhouette36.png?sz=64 Oct 13 12:49:45.540 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:185 Oct 13 12:49:45.551 - [INFO] GAE 2852||292 t:613 s:118632 hs:145 Spd:390236 200 https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/js/script_foot_closure__zh_cn.js Oct 13 12:49:45.613 - [INFO] GAE 1932||65900 t:234 s:14524 hs:79 Spd:2904872 200 https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v15/Hgo13k-tfSpn0qi1SFdUfVtXRa8TVwTICgirnJhmVJw.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.666 - [INFO] GAE 1192||89119 t:421 s:19828 hs:59 Spd:2203154 200 https://developers.google.com/accounts/images/ClientLoginDiagram.png Oct 13 12:49:45.681 - [INFO] GAE 2064||30578 t:289 s:16140 hs:131 Spd:2305724 200 https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/robotomono/v4/N4duVc9C58uwPiY8_59Fz7BojE9J5UnpMtv5N3zfxwk.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.750 - [INFO] GAE 2000||2900 t:405 s:46736 hs:78 Spd:367999 200 https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/materialicons/v18/2fcrYFNaTjcS6g4U3t-Y5ZjZjT5FdEJ140U2DJYC3mY.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45 - [INFO]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE 1864||19955 t:233 s:7208 hs:68 Spd:7208522 200 https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v15/u0TOpm082MNkS5K0Q4rhqvesZW2xOQ-xsNqO47m55DA.woff2, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:49:45.774 - [INFO] GAE 3356||2838 t:381 s:16108 hs:140 Spd:947531 200 https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/robotomono/v4/hMqPNLsu_dywMa4C_DEpY44P5ICox8Kq3LLUNMylGO4.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.817 - [INFO] GAE 1968||89008 t:297 s:12008 hs:208 Spd:3002038 200 https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v15/Fcx7Wwv8OzT71A3E1XOAjvesZW2xOQ-xsNqO47m55DA.woff2 Oct 13 12:49:45.890 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:263 Oct 13 12:49:46.175 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.176 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.181 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.183 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.194 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.196 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_s/getsuggestions?hl=zh-cn&s=devsite&c=1 Oct 13 12:49:46.196 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_s/getsuggestions?hl=zh-cn&p=%2Fidentity%2F&s=devsite&c=2 Oct 13 12:49:46.196 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:59 Oct 13 12:49:46.198 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:68 Oct 13 12:49:46.199 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_s/getsuggestions?hl=zh-cn&p=%2Fidentity%2F&s=devsite&c=3 Oct 13 12:49:46.201 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:78 Oct 13 12:49:46.202 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_s/getsuggestions?hl=zh-cn&s=cloud&c=1 Oct 13 12:49:46.203 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:79 Oct 13 12:49:46.207 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/profile/userhistory Oct 13 12:49:46.207 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:131 Oct 13 12:49:46.233 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:271 Oct 13 12:49:46.297 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.307 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google-analytics.com/plugins/ua/linkid.js Oct 13 12:49:46.307 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:140 Oct 13 12:49:46.314 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.318 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.328 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.328 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:145 Oct 13 12:49:46.330 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.333 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.333 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:208 Oct 13 12:49:46.343 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.344 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:224 Oct 13 12:49:46.478 - [INFO] GAE 1192||109355 t:281 s:1262 hs:59 Spd:1262091 200 https://developers.google.com/_s/getsuggestions?hl=zh-cn&s=devsite&c=1 Oct 13 12:49:46.484 - [INFO] GAE 1932||80828 t:280 s:28 hs:79 200 https://developers.google.com/_s/getsuggestions?hl=zh-cn&s=cloud&c=1 Oct 13 12:49:46.604 - [INFO] GAE 3356||19247 t:297 s:856 hs:140 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/plugins/ua/linkid.js Oct 13 12:49:46.608 - [INFO] GAE 3316||2184 t:265 s:35 hs:224 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.620 - [INFO] GAE 2852||119253 t:291 s:35 hs:145 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.634 - [INFO] GAE 1968||101345 t:301 s:35 hs:208 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.640 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.650 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.667 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.668 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.668 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:46.669 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.669 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:59 Oct 13 12:49:46 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: ssl_pool.get: handshake:79, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:49:46.679 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.679 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:140 Oct 13 12:49:46.680 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/images/favicon.png Oct 13 12:49:46.680 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:145 Oct 13 12:49:46.689 - [INFO] GAE 2000||50045 t:488 s:276 hs:78 200 https://developers.google.com/_s/getsuggestions?hl=zh-cn&p=%2Fidentity%2F&s=devsite&c=3 Oct 13 12:49:46.717 - [INFO] GAE 2064||47118 t:509 s:211 hs:131 200 https://developers.google.com/profile/userhistory Oct 13 12:49:46.880 - [INFO] GAE 1864||27571 t:683 s:1901 hs:68 Spd:1900684 200 https://developers.google.com/_s/getsuggestions?hl=zh-cn&p=%2Fidentity%2F&s=devsite&c=2 Oct 13 12:49:46.900 - [INFO] GAE 1932||81185 t:231 s:35 hs:79 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.903 - [INFO] GAE 1192||110946 t:234 s:35 hs:59 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:49:46.979 - [INFO] GAE 2852||119558 t:299 s:905 hs:145 200 https://developers.google.com/_static/696d99a5ad/images/favicon.png Oct 13 12:49:47.043 - [INFO] GAE 3356||20432 t:364 s:35 hs:140 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:49:47.635 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:49:47.644 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:49:47.645 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:59 Oct 13 12:49:47.863 - [INFO] GAE 1192||111303 t:218 s:35 hs:59 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:50:24.866 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT console.developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:50:24.879 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://console.developers.google.com/m/operations?maxResults=100 Oct 13 12:50:24.880 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:59 Oct 13 12:50:25.189 - [INFO] GAE 1192||111799 t:309 s:5591 hs:59 Spd:2795702 200 https://console.developers.google.com/m/operations?maxResults=100 Oct 13 12:50:37.354 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:37.355 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:37.356 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:37.357 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:37.358 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:37.358 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:37.578 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:233 Oct 13 12:50:37.666 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:240 Oct 13 12:50:37.768 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:282 Oct 13 12:50:37.868 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:282 Oct 13 12:50:37.970 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:287 Oct 13 12:50:38.050 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:332 Oct 13 12:50:38.070 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:319 Oct 13 12:50:38.146 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:243 Oct 13 12:50:38.171 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:328 Oct 13 12:50:38.172 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:274 Oct 13 12:50:38.195 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:223 Oct 13 12:50:38.358 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:38.359 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:38.360 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:38.361 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:38.362 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:38.363 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:38.363 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:38.364 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:38.365 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:38.366 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:38.366 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:38.367 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:38.367 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:38.368 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:38.376 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:323 Oct 13 12:50:38.564 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:391 Oct 13 12:50:38 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl update ip: time:319, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:50:39.367 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:39.368 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:39.369 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:39.370 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:50:39.371 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:50:39.371 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:17.670 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:51:17.670 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:51:30.742 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:51:31.663 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:59 Oct 13 12:51:31.774 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:68 Oct 13 12:51:31.874 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:164 Oct 13 12:51:31.893 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:78 Oct 13 12:51:31.940 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:82 Oct 13 12:51:32.005 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:79 Oct 13 12:51:32.005 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:75 Oct 13 12:51:32.441 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:389 Oct 13 12:51:37.128 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:131 Oct 13 12:51:37.238 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:140 Oct 13 12:51:37.338 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:145 Oct 13 12:51:37.355 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:180 Oct 13 12:51:37.433 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:137 Oct 13 12:51:37.527 - [DEBUG] createssl update ip: time:139 Oct 13 12:52:03.493 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:52:03.510 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:52:03.721 - [INFO] GAE 3152||321 t:210 s:35 hs:75 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:52:15.701 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT plus.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:52:15.717 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://plus.google.com/u/0//initialdata?orig=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&soc-app=162&cid=0&soc-platform=1&ozv=es_oz_20161011.16_p0&f.sid=339244336&_reqid=46336&rt=j Oct 13 12:52:15.717 - [DEBUG] sslpool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:52:15.982 - [INFO] GAE 3152||744 t:265 s:732 hs:75 200 https://plus.google.com/u/0//initialdata?orig=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&soc-app=162&cid=0&soc-platform=1&ozv=es_oz_20161011.16_p0&f.sid=339244336&_reqid=46336&rt=j Oct 13 12:52:17.611 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT console.developers.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:52:17.622 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://console.developers.google.com/m/operations?maxResults=100 Oct 13 12:52:17.622 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:52:17.916 - [INFO] GAE 3152||1941 t:293 s:5591 hs:75 Spd:1863801 200 https://console.developers.google.com/m/operations?maxResults=100 Oct 13 12:52:18.231 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:52:18.251 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/experimentstatus Oct 13 12:52:18.251 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:52:18.490 - [INFO] GAE 3152||7912 t:239 s:32 hs:75 200 https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/experimentstatus Oct 13 12:52:21.214 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT csi.gstatic.com:443 Oct 13 12:52:21.228 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://csi.gstatic.com/csi?v=3&s=oz&action=&srt=357&tbsrt=379&tran=15&rt=wjsr.491 Oct 13 12:52:21.228 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:52:21 - [INFO]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE 3152||8218 t:641 s:0 hs:75 204 https://csi.gstatic.com/csi?v=3&s=oz&action=&srt=357&tbsrt=379&tran=15&rt=wjsr.491, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:52:22.604 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:52:22.618 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=NhD_V8-hHsri-QGEyp-YBg&s=5&v=2&pv=0.4363354882453472&me=15:1476333758566,V,0,0,0,0:583110,U,583110:0,V,0,0,1366,648:913,e,H&zx=1476334342589 Oct 13 12:52:22.619 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:52:22.880 - [INFO] GAE 3152||8441 t:261 s:0 hs:75 204 https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=NhD_V8-hHsri-QGEyp-YBg&s=5&v=2&pv=0.4363354882453472&me=15:1476333758566,V,0,0,0,0:583110,U,583110:0,V,0,0,1366,648:913,e,H&zx=1476334342589 Oct 13 12:52:24.036 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:52:24.037 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:52:24.038 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:52:24.039 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:52:24.149 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:82 Oct 13 12:52:24.265 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:53 Oct 13 12:52:24.265 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:164 Oct 13 12:52:24.343 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:52:25.039 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:52:25.040 - [DEBUG] sslclosed Oct 13 12:52:26.200 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT plus.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:52:26.208 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://plus.google.com/u/0//n/bg/fetchcount?orig=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&soc-app=162&cid=0&soc-platform=1&ozv=es_oz_20161011.16_p0&f.sid=339244336&_reqid=146336&rt=j Oct 13 12:52:26.208 - [DEBUG] sslpool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:52:26.470 - [INFO] GAE 3152||8828 t:262 s:154 hs:75 200 https://plus.google.com/u/0//n/bg/fetchcount?orig=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&soc-app=162&cid=0&soc-platform=1&ozv=es_oz_20161011.16_p0&f.sid=339244336&reqid=146336&rt=j Oct 13 12:52:29.196 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT csi.gstatic.com:443 Oct 13 12:52:29.233 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://csi.gstatic.com/csi?v=3&s=oz&action=notificationswidget&it=wtsrt.357,tbsd.22,tbnd.0,redirectTime.0,dnsTime.0,tcpTime.11,requestStart.18,requestTime.342,navSrt.357&srt=357&tbsrt=379&tran=15&e=81,97,99,122,123,30,79,127&rt=hl.22,bl.34,jl.48,es.604078,ec.604109,ol.604109,fll.607632 Oct 13 12:52:29.234 - [DEBUG] sslpool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:52:29.564 - [INFO] GAE 3152||9256 t:330 s:0 hs:75 204 https://csi.gstatic.com/csi?v=3&s=oz&action=notificationswidget&it=wtsrt.357,tbsd.22,tbnd.0,redirectTime.0,dnsTime.0,tcpTime.11,requestStart.18,requestTime.342,navSrt.357&srt=357&tbsrt=379&tran=15&e=81,97,99,122,123,30,79,127&rt=hl.22,bl.34,jl.48,es.604078,ec.604109,ol.604109,fll.607632 Oct 13 12:52:30.065 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:52:30.065 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:52:30.065 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:52:30.065 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:52:30.065 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:52:30.065 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:52:30.995 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:137 Oct 13 12:52:31.096 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:139 Oct 13 12:52:31.197 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Oct 13 12:52:31.220 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:135 Oct 13 12:52:31.296 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:138 Oct 13 12:52:31.312 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:185 Oct 13 12:52:31.390 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:136 Oct 13 12:52:31.587 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:185 Oct 13 12:53:04.646 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:53:04.663 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=NhD_V8-hHsri-QGEyp-YBg&s=6&v=2&pv=0.4363354882453472&me=19:1476334342590,V,0,0,0,0:41045,U,41045:0,V,0,0,1366,648:995,e,H&zx=1476334384630 Oct 13 12:53:04.663 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:53:04 - [INFO]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE 3152||9479 t:254 s:0 hs:75 204 https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=NhD_V8-hHsri-QGEyp-YBg&s=6&v=2&pv=0.4363354882453472&me=19:1476334342590,V,0,0,0,0:41045,U,41045:0,V,0,0,1366,648:995,e,H&zx=1476334384630, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:53:05.238 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:75 Oct 13 12:53:05.454 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:53:05.454 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:05.454 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:09.701 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:53:09.701 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:09.701 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:14.094 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT config.qqpy.sogou.com:80 Oct 13 12:53:14.094 - [INFO] ssl error: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:507: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request, create full domain cert for host:config.qqpy.sogou.com Oct 13 12:53:14.855 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT Oct 13 12:53:14.886 - [INFO] ssl error: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:507: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request, create full domain cert for host: Oct 13 12:53:14.944 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:53:14.944 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:14.944 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:15.833 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:53 Oct 13 12:53:15.954 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:67 Oct 13 12:53:15.954 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:53:16.107 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT config.qqpy.sogou.com:80 Oct 13 12:53:16.108 - [INFO] ssl error: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:507: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request, create full domain cert for host:config.qqpy.sogou.com Oct 13 12:53:16.112 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:142 Oct 13 12:53:18.127 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT config.qqpy.sogou.com:80 Oct 13 12:53:18.127 - [INFO] ssl error: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:507: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request, create full domain cert for host:config.qqpy.sogou.com Oct 13 12:53:19.270 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:53:19.270 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:19.270 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:23.333 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:53:23.333 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:23.333 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:53:23.333 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:24.340 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:53:24.340 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:24.340 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:53:24.340 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:24.394 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:67 Oct 13 12:53:24.475 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:53:24.506 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:75 Oct 13 12:53:24.584 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:53:24.615 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:135 Oct 13 12:53:24.726 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:136 Oct 13 12:53:24.804 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:141 Oct 13 12:53:24.836 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:138 Oct 13 12:53:24.911 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:138 Oct 13 12:53:25.083 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:187 Oct 13 12:53:26.506 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:53:26.506 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:26.506 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:30.546 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:185 Oct 13 12:53:30.749 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:53:30.749 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:30.749 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:30.835 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:184 Oct 13 12:53:38.774 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:53:38.867 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:53:39 - [WARNING]LOG_EXCEPT: APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:53:39.038 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:39.038 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:47.163 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:53:47.251 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:138 Oct 13 12:53:47.294 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:93 Oct 13 12:53:47.316 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:53:47.316 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:47.316 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:47.449 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:135 Oct 13 12:53:47.894 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:53:47.905 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjPlI6p-9bPAhVKcT4KHQTlB2MQFggcMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues%2F156&usg=AFQjCNHe3ey3JKMUsDfKc6OSMT5NuCpuMQ&sig2=GVDFqxfKNS5LTAUv_gStMw Oct 13 12:53:48.170 - [INFO] GAE 2448||315 t:265 s:288 hs:93 200 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjPlI6p-9bPAhVKcT4KHQTlB2MQFggcMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FXX-net%2FXX-Net%2Fissues%2F156&usg=AFQjCNHe3ey3JKMUsDfKc6OSMT5NuCpuMQ&sig2=GVDFqxfKNS5LTAUv_gStMw Oct 13 12:53:49.016 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 Oct 13 12:53:49.028 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=NhD_V8-hHsri-QGEyp-YBg&s=7&v=2&pv=0.4363354882453472&me=23:1476334384631,V,0,0,0,0:38103,U,38103:0,V,0,0,1366,648:543,H,27,i:912,H,27,o:859,H,27,i:611,D,2,,1,27:2256,H,27,o:1093,e,H&zx=1476334429009 Oct 13 12:53:49.029 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:93 Oct 13 12:53:49.383 - [INFO] GAE 2448||826 t:354 s:0 hs:93 204 https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=NhD_V8-hHsri-QGEyp-YBg&s=7&v=2&pv=0.4363354882453472&me=23:1476334384631,V,0,0,0,0:38103,U,38103:0,V,0,0,1366,648:543,H,27,i:912,H,27,o:859,H,27,i:611,D,2,,1,27:2256,H,27,o:1093,e,H&zx=1476334429009 Oct 13 12:53:49.771 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:53:49.780 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:53:49.781 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:93 Oct 13 12:53:50.006 - [INFO] GAE 2448||1148 t:226 s:35 hs:93 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:53:53.335 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:93 Oct 13 12:53:53.553 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:53:53.553 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:53:53.553 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:53:56.552 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:990 Oct 13 12:53:56.562 - [INFO] remove_slowest_ip: handshake_time:358, fails:7 Oct 13 12:54:00.674 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:54:00.791 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:54:00.791 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:93 Oct 13 12:54:00.876 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:54:00.878 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:00.878 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:00.878 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:01.448 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:54:01.459 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:54:01.693 - [INFO] GAE 3116||322 t:233 s:35 hs:62 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:54:08.556 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:54:08.556 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:08.649 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:135 Oct 13 12:54:08.758 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:142 Oct 13 12:54:08.836 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:54:08.899 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:62 Oct 13 12:54:08.899 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:187 Oct 13 12:54:09.102 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:09 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: close:app err, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:54:09.102 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:13.380 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:13.380 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:13.380 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:17.609 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:17.609 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:17.609 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:17.624 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:54:17.624 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:17.624 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:54:17.624 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:18.333 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:54:18.442 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:69 Oct 13 12:54:18.442 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:54:18.520 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:49 Oct 13 12:54:18.536 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:141 Oct 13 12:54:18.645 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:54:18.737 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:75 Oct 13 12:54:18.740 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:141 Oct 13 12:54:23.647 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:54:23.647 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:24.859 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:24.860 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:24.860 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:25.371 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:184 Oct 13 12:54:25.455 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:187 Oct 13 12:54:25.557 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:208 Oct 13 12:54:25.604 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:153 Oct 13 12:54:25.650 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:133 Oct 13 12:54:25.903 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:268 Oct 13 12:54:32.085 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:32.085 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:32.085 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:37.319 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:37.319 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:37.319 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:37.939 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:54:37.953 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:54:38.245 - [INFO] GAE 2708||322 t:291 s:35 hs:133 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:54:39.019 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:49 Oct 13 12:54:39.144 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:54:39.144 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:69 Oct 13 12:54:39.285 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:48 Oct 13 12:54:41.350 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:133 Oct 13 12:54:41.615 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:41.615 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:41.615 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:45.852 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:45.852 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:45.852 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:53.078 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:53.078 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:53.079 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:54:53.741 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:48 Oct 13 12:54:53.854 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:61 Oct 13 12:54:53.857 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:54:53.932 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:54 Oct 13 12:54:58.312 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:54:58.312 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:54:58.313 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:01.872 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:55:01.872 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:02 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: get ip: t:54, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:55:02.373 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:55:03.527 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:75 Oct 13 12:55:03.558 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:55:03.558 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:55:03.558 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:03.605 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:55:08.596 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:61 Oct 13 12:55:08.690 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:55:08.799 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:55:08.799 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:55:08.799 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:10.913 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:55:10.913 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:11.407 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:55:11.485 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:61 Oct 13 12:55:15.399 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google-analytics.com:443 Oct 13 12:55:15.411 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:55:15.629 - [INFO] GAE 2124||322 t:217 s:35 hs:61 200 https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Oct 13 12:55:15.817 - [DEBUG] ssl_pool.get: handshake:61 Oct 13 12:55:15.819 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:133 Oct 13 12:55:15.943 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:141 Oct 13 12:55:16.019 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:137 Oct 13 12:55:16.026 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:55:16.026 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:55:16.027 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:16.135 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:135 Oct 13 12:55:17.945 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:55:17.946 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:17.946 - [DEBUG] close:HEAD Oct 13 12:55:17.946 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:18.273 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:153 Oct 13 12:55:18.374 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:187 Oct 13 12:55:18.477 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:223 Oct 13 12:55:18.539 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:179 Oct 13 12:55:18.633 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:202 Oct 13 12:55:18.805 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:201 Oct 13 12:55:24.267 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:55:24.267 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:55:24.267 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:32.548 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:55:32.548 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:55:32.548 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:38.581 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:61 Oct 13 12:55:38.612 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:55:38.697 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:66 Oct 13 12:55:38.705 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:67 Oct 13 12:55:38.844 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:55:38.845 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:55:38.845 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:41.448 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.twitter.com:443 Oct 13 12:55:41.464 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.twitter.com:443 Oct 13 12:55:41.464 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.twitter.com:443 Oct 13 12:55:41.464 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.twitter.com:443 Oct 13 12:55:41.485 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.twitter.com:443 Oct 13 12:55:46.086 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:55:46.086 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:55:46.086 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Oct 13 12:55:53.133 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:62 Oct 13 12:55:53.234 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:62 Oct 13 12:55:53.234 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:66 Oct 13 12:55:53.320 - [WARNING] APPID error:510 url:http://p.f.360.cn/pollmessage Oct 13 12:55:53.320 - [DEBUG] close:app err Oct 13 12:55:53 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: ssl_closed, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Oct 13 12:55:53.874 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:614

yeahwu commented 7 years ago


ZizzHe commented 7 years ago

我更新过最新版本了,但还是不行。不过我待会儿再试一下吧~谢谢 @yeahwu

jzp820927 commented 7 years ago

你确认你的 appid 没弄错吧

ZizzHe commented 7 years ago

@jzp820927 没有弄错啊~我的appid是zizziz-146200,格式没错吧~

jzp820927 commented 7 years ago

Oct 13 12:22:41 - upload fail: HTTP Error 404: Not Found 看错误提示,感觉好像是 appid 不存在。

dq3221 commented 7 years ago


Nov 10 12:46:08 - Retry 2 time...

Nov 10 12:46:09 - Application: xx-net-149104 Nov 10 12:46:09 - Host: appengine.google.com Nov 10 12:46:09 - Rolling back the update. Nov 10 12:46:10 - Error 404: --- begin server output --- https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps --- end server output --- Nov 10 12:46:10 - upload fail: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Nov 10 12:46:10 - Retry 3 time...

Nov 10 12:46:12 - ======================= Nov 10 12:46:12 - Deploy failed appid list: Nov 10 12:46:12 - - xx-net-149104 Nov 10 12:46:12 - == END ==

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