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【好了2天,问题复现】3.3.4版 “pythonw”进程CPU占用率过高,后台偷跑APPID流量 #5837

Open PrinceAnna opened 7 years ago

PrinceAnna commented 7 years ago

【JULY 1st更新】好了几天,问题复现—— “pythonw”进程CPU占用率过高 【JUNE】问题基本解决,删除证书、xxnet主程序、chrome后,重启电脑,重新安装上述内容**

_【现象】 我有两台电脑,笔记本(华硕K43TA:A8-3520M,8GB,1T)用3.3.4,台式用3.3.2,系统都是Win8.1+最新补丁,两台电脑共享7个APPID,在3.2.X时代7G流量足够一天用

【自打更新到3.3.4后,尤其在夜深人静用笔记本打字的时候,风扇的噪音根本不能忍 查看任务管理器,发现“pythonw”进程的CPU占用过高,超过30%,而且此时其网速占用在1Mbps以上 同时,“system”进程的CPU占用与“pythonw”进程成1:3比例,还占用部分磁盘】

上述问题,往往在笔记本开机后的10分钟左右开始,差不多1小时后CPU占用率才会下降 台式机虽然XXNET版本不同,却也常出现相同问题 现在每天中午的时候,7G流量就没了_

motamyth commented 7 years ago


PrinceAnna commented 7 years ago

@motamyth 20

SeaHOH commented 7 years ago

Chrome 更新?你完全可以检查日志,它就是起这个作用的。

PrinceAnna commented 7 years ago

@SeaHOH Chrome已经是最新版本

SeaHOH commented 7 years ago


roc1010kmt commented 7 years ago


YunJianx commented 7 years ago


PrinceAnna commented 7 years ago

@SeaHOH 能看出什么端倪? Jun 23 09:12:25.384 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:412 Jun 23 09:12:26.079 - [DEBUG] createssl update ip: time:493 h2:0 Jun 23 09:12:51.934 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT notifications.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:12:51.947 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://notifications.google.com/u/0//NotificationsOgbUi/data?ds.extension=116208916&f.sid=-2028694282514483347&hl=zh-CN&soc-app=208&soc-platform=1&soc-device=1&reqid=131844&rt=c Jun 23 09:12:51.951 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:421 Jun 23 09:12:52.424 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:476 s:169 200 notifications.google.com /u/0//NotificationsOgbUi/data?ds.extension=116208916&f.sid=-2028694282514483347&hl=zh-CN&soc-app=208&soc-platform=1&soc-device=1&_reqid=131844&rt=c Jun 23 09:12:52.447 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google.com.hk/domainreliability/upload Jun 23 09:12:52.449 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:483 Jun 23 09:12:52.590 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:436 h2:0 Jun 23 09:12:52.715 - [INFO] GAE t:267 s:0 POST https://www.google.com.hk/domainreliability/upload get_response:265 Jun 23 09:12:52.950 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:544 Jun 23 09:12:53.451 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:547 Jun 23 09:12:53.591 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:562 Jun 23 09:12:53.860 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:621 h2:1 Jun 23 09:12:53.952 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:569 Jun 23 09:12:54.246 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:519 h2:1 Jun 23 09:12:54.453 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:570 Jun 23 09:12:54.764 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:659 h2:0 Jun 23 09:12:54.808 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:592 h2:0 Jun 23 09:12:54.860 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:578 Jun 23 09:12:54.955 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:609 Jun 23 09:12:55.246 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:625 Jun 23 09:12:55.456 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:683 Jun 23 09:12:55.766 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:763 Jun 23 09:12:55.810 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:765 Jun 23 09:12:55.946 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:648 h2:0 Jun 23 09:12:55.957 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:772 Jun 23 09:12:56.194 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:1410 h2:1 Jun 23 09:12:56.451 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:12:56.451 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:12:56.536 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:743 h2:0 Jun 23 09:12:57.031 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:840 h2:0 Jun 23 09:12:57.150 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:824 h2:0 Jun 23 09:12:59.247 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:12:59.247 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:12:59.546 - [DEBUG] fail:error(' certficate is none',) Jun 23 09:12:59.546 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:12:59.810 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:12:59.810 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:13:06.104 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:190 Jun 23 09:13:11.452 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:13:16.453 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:13:19.778 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:13:24.778 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:13:39.573 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:13:39.573 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:13:46.094 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:190 Jun 23 09:13:49.302 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:845 Jun 23 09:13:50.094 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:13:50.094 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:13:50.094 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:493 Jun 23 09:13:51.323 - [DEBUG] appid:zhaoshan880528-5 head fail status:503 Jun 23 09:13:51.323 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:13:54.096 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:13:54.096 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:13:54.096 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:794 Jun 23 09:13:54.107 - [DEBUG] recheck_ip: restore okl Jun 23 09:13:54.108 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:13:55.337 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:13:55.337 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:13:55.349 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:947 h2:1 Jun 23 09:13:55.350 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:804 Jun 23 09:13:56.682 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:947 h2:0 Jun 23 09:14:05.096 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:14:06.867 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:14:11.867 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:14:13.423 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:703 Jun 23 09:14:21.569 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:14:21.569 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:14:27.298 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:14:27.298 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:14:46.694 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:458 Jun 23 09:14:47.403 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:470 h2:0 Jun 23 09:14:47.403 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:468 Jun 23 09:14:48.105 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:470 h2:0 Jun 23 09:15:13.087 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:15:13.087 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:15:19.695 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:794 Jun 23 09:15:35.124 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:15:35.124 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:15:38.116 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:279 Jun 23 09:15:38.569 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:337 h2:1 Jun 23 09:15:38.569 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:421 Jun 23 09:15:39.185 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:411 h2:0 Jun 23 09:16:10.065 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:16:10.065 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:16:10.572 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:16:10.572 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:16:11.086 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:16:11.086 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:16:25.388 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:16:25.389 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:16:29.195 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:154 Jun 23 09:16:29.414 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:148 h2:1 Jun 23 09:16:29.414 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:514 Jun 23 09:16:30.170 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:491 h2:0 Jun 23 09:16:48.889 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:592 Jun 23 09:16:52.706 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:16:52.706 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:16:53.864 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:16:53.864 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:16:54.266 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:16:54.266 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:16:56.135 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:16:56.135 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:17:05.025 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:17:05.038 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:17:05.042 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:148 Jun 23 09:17:05.175 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:519 Jun 23 09:17:05.540 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:578 Jun 23 09:17:05.690 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:651 s:889 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:17:05.697 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:17:05.705 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:502 h2:1 Jun 23 09:17:05.713 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:17:05.713 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:491 Jun 23 09:17:05.714 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://google.com/domainreliability/upload Jun 23 09:17:05.974 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:589 h2:1 Jun 23 09:17:05.974 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:592 Jun 23 09:17:06.041 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:621 Jun 23 09:17:06.125 - [INFO] GAE t:410 s:0 POST https://google.com/domainreliability/upload get_response:407 Jun 23 09:17:06.125 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:411 s:478 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:17:06.141 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://beacons5.gvt3.com/domainreliability/upload-redirected Jun 23 09:17:06.300 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:513 h2:0 Jun 23 09:17:06.423 - [INFO] GAE t:282 s:0 POST https://beacons5.gvt3.com/domainreliability/upload-redirected get_response:280 Jun 23 09:17:06.542 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:671 Jun 23 09:17:06.706 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:703 Jun 23 09:17:06.788 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:580 h2:1 Jun 23 09:17:07.123 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:799 h2:1 Jun 23 09:17:07.309 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:505 h2:0 Jun 23 09:17:08.392 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:17:08.410 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/invalidation/android/request/CHES4QEStwFBUEE5MWJIalFUcm12aFY4ZXFoM2ViSXBlNGdxOGNKRHB4RHVCN3pQc3Y1VmNSbXVmN3htV0tfOFdyeE1aX0VJLVpST3E5a19DLUs1WThLLVUwT0c1bzMwR1ZCczhJdDdpVnVCb0FmQi1QMllUTTJURTg1YWpmckFpcmhDcVdkWUJpYzcyWC1Ga2RoaG9LVTVsTU1NM3lsNGhRS2JnM0xubHNxV3loTTdtUHdsUllsT2ZwZG1uSEEaACoCCAAyH2NvbS5nb29nbGUuY2hyb21lLmludmFsaWRhdGlvbnM Jun 23 09:17:08.410 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:491 Jun 23 09:17:08.713 - [INFO] DIRECT t:302 204 clients4.google.com /invalidation/android/request/CHES4QEStwFBUEE5MWJIalFUcm12aFY4ZXFoM2ViSXBlNGdxOGNKRHB4RHVCN3pQc3Y1VmNSbXVmN3htV0tfOFdyeE1aX0VJLVpST3E5a19DLUs1WThLLVUwT0c1bzMwR1ZCczhJdDdpVnVCb0FmQi1QMllUTTJURTg1YWpmckFpcmhDcVdkWUJpYzcyWC1Ga2RoaG9LVTVsTU1NM3lsNGhRS2JnM0xubHNxV3loTTdtUHdsUllsT2ZwZG1uSEEaACoCCAAyH2NvbS5nb29nbGUuY2hyb21lLmludmFsaWRhdGlvbnM Jun 23 09:17:10.707 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:17:10.707 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:17:16.469 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:17:16.483 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=tmRMWd_jE4revASBnKrICw&s=5&v=2&pv=0.42290819011405967&me=62:1498179288031,V,0,0,0,0:896374,U,896374:0,V,0,0,1920,1094:339,h,1,33,i:29,h,1,33,o:17,h,1,41,i:46,h,1,41,o:24,h,1,47,i:118,h,1,47,o:449417,h,1,33,i:32,h,1,33,o:2037,e,B&zx=1498180636464 Jun 23 09:17:16.803 - [INFO] DIRECT t:319 204 www.google.com /gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=tmRMWd_jE4revASBnKrICw&s=5&v=2&pv=0.42290819011405967&me=62:1498179288031,V,0,0,0,0:896374,U,896374:0,V,0,0,1920,1094:339,h,1,33,i:29,h,1,33,o:17,h,1,41,i:46,h,1,41,o:24,h,1,47,i:118,h,1,47,o:449417,h,1,33,i:32,h,1,33,o:2037,e,B&zx=1498180636464 Jun 23 09:17:23.100 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:1000 Jun 23 09:17:31.170 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:17:55.055 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:17:55.055 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:17:56.321 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:17:56.321 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:17:56.915 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:491 Jun 23 09:17:57.727 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:531 h2:0 Jun 23 09:17:57.727 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:707 Jun 23 09:17:57.759 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:17:57.774 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/experimentstatus Jun 23 09:17:57.774 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:794 Jun 23 09:17:58.212 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:437 s:32 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/experimentstatus Jun 23 09:17:58.290 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:798 Jun 23 09:17:58.430 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:483 h2:1 Jun 23 09:17:58.430 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:815 Jun 23 09:17:58.806 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:843 Jun 23 09:17:59.308 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:845 Jun 23 09:17:59.464 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:752 h2:0 Jun 23 09:17:59.824 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:847 Jun 23 09:17:59.996 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:922 h2:0 Jun 23 09:18:00.089 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:859 h2:0 Jun 23 09:18:01.043 - [DEBUG] appid:zhaoshan880528-5 head fail status:503 Jun 23 09:18:01.043 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:18:01.777 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:18:01.777 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:18:02.339 - [DEBUG] recheck_ip: restore okl Jun 23 09:18:02.339 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:18:02.418 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:18:02.418 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:18:03.315 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:18:03.315 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:18:03.831 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:18:03.831 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:18:04.424 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:18:04.424 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:18:12.518 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:18:17.541 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:18:22.541 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:18:27.541 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:18:46.055 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:18:46.055 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:18:47.024 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:719 Jun 23 09:18:50.118 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:172 Jun 23 09:18:50.321 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:125 h2:0 Jun 23 09:18:50.321 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:505 Jun 23 09:18:51.149 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:577 h2:0 Jun 23 09:18:52.744 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:18:52.744 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:18:57.994 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:141 Jun 23 09:19:05.271 - [DEBUG] keep alive fail, inactive_time:549 head_timeout:0 Jun 23 09:19:05.271 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:19:06.505 - [DEBUG] recheck_ip: restore okl Jun 23 09:19:06.505 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:19:17.153 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:19:18.728 - [DEBUG] keep alive fail, inactive_time:383 head_timeout:0 Jun 23 09:19:18.728 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:19:19.946 - [DEBUG] recheck_ip: restore okl Jun 23 09:19:19.946 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:19:30.048 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:19:41.265 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:141 Jun 23 09:19:45.265 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:19:45.265 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:19:45.265 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:312 Jun 23 09:19:45.390 - [DEBUG] appid:zhaoshan880528-5 head fail status:503 Jun 23 09:19:45.390 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:19:45.624 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:233 h2:0 Jun 23 09:19:45.624 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:19:46.374 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:516 h2:0 Jun 23 09:19:46.405 - [DEBUG] recheck_ip: restore okl Jun 23 09:19:46.405 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:19:48.242 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:19:48.242 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:19:55.697 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:19:56.150 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:19:59.541 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:19:59.541 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:20:00.041 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:20:35.112 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:1312 Jun 23 09:20:36.455 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:125 Jun 23 09:20:36.643 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:125 h2:0 Jun 23 09:20:36.643 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:141 Jun 23 09:20:40.643 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:20:40.643 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:20:40.643 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:20:41.377 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:500 h2:0 Jun 23 09:20:43.375 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT play.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:20:43.391 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://play.google.com/log?format=json Jun 23 09:20:43.391 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:516 Jun 23 09:20:43.578 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:187 s:79 200 play.google.com /log?format=json Jun 23 09:20:43.907 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:531 Jun 23 09:20:44.157 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:500 h2:0 Jun 23 09:20:44.422 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:594 Jun 23 09:20:44.719 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:562 h2:0 Jun 23 09:20:45.266 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:530 h2:0 Jun 23 09:20:49.038 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:20:49.038 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:20:49.288 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:20:49.288 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:20:52.179 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:687 Jun 23 09:20:55.648 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:20:59.538 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:250 Jun 23 09:21:05.474 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:21:05.474 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:21:05.972 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:21:05.972 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:21:06.097 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:21:06.097 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:21:06.425 - [WARNING] _consume_single_frame:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:21:06.425 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:21:06.425 - [DEBUG] worker close:disconnect:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:21:07.113 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:21:07.113 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:21:16.617 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:21:16.617 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:21:31.433 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:21:31.433 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:21:36.527 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:124 Jun 23 09:21:36.698 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:110 h2:0 Jun 23 09:21:36.698 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:125 Jun 23 09:21:36.886 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:141 h2:0 Jun 23 09:21:50.792 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mtalk.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:21:58.417 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:21:58.417 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:22:27.039 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:148 Jun 23 09:22:27.242 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:141 h2:1 Jun 23 09:22:27.242 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:181 Jun 23 09:22:27.445 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:139 h2:0 Jun 23 09:22:31.758 - [DEBUG] appid:zhaoshan880528-5 head fail status:503 Jun 23 09:22:31.758 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:22:32.148 - [DEBUG] recheck_ip: restore okl Jun 23 09:22:32.148 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:22:42.164 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:22:56.981 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:22:56.981 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:22:59.012 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:22:59.012 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:23:00.012 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:23:00.012 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:23:00.512 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:23:00.512 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:23:01.012 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:23:01.012 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:23:15.833 - [DEBUG] keep alive fail, inactive_time:315 head_timeout:41 Jun 23 09:23:15.833 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:23:16.130 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:641 Jun 23 09:23:17.583 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:110 Jun 23 09:23:17.740 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:109 h2:0 Jun 23 09:23:17.740 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:250 Jun 23 09:23:20.839 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:23:21.745 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:23:21.745 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:23:21.745 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:337 Jun 23 09:23:22.245 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:375 h2:1 Jun 23 09:23:28.770 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:546 Jun 23 09:23:30.848 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:23:36.755 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:24:00.404 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:24:00.404 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:24:07.358 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:436 Jun 23 09:24:07.920 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:375 h2:0 Jun 23 09:24:12.811 - [DEBUG] appid:zhaoshan880528-5 head fail status:503 Jun 23 09:24:12.811 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:24:12.936 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:483 Jun 23 09:24:13.201 - [DEBUG] recheck_ip: restore okl Jun 23 09:24:13.201 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:24:13.545 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:422 h2:1 Jun 23 09:24:24.016 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:24:28.980 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:234 Jun 23 09:24:51.727 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:24:51.727 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:24:52.461 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:24:52.461 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:24:58.664 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:108 Jun 23 09:24:58.836 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:110 h2:0 Jun 23 09:25:03.850 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:234 Jun 23 09:25:07.863 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:25:07.863 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:25:07.863 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:470 Jun 23 09:25:08.566 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:483 h2:0 Jun 23 09:25:22.891 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:25:43.640 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:25:43.640 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:25:48.687 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:411 Jun 23 09:25:49.297 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:405 h2:0 Jun 23 09:25:59.318 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:470 Jun 23 09:26:00.037 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:468 h2:0 Jun 23 09:26:27.244 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:26:27.244 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:26:40.121 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:141 Jun 23 09:26:40.339 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:140 h2:1 Jun 23 09:26:50.371 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:502 Jun 23 09:26:50.576 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:141 h2:1 Jun 23 09:27:04.872 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://clientservices.googleapis.com/chrome-variations/seed?osname=win Jun 23 09:27:04.887 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:546 Jun 23 09:27:05.247 - [INFO] GAE t:375 s:0 GET https://clientservices.googleapis.com/chrome-variations/seed?osname=win get_response:375 Jun 23 09:27:05.388 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:580 Jun 23 09:27:05.613 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:589 Jun 23 09:27:05.676 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:554 h2:1 Jun 23 09:27:05.895 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:592 Jun 23 09:27:06.051 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:313 h2:1 Jun 23 09:27:06.066 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:641 Jun 23 09:27:06.129 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:516 h2:1 Jun 23 09:27:06.410 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:648 Jun 23 09:27:06.645 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:500 h2:0 Jun 23 09:27:07.176 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:516 h2:0 Jun 23 09:27:10.685 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:4430 h2:1 Jun 23 09:27:15.575 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://ssl.gstatic.com/safebrowsing/csd/client_model_v5_variation_0.pb Jun 23 09:27:15.716 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://ssl.gstatic.com/safebrowsing/csd/client_model_v5_ext_variation_0.pb Jun 23 09:27:15.997 - [WARNING] APPID 'zhaoshan880528-5' out of Quota, remove it. Jun 23 09:27:15.997 - [WARNING] report_out_of_quota:zhaoshan880528-5 Jun 23 09:27:15.997 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:27:15.997 - [DEBUG] worker close:appid out of quota:zhaoshan880528-5 Jun 23 09:27:15.997 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 604 'appid out of quota:zhaoshan880528-5' Jun 23 09:27:15.997 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://ssl.gstatic.com/safebrowsing/csd/client_model_v5_ext_variation_0.pb Jun 23 09:27:16.357 - [INFO] GAE t:782 s:69547 GET https://ssl.gstatic.com/safebrowsing/csd/client_model_v5_variation_0.pb get_response:437,h2_finish[SP:203136]:344 Jun 23 09:27:16.544 - [INFO] GAE t:827 s:69547 GET https://ssl.gstatic.com/safebrowsing/csd/client_model_v5_ext_variation_0.pb get_response:375,h2_finish[SP:406267]:171 Jun 23 09:27:19.880 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:1007 Jun 23 09:27:55.781 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:141 Jun 23 09:27:56.015 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:156 h2:1 Jun 23 09:27:58.078 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:28:01.031 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:655 Jun 23 09:28:01.765 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:500 h2:0 Jun 23 09:28:03.390 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:28:03.390 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:28:03.531 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:28:03.531 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:28:13.546 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:28:13.546 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:28:14.930 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://safebrowsing.googleapis.com/v4/threatListUpdates:fetch?$req=Ch0KDGdvb2dsZWNocm9tZRINNTkuMC4zMDcxLjEwORonCAkQARoZCg0ICRAGGAEiAzAwMTAGEAIaAhgFJWzvHCIEIAEgAigGGicIChAIGhkKDQgKEAgYASIDMDAxMAUQHxoCGAWgY6SDIgQgASACKAUaJwgBEAEaGQoNCAEQBhgBIgMwMDEwAxATGgIYBW62QXgiBCABIAIoAxonCAkQARoZCg0ICRAGGAEiAzAwMTABEAgaAhgFhHpqMiIEIAEgAigBGikIAxABGhsKDQgDEAYYASIDMDAxMAEQgLMCGgIYBSSkWOAiBCABIAIoARonCAgQARoZCg0ICBAGGAEiAzAwMTABEDgaAhgFIgzgdSIEIAEgAigBGikIAhABGhsKDQgCEAYYASIDMDAxMAEQ6sYCGgIYBdIu-gUiBCABIAIoARopCAEQARobCg0IARAGGAEiAzAwMTABENzBAhoCGAX1ogHwIgQgASACKAEaKQgHEAEaGwoNCAcQBhgBIgMwMDEwARC1rQEaAhgFZzedpCIEIAEgAigBGigIARAIGhoKDQgBEAgYASIDMDAxMAQQwgMaAhgF7XHzqCIEIAEgAigEGicIChAIGhkKDQgKEAgYASIDMDAxMAEQAxoCGAVPetUoIgQgASACKAEaJwgNEAEaGQoNCA0QBhgBIgMwMDEwARADGgIYBfSQ_4AiBCABIAIoASICCAE=&$ct=application/x-protobuf&key=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:28:15.243 - [INFO] GAE t:312 s:2062 GET https://safebrowsing.googleapis.com/v4/threatListUpdates:fetch?$req=Ch0KDGdvb2dsZWNocm9tZRINNTkuMC4zMDcxLjEwORonCAkQARoZCg0ICRAGGAEiAzAwMTAGEAIaAhgFJWzvHCIEIAEgAigGGicIChAIGhkKDQgKEAgYASIDMDAxMAUQHxoCGAWgY6SDIgQgASACKAUaJwgBEAEaGQoNCAEQBhgBIgMwMDEwAxATGgIYBW62QXgiBCABIAIoAxonCAkQARoZCg0ICRAGGAEiAzAwMTABEAgaAhgFhHpqMiIEIAEgAigBGikIAxABGhsKDQgDEAYYASIDMDAxMAEQgLMCGgIYBSSkWOAiBCABIAIoARonCAgQARoZCg0ICBAGGAEiAzAwMTABEDgaAhgFIgzgdSIEIAEgAigBGikIAhABGhsKDQgCEAYYASIDMDAxMAEQ6sYCGgIYBdIu-gUiBCABIAIoARopCAEQARobCg0IARAGGAEiAzAwMTABENzBAhoCGAX1ogHwIgQgASACKAEaKQgHEAEaGwoNCAcQBhgBIgMwMDEwARC1rQEaAhgFZzedpCIEIAEgAigBGigIARAIGhoKDQgBEAgYASIDMDAxMAQQwgMaAhgF7XHzqCIEIAEgAigEGicIChAIGhkKDQgKEAgYASIDMDAxMAEQAxoCGAVPetUoIgQgASACKAEaJwgNEAEaGQoNCA0QBhgBIgMwMDEwARADGgIYBfSQ_4AiBCABIAIoASICCAE=&$ct=application/x-protobuf&key=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:296,h2_finish[SP:147374]:16 Jun 23 09:28:46.864 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:422 Jun 23 09:28:47.489 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:421 h2:1 Jun 23 09:28:52.499 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:687 Jun 23 09:28:55.403 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:28:55.403 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:28:56.512 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:28:56.512 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:28:56.512 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:577 Jun 23 09:28:57.262 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:500 h2:0 Jun 23 09:29:11.520 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:29:37.369 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:719 Jun 23 09:29:41.369 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:29:41.369 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:29:41.369 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:743 Jun 23 09:29:45.720 - [DEBUG] fail:error(' certficate is none',) Jun 23 09:29:45.720 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:29:45.720 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:752 Jun 23 09:29:46.860 - [DEBUG] createssl update ip: time:766 h2:0 Jun 23 09:29:46.860 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:799 Jun 23 09:29:47.384 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT notifications.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:29:47.400 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://notifications.google.com/u/0//NotificationsOgbUi/data?ds.extension=116208916&f.sid=-2028694282514483347&hl=zh-CN&soc-app=208&soc-platform=1&soc-device=1&_reqid=231844&rt=c Jun 23 09:29:47.400 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:855 Jun 23 09:29:47.837 - [DEBUG] createssl update ip: time:741 h2:1 Jun 23 09:29:47.837 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:871 Jun 23 09:29:47.915 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:875 Jun 23 09:29:48.040 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:639 s:166 200 notifications.google.com /u/0//NotificationsOgbUi/data?ds.extension=116208916&f.sid=-2028694282514483347&hl=zh-CN&soc-app=208&soc-platform=1&soc-device=1&_reqid=231844&rt=c Jun 23 09:29:48.431 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:885 Jun 23 09:29:48.446 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:781 h2:1 Jun 23 09:29:48.478 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:391 h2:1 Jun 23 09:29:48.946 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:824 Jun 23 09:29:49.306 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:625 h2:1 Jun 23 09:29:49.462 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:853 Jun 23 09:29:49.462 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:888 Jun 23 09:29:49.493 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:888 Jun 23 09:29:49.978 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:898 Jun 23 09:29:50.056 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:750 h2:0 Jun 23 09:29:50.103 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:406 h2:0 Jun 23 09:29:50.290 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:562 h2:0 Jun 23 09:29:50.353 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:29:50.353 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:29:50.618 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:781 h2:0 Jun 23 09:29:50.728 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:29:50.728 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:29:50.821 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:578 h2:0 Jun 23 09:29:51.848 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:29:51.848 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:29:56.379 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:29:57.942 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:30:06.864 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:30:08.739 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:594 Jun 23 09:30:26.211 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:734 Jun 23 09:30:35.358 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:30:35.358 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:30:41.968 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:233 Jun 23 09:30:43.046 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:921 h2:0 Jun 23 09:30:43.046 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:516 Jun 23 09:30:43.796 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:500 h2:0 Jun 23 09:30:45.749 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:30:45.749 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:30:48.499 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:30:48.499 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:30:49.014 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:30:49.014 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:30:49.514 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:30:49.514 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:31:06.067 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:31:06.067 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:31:16.535 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:31:16.535 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:31:33.906 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:313 Jun 23 09:31:34.500 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:469 h2:1 Jun 23 09:31:34.500 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:375 Jun 23 09:31:35.093 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:405 h2:1 Jun 23 09:31:41.796 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:31:41.796 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:31:50.812 - [WARNING] CONNECT mtalk.google.com port:5228 not support Jun 23 09:31:54.302 - [WARNING] _consume_single_frame:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:31:54.302 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:31:54.302 - [DEBUG] worker close:disconnect:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:31:55.990 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:31:55.990 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:32:15.232 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:32:15.232 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:32:25.209 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:140 Jun 23 09:32:25.506 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:219 h2:1 Jun 23 09:32:25.506 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:141 Jun 23 09:32:25.725 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:156 h2:0 Jun 23 09:32:32.305 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:32:32.305 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:32:47.489 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:32:47.489 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:33:15.850 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:139 Jun 23 09:33:16.053 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:125 h2:0 Jun 23 09:33:16.053 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:156 Jun 23 09:33:16.272 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:156 h2:1 Jun 23 09:33:35.079 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:33:35.095 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:33:35.095 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:421 Jun 23 09:33:35.407 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:312 s:2033 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:33:35.407 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:33:35.423 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:33:35.423 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:125 Jun 23 09:33:35.610 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:33:35.657 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:233 s:479 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:33:35.751 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:452 h2:1 Jun 23 09:33:36.126 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:33:36.485 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:593 h2:0 Jun 23 09:33:36.876 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:500 h2:0 Jun 23 09:33:47.849 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:33:47.849 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:33:48.443 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:33:48.443 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:33:48.474 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:33:48.474 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:33:49.349 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:33:49.349 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:33:53.068 - [DEBUG] keep alive fail, inactive_time:242 head_timeout:23 Jun 23 09:33:53.068 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:33:58.083 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:34:08.096 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:34:12.454 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:34:12.454 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:34:22.663 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:34:22.663 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:34:26.456 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:125 Jun 23 09:34:26.753 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:217 h2:0 Jun 23 09:34:26.753 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:375 Jun 23 09:34:27.300 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:375 h2:0 Jun 23 09:35:03.745 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:35:03.745 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:35:06.020 - [WARNING] _consume_single_frame:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:35:06.020 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:35:06.020 - [DEBUG] worker close:disconnect:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:35:06.422 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients1.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:06.438 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients1.google.com/tbproxy/af/query?client=Google%20Chrome Jun 23 09:35:06.443 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:110 Jun 23 09:35:06.611 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:103 h2:0 Jun 23 09:35:06.632 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:194 s:28 200 clients1.google.com /tbproxy/af/query?client=Google%20Chrome Jun 23 09:35:06.939 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:391 Jun 23 09:35:07.227 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT www.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:07.242 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://www.google.com/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=tmRMWd_jE4revASBnKrICw&s=6&v=2&pv=0.42290819011405967&me=74:1498180636464,V,0,0,0,0:1070758,e,U&zx=1498181707222 Jun 23 09:35:07.343 - [INFO] DIRECT t:100 204 www.google.com /gen_204?atyp=i&ct=slh&cad=&ei=tmRMWd_jE4revASBnKrICw&s=6&v=2&pv=0.42290819011405967&me=74:1498180636464,V,0,0,0,0:1070758,e,U&zx=1498181707222 Jun 23 09:35:07.379 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:516 Jun 23 09:35:07.440 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:530 Jun 23 09:35:07.503 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:377 h2:1 Jun 23 09:35:07.612 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Jun 23 09:35:07.941 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:562 Jun 23 09:35:08.190 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:503 h2:0 Jun 23 09:35:08.227 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients1.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:08.245 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients1.google.com/tbproxy/af/query?client=Google%20Chrome Jun 23 09:35:08.245 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients1.google.com get: handshake:217 Jun 23 09:35:08.263 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:615 h2:1 Jun 23 09:35:08.357 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:112 s:28 200 clients1.google.com /tbproxy/af/query?client=Google%20Chrome Jun 23 09:35:08.774 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:550 h2:0 Jun 23 09:35:10.189 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients1.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:10.203 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients1.google.com/tbproxy/af/query?client=Google%20Chrome Jun 23 09:35:10.203 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients1.google.com get: handshake:217 Jun 23 09:35:10.316 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:112 s:28 200 clients1.google.com /tbproxy/af/query?client=Google%20Chrome Jun 23 09:35:11.613 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:35:11.613 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:35:12.923 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:35:12.923 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:35:16.004 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:16.014 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:16.413 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:399 s:2070 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:16.414 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:16.414 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:16.414 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:35:16.769 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:355 s:610 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:26.621 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:35:34.497 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:35:34.497 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:35:35.102 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:35:35.102 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:35:35.479 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:35.497 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:35.497 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:35:35.864 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:367 s:1869 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:35.864 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:35.880 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:35.880 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:35:36.209 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:328 s:498 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:52.094 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:52.109 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:52.109 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:35:52.492 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:383 s:1898 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:52.494 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:35:52.508 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:52.508 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:35:52.858 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:350 s:552 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:35:53.795 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:35:53.795 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:35:55.300 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:35:55.316 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:35:57.320 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:35:57.320 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:35:58.310 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:103 Jun 23 09:35:58.485 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:109 h2:0 Jun 23 09:35:58.485 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:217 Jun 23 09:35:58.688 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:141 h2:0 Jun 23 09:36:04.376 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:36:04.376 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:36:25.461 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:36:25.461 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:36:32.993 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?s=newtab&atyp=csi&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&adh=&xjs=init.5.2.ntp.5.jsa.0&ima=1&rt=prt.29,xjsls.30,ol.35,xjses.51,xjsee.77,xjs.77,aft.3,wsrt.228,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.5,rspt.1,rqstt.148,unt.110,cstt.110,dit.258 Jun 23 09:36:33.001 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:219 Jun 23 09:36:33.036 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/async/newtab?ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&espv=2&yv=2&async=es_dfp:4cec07b2c5c49f95,xid:1,_fmt:json Jun 23 09:36:33.066 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?s=newtab&atyp=csi&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&action=perf&ima=1&rt=nti.71,fbd.72,thd.75,dbi.89,mllf.104,mvtr.148,aft.87,wsrt.228,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.5,rspt.1,rqstt.148,unt.110,cstt.110,dit.258&mem=ujhs.11,tjhs.15,jhsl.2190 Jun 23 09:36:33.231 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:151 h2:1 Jun 23 09:36:33.242 - [INFO] GAE t:249 s:0 GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?s=newtab&atyp=csi&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&adh=&xjs=init.5.2.ntp.5.jsa.0&ima=1&rt=prt.29,xjsls.30,ol.35,xjses.51,xjsee.77,xjs.77,aft.3,wsrt.228,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.5,rspt.1,rqstt.148,unt.110,cstt.110,dit.258 get_response:246 Jun 23 09:36:33.300 - [INFO] GAE t:233 s:0 GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?s=newtab&atyp=csi&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&action=perf&ima=1&rt=nti.71,fbd.72,thd.75,dbi.89,mllf.104,mvtr.148,aft.87,wsrt.228,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.5,rspt.1,rqstt.148,unt.110,cstt.110,dit.258&mem=ujhs.11,tjhs.15,jhsl.2190 get_response:233 Jun 23 09:36:33.496 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:405 Jun 23 09:36:33.717 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:405 Jun 23 09:36:33.787 - [INFO] GAE t:750 s:65415 GET https://www.google.com.hk/async/newtab?ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&espv=2&yv=2&async=es_dfp:4cec07b2c5c49f95,xid:1,_fmt:json get_response:372,h2_finish[SP:174344]:377 Jun 23 09:36:33.884 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/logos/doodles/2017/fischinger/fischinger17.8.js Jun 23 09:36:33.900 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?s=newtab&atyp=csi&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&action=update&ima=1&rt=xhr.782,aft.25,wsrt.340,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.5,rspt.1,rqstt.148,unt.110,cstt.110,dit.258&mem=ujhs.11,tjhs.15,jhsl.2190 Jun 23 09:36:33.990 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=nfkbx&cad=&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&zx=1498181793965 Jun 23 09:36:33.996 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=y&oit=1&cp=1&pgcl=7&gs_rn=42&psi=kv2Lpnmtb2vGdDiv&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:36:34.000 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:468 Jun 23 09:36:34.078 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:386 h2:0 Jun 23 09:36:34.093 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:273 h2:1 Jun 23 09:36:34.138 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients1.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:36:34.142 - [INFO] GAE t:241 s:0 GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?s=newtab&atyp=csi&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&action=update&ima=1&rt=xhr.782,aft.25,wsrt.340,cst.0,dnst.0,rqst.5,rspt.1,rqstt.148,unt.110,cstt.110,dit.258&mem=ujhs.11,tjhs.15,jhsl.2190 get_response:240 Jun 23 09:36:34.143 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients1.google.com/tbproxy/af/query?client=Google%20Chrome Jun 23 09:36:34.194 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=yo&oit=1&cp=2&pgcl=7&gs_rn=42&psi=kv2Lpnmtb2vGdDiv&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:36:34.224 - [INFO] GAE t:233 s:0 GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=nfkbx&cad=&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&zx=1498181793965 get_response:232 Jun 23 09:36:34.244 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:469 Jun 23 09:36:34.291 - [INFO] gae_handler.handler send response fail. e:error(10053, '') https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=y&oit=1&cp=1&pgcl=7&gs_rn=42&psi=kv2Lpnmtb2vGdDiv&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:36:34.337 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=you&oit=1&cp=3&pgcl=7&gs_rn=42&psi=kv2Lpnmtb2vGdDiv&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:36:34.371 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:228 s:28 200 clients1.google.com /tbproxy/af/query?client=Google%20Chrome Jun 23 09:36:34.503 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:483 Jun 23 09:36:34.518 - [INFO] gae_handler.handler send response fail. e:error(10053, '') https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=yo&oit=1&cp=2&pgcl=7&gs_rn=42&psi=kv2Lpnmtb2vGdDiv&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:36:34.581 - [INFO] GAE t:244 s:415 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=you&oit=1&cp=3&pgcl=7&gs_rn=42&psi=kv2Lpnmtb2vGdDiv&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:244 Jun 23 09:36:34.599 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:36:34.612 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:34.612 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:36:34.691 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:463 h2:0 Jun 23 09:36:34.751 - [INFO] GAE t:866 s:134465 GET https://www.google.com.hk/logos/doodles/2017/fischinger/fischinger17.8.js get_response:466,h2_finish[SP:337817]:398 Jun 23 09:36:34.887 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=doodle&cad=d:fischinger,d2:0,d1:0,c:0,e:1,t:-1,m:0,w:1,o:_&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&zx=1498181794854 Jun 23 09:36:34.908 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:529 h2:1 Jun 23 09:36:34.988 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:375 s:2220 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:34.992 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:36:35.005 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:35.005 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:36:35.192 - [INFO] GAE t:304 s:0 GET https://www.google.com.hk/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=doodle&cad=d:fischinger,d2:0,d1:0,c:0,e:1,t:-1,m:0,w:1,o:_&ei=69FLWfD5N4ymjwT0-bagDg&zx=1498181794854 h2_get_head:302 Jun 23 09:36:35.207 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:470 h2:0 Jun 23 09:36:35.326 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:320 s:343 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:35.328 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:36:35.342 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:35.342 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:36:35.686 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:344 s:498 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&clientid=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:36.030 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk//chrome/newtab-serviceworker.js Jun 23 09:36:36.285 - [INFO] GAE t:255 s:1242 GET https://www.google.com.hk/_/chrome/newtab-serviceworker.js get_response:253 Jun 23 09:36:46.692 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:36:46.708 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:46.708 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:36:47.146 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:437 s:2374 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:47.146 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:36:47.161 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:36:47.161 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:503 Jun 23 09:36:47.505 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:344 s:436 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:37:10.974 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:37:10.974 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:37:11.490 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:37:11.490 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:37:22.052 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:37:22.052 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:37:24.193 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:386 Jun 23 09:37:24.786 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:405 h2:0 Jun 23 09:37:24.786 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:37:25.568 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:516 h2:0 Jun 23 09:37:26.958 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:608 Jun 23 09:37:35.250 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:37:35.250 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:37:35.719 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:37:35.719 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:38:06.111 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:38:06.111 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:38:15.694 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:452 Jun 23 09:38:16.334 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:437 h2:1 Jun 23 09:38:16.334 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:38:17.053 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:483 h2:0 Jun 23 09:38:19.819 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:656 Jun 23 09:39:01.583 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:39:01.583 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:39:07.181 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:39:08.072 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:594 h2:0 Jun 23 09:39:08.072 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:503 Jun 23 09:39:08.259 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:39:08.259 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:39:08.806 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:500 h2:0 Jun 23 09:39:50.484 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google.com.hk/domainreliability/upload Jun 23 09:39:50.758 - [INFO] GAE t:273 s:0 POST https://www.google.com.hk/domainreliability/upload h2_get_head:271 Jun 23 09:39:53.106 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=&oit=0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fding.youku.com%2Fu%2FsubscribeUpdate%3Fspm%3Da2hww.20023042.navSub.0&gs_rn=42&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:39:53.428 - [INFO] GAE t:322 s:116 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=&oit=0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fding.youku.com%2Fu%2FsubscribeUpdate%3Fspm%3Da2hww.20023042.navSub.0&gs_rn=42&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:320 Jun 23 09:39:54.006 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:39:54.006 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:39:54.026 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=t&oit=1&cp=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fding.youku.com%2Fu%2FsubscribeUpdate%3Fspm%3Da2hww.20023042.navSub.0&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=J2k9qttldhIUHnJM&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:39:54.285 - [INFO] GAE t:259 s:292 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=t&oit=1&cp=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fding.youku.com%2Fu%2FsubscribeUpdate%3Fspm%3Da2hww.20023042.navSub.0&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=J2k9qttldhIUHnJM&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:259 Jun 23 09:39:54.517 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:39:54.517 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:39:54.517 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:39:54.517 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:39:55.029 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:39:55.029 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:39:57.293 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:39:57.308 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:39:57.313 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:516 Jun 23 09:39:57.810 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:562 Jun 23 09:39:58.113 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:531 h2:0 Jun 23 09:39:58.311 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:578 Jun 23 09:39:58.541 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:1232 s:2460 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:39:58.544 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:39:58.556 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:39:58.556 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:531 Jun 23 09:39:58.668 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:578 h2:0 Jun 23 09:39:58.812 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:594 Jun 23 09:39:58.879 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:608 Jun 23 09:39:58.903 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:347 s:749 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:39:59.114 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:615 Jun 23 09:39:59.149 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:562 h2:0 Jun 23 09:39:59.313 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:625 Jun 23 09:39:59.527 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:477 h2:0 Jun 23 09:40:00.240 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:644 h2:1 Jun 23 09:40:02.880 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:40:02.880 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:40:03.115 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:40:03.115 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:40:17.882 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:40:19.180 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:917 Jun 23 09:40:22.883 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:40:34.101 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:40:34.101 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:40:34.519 - [WARNING] _consume_single_frame:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:40:34.519 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:40:34.519 - [DEBUG] worker close:disconnect:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:40:34.905 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:40:34.905 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:40:36.292 - [WARNING] _consume_single_frame:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:40:36.293 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:40:36.293 - [DEBUG] worker close:disconnect:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:40:46.172 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:40:46.172 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:40:47.038 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:40:47.038 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:40:47.888 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:156 Jun 23 09:40:48.100 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:138 h2:1 Jun 23 09:40:48.116 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:40:48.116 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:40:53.102 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:273 Jun 23 09:40:53.464 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:266 h2:1 Jun 23 09:40:58.756 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google.com.hk/domainreliability/upload Jun 23 09:40:59.010 - [INFO] GAE t:253 s:0 POST https://www.google.com.hk/domainreliability/upload get_response:251 Jun 23 09:41:38.471 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:377 Jun 23 09:41:39.056 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:384 h2:1 Jun 23 09:41:44.057 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:41:44.896 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:587 h2:0 Jun 23 09:42:05.283 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:445 Jun 23 09:42:16.324 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:42:16.324 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:42:20.827 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mtalk.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:42:22.247 - [DEBUG] keep alive fail, inactive_time:142 head_timeout:33 Jun 23 09:42:22.247 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:42:27.248 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:42:29.904 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:437 Jun 23 09:42:30.536 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:421 h2:1 Jun 23 09:42:30.559 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:42:30.559 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:42:35.538 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:156 Jun 23 09:42:35.837 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:182 h2:0 Jun 23 09:42:37.249 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:42:49.783 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:711 Jun 23 09:43:20.845 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:445 Jun 23 09:43:21.487 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:427 h2:0 Jun 23 09:43:26.488 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:529 Jun 23 09:43:26.955 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:335 h2:1 Jun 23 09:43:40.668 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:43:40.668 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:43:41.168 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:43:41.168 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:43:55.717 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:43:55.730 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:43:55.735 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:43:56.232 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:531 Jun 23 09:43:56.312 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:582 s:3599 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:43:56.316 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:43:56.328 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:43:56.328 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:427 Jun 23 09:43:56.519 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:501 h2:0 Jun 23 09:43:56.646 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:317 s:670 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:43:56.733 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:593 Jun 23 09:43:57.001 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:523 h2:0 Jun 23 09:43:57.507 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:516 h2:0 Jun 23 09:44:00.246 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:44:00.246 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:44:27.258 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:643 Jun 23 09:44:31.790 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:44:31.790 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:44:44.380 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:44:44.380 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:44:46.982 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:375 Jun 23 09:44:47.550 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:375 h2:0 Jun 23 09:44:47.550 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:427 Jun 23 09:44:48.094 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:44:48.094 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:44:48.187 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:427 h2:0 Jun 23 09:44:53.464 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:44:53.464 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:44:59.010 - [WARNING] _consume_single_frame:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:44:59.010 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:44:59.010 - [DEBUG] worker close:disconnect:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:45:09.111 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:806 Jun 23 09:45:11.300 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google.com.hk/domainreliability/upload Jun 23 09:45:11.809 - [INFO] GAE t:509 s:0 POST https://www.google.com.hk/domainreliability/upload get_response:350,h2_finish[SP:2391]:156 Jun 23 09:45:12.980 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:45:12.980 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:45:38.245 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:138 Jun 23 09:45:38.478 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:147 h2:1 Jun 23 09:45:38.478 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:151 Jun 23 09:45:38.700 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:156 h2:1 Jun 23 09:45:39.053 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:45:39.053 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:46:02.526 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:46:02.538 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:46:02.543 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:266 Jun 23 09:46:02.928 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:273 h2:1 Jun 23 09:46:03.043 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:384 Jun 23 09:46:03.543 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:550 Jun 23 09:46:03.609 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:381 h2:1 Jun 23 09:46:03.929 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:643 Jun 23 09:46:04.044 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:644 Jun 23 09:46:04.384 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:557 h2:0 Jun 23 09:46:04.545 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:656 Jun 23 09:46:04.610 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:687 Jun 23 09:46:04.924 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:2385 s:2428 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:46:04.928 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:46:04.928 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:618 h2:1 Jun 23 09:46:04.941 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:46:04.941 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:557 Jun 23 09:46:05.046 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:711 Jun 23 09:46:05.311 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:370 s:414 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:46:05.385 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:733 Jun 23 09:46:05.547 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:734 Jun 23 09:46:05.696 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:749 h2:0 Jun 23 09:46:05.991 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:391 h2:0 Jun 23 09:46:06.169 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:732 h2:0 Jun 23 09:46:07.935 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:46:07.935 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:46:08.850 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:473 Jun 23 09:46:08.900 - [DEBUG] fail:error(' certficate is none',) Jun 23 09:46:08.900 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:46:09.549 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:46:09.549 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:46:10.885 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://safebrowsing.googleapis.com/v4/fullHashes:find?$req=Ch0KDGdvb2dsZWNocm9tZRINNTkuMC4zMDcxLjEwORooCAEIAggDCAYIBwgICAkICggNEAEQCBoGCgRYZLFjIAEgAyAEIAUgBg==&$ct=application/x-protobuf&key=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:46:11.336 - [INFO] GAE t:450 s:82 GET https://safebrowsing.googleapis.com/v4/fullHashes:find?$req=Ch0KDGdvb2dsZWNocm9tZRINNTkuMC4zMDcxLjEwORooCAEIAggDCAYIBwgICAkICggNEAEQCBoGCgRYZLFjIAEgAyAEIAUgBg==&$ct=application/x-protobuf&key=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:448 Jun 23 09:46:16.320 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:46:16.342 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:46:16.342 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:557 Jun 23 09:46:16.721 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:378 s:1947 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:46:16.721 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:46:16.743 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:46:16.743 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:557 Jun 23 09:46:17.104 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:361 s:497 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:46:22.939 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:46:25.084 - [DEBUG] restore ip: Jun 23 09:46:30.100 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:46:30.529 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:46:30.529 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:46:39.041 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:46:39.041 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:46:39.057 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:46:39.057 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:46:39.370 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:46:39.370 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:46:39.532 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:46:39.532 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:46:53.768 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:109 Jun 23 09:46:53.948 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:113 h2:0 Jun 23 09:46:53.948 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:141 Jun 23 09:46:54.148 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:138 h2:0 Jun 23 09:46:57.678 - [INFO] scan_ip add ip: time:736 Jun 23 09:47:04.789 - [DEBUG] close:host pool alive_timeout Jun 23 09:47:04.789 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:47:29.226 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:47:29.226 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:47:29.818 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:47:29.818 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:47:44.216 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:405 Jun 23 09:47:44.822 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:407 h2:0 Jun 23 09:47:44.822 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:421 Jun 23 09:47:45.447 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:421 h2:1 Jun 23 09:48:03.547 - [DEBUG] keep alive fail, inactive_time:195 head_timeout:30 Jun 23 09:48:03.547 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:48:08.556 - [DEBUG] worker close:keep alive Jun 23 09:48:18.572 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:48:19.017 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=g&oit=1&cp=1&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:48:19.294 - [INFO] GAE t:276 s:341 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=g&oit=1&cp=1&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:276 Jun 23 09:48:21.348 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:48:21.348 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:48:25.017 - [DEBUG] CONNECT GET https://www.twitter.com/xxnet Jun 23 09:48:25.038 - [DEBUG] GET http://www.twitter.com/xxnet Jun 23 09:48:30.972 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:48:30.988 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:48:30.988 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:463 Jun 23 09:48:31.306 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:318 s:2247 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:48:31.306 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:48:31.322 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:48:31.322 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:48:31.499 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:470 Jun 23 09:48:31.608 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:286 s:606 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:48:31.815 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:549 h2:0 Jun 23 09:48:32.000 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:473 Jun 23 09:48:32.299 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:533 h2:0 Jun 23 09:48:33.314 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:483 Jun 23 09:48:34.133 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:562 h2:0 Jun 23 09:48:36.001 - [DEBUG] fail:timeout('timed out',) Jun 23 09:48:36.001 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail: Jun 23 09:48:51.003 - [DEBUG] ip: real fail Jun 23 09:48:52.173 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=&oit=0&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&gs_rn=42&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:48:52.427 - [INFO] GAE t:253 s:116 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=&oit=0&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&gs_rn=42&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:251 Jun 23 09:48:53.266 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=g&oit=1&cp=1&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:48:53.519 - [INFO] GAE t:253 s:341 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=g&oit=1&cp=1&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:252 Jun 23 09:48:53.565 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=g%27i&oit=4&cp=3&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:48:53.864 - [INFO] GAE t:299 s:318 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=g%27i&oit=4&cp=3&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:282 Jun 23 09:48:54.225 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=g%27it&oit=4&cp=4&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:48:54.550 - [INFO] GAE t:325 s:346 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=g%27it&oit=4&cp=4&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:325 Jun 23 09:48:55.339 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=git&oit=1&cp=3&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw Jun 23 09:48:55.597 - [INFO] GAE t:257 s:349 GET https://www.google.com.hk/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext-ansg&xssi=t&q=git&oit=1&cp=3&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8085%2F&pgcl=4&gs_rn=42&psi=pYEXuRbyeBt7Y3zi&sugkey=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw get_response:257 Jun 23 09:48:58.654 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://assets-cdn.github.com/assets/github-65f9c4da76bb0a16d23d1fdf2295e9d1c4e3f83921e8450023049f34e0115f68.css Jun 23 09:48:58.811 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:48:58.824 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:48:58.824 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:48:59.128 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:304 s:1865 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:48:59.132 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:48:59.145 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:48:59.145 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:48:59.417 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:272 s:514 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:48:59.419 - [INFO] GAE t:764 s:96309 GET https://assets-cdn.github.com/assets/github-65f9c4da76bb0a16d23d1fdf2295e9d1c4e3f83921e8450023049f34e0115f68.css get_response:417,h2_finish[SP:279653]:345 Jun 23 09:48:59.427 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/spinners/octocat-spinner-32.gif Jun 23 09:48:59.444 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://assets-cdn.github.com/assets/github-5be0b367ac519b34819f9f7a8ed32fb41bb52ab7794da35a819b037d69a73463.js Jun 23 09:48:59.695 - [INFO] GAE t:267 s:2310 GET https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/spinners/octocat-spinner-32.gif h2_get_head:250,h2_finish[SP:183798]:13 Jun 23 09:49:00.470 - [INFO] GAE t:1026 s:165754 GET https://assets-cdn.github.com/assets/github-5be0b367ac519b34819f9f7a8ed32fb41bb52ab7794da35a819b037d69a73463.js get_response:440,h2_finish[SP:284607]:584 Jun 23 09:49:00.587 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect Jun 23 09:49:00.844 - [INFO] GAE t:257 s:35 POST https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect get_response:255 Jun 23 09:49:00.875 - [DEBUG] send method allow list for:OPTIONS https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats Jun 23 09:49:00.895 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats Jun 23 09:49:01.703 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Jun 23 09:49:01.715 - [INFO] GAE t:819 s:5 POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats get_response:818 Jun 23 09:49:02.180 - [INFO] GAE t:476 s:35 POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect get_response:368,h2_finish[SP:3367]:105 Jun 23 09:49:02.429 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Jun 23 09:49:02.675 - [INFO] GAE t:246 s:35 POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect get_response:243 Jun 23 09:49:02.702 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats Jun 23 09:49:03.070 - [INFO] GAE t:368 s:5 POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats get_response:367 Jun 23 09:49:04.892 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/spinners/octocat-spinner-32.gif Jun 23 09:49:04.933 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:49:04.947 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:04.947 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:49:05.106 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Jun 23 09:49:05.141 - [INFO] GAE t:249 s:0 GET https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/spinners/octocat-spinner-32.gif get_response:246 Jun 23 09:49:05.238 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:290 s:2147 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:05.241 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:49:05.253 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:05.253 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:49:05.354 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats Jun 23 09:49:05.369 - [INFO] GAE t:263 s:35 POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect h2_get_head:259 Jun 23 09:49:05.515 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:262 s:590 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:05.517 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:49:05.531 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:05.531 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:49:05.795 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:264 s:435 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:05.997 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:49:06.010 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:06.010 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:49:06.016 - [INFO] GAE t:661 s:5 POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats get_response:658 Jun 23 09:49:06.315 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:305 s:3348 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:07.959 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Jun 23 09:49:07.972 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats Jun 23 09:49:08.201 - [INFO] GAE t:241 s:35 POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect get_response:240 Jun 23 09:49:08.351 - [INFO] GAE t:378 s:5 POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats get_response:376 Jun 23 09:49:11.978 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://live.github.com/_sockets/VjI6MTgyODU1NDI0Ojc5MTE0ODA0YmVhZmM3OGZhZmIwYTlkZmZjZjQxMzlkNDZjYjAyMjAzN2E4ZTYzNDllZGU1NTQ0ZmZkYWJhZjU=--8f1c9e85f1af76ca5294bdcbe60eae93d7507f59 Jun 23 09:49:12.050 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats Jun 23 09:49:12.120 - [DEBUG] GAE POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect Jun 23 09:49:12.228 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:49:12.228 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:49:12.431 - [INFO] GAE t:311 s:35 POST https://www.google-analytics.com/collect get_response:309 Jun 23 09:49:12.439 - [INFO] GAE t:388 s:5 POST https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats h2_get_head:385 Jun 23 09:49:13.117 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:49:13.117 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:49:16.333 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://live.github.com/_sockets/VjI6MTgyODU1NDI0Ojc5MTE0ODA0YmVhZmM3OGZhZmIwYTlkZmZjZjQxMzlkNDZjYjAyMjAzN2E4ZTYzNDllZGU1NTQ0ZmZkYWJhZjU=--8f1c9e85f1af76ca5294bdcbe60eae93d7507f59 Jun 23 09:49:18.241 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:49:18.257 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:18.257 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:49:18.560 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:302 s:742 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:18.560 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:49:18.575 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:18.575 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:49:18.857 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:282 s:435 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:20.523 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:500 Jun 23 09:49:21.389 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:582 h2:0 Jun 23 09:49:22.994 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://live.github.com/_sockets/VjI6MTgyODU1NDI0Ojc5MTE0ODA0YmVhZmM3OGZhZmIwYTlkZmZjZjQxMzlkNDZjYjAyMjAzN2E4ZTYzNDllZGU1NTQ0ZmZkYWJhZjU=--8f1c9e85f1af76ca5294bdcbe60eae93d7507f59 Jun 23 09:49:26.394 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:516 Jun 23 09:49:27.396 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:674 h2:0 Jun 23 09:49:30.367 - [DEBUG] GET http://www.twitter.com/xxnet Jun 23 09:49:30.405 - [DEBUG] GET http://www.twitter.com/xxnet Jun 23 09:49:34.379 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://live.github.com/_sockets/VjI6MTgyODU1NDI0Ojc5MTE0ODA0YmVhZmM3OGZhZmIwYTlkZmZjZjQxMzlkNDZjYjAyMjAzN2E4ZTYzNDllZGU1NTQ0ZmZkYWJhZjU=--8f1c9e85f1af76ca5294bdcbe60eae93d7507f59 Jun 23 09:49:36.713 - [INFO] gae_handler.handler send response fail. e:error(10053, '') https://live.github.com/_sockets/VjI6MTgyODU1NDI0Ojc5MTE0ODA0YmVhZmM3OGZhZmIwYTlkZmZjZjQxMzlkNDZjYjAyMjAzN2E4ZTYzNDllZGU1NTQ0ZmZkYWJhZjU=--8f1c9e85f1af76ca5294bdcbe60eae93d7507f59 Jun 23 09:49:41.128 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:49:41.141 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:41.141 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:49:41.145 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:557 Jun 23 09:49:41.434 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:292 s:2535 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:41.438 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Jun 23 09:49:41.452 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT Direct POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:41.452 - [DEBUG] host_conn_pool clients4.google.com get: handshake:407 Jun 23 09:49:41.643 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:594 Jun 23 09:49:41.712 - [INFO] DIRECT chucked t:259 s:495 200 clients4.google.com /chrome-sync/command/?client=Google+Chrome&client_id=%2BoRh2f6TZlktZ94ngUCLLA%3D%3D Jun 23 09:49:42.095 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:631 h2:0 Jun 23 09:49:42.617 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:650 h2:0 Jun 23 09:49:56.383 - [DEBUG] GAE GET https://live.github.com/_sockets/VjI6MTgyODU1NDI0Ojc5MTE0ODA0YmVhZmM3OGZhZmIwYTlkZmZjZjQxMzlkNDZjYjAyMjAzN2E4ZTYzNDllZGU1NTQ0ZmZkYWJhZjU=--8f1c9e85f1af76ca5294bdcbe60eae93d7507f59 Jun 23 09:50:02.851 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:50:02.851 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:50:03.336 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:50:03.336 - [DEBUG] worker close:idle timeout Jun 23 09:50:03.607 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:50:03.607 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:50:04.923 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:50:04.923 - [DEBUG] worker close:GoAway: additional_data:session_timed_out Jun 23 09:50:11.198 - [WARNING] server app return fail, status:502 Jun 23 09:50:11.338 - [WARNING] _consume_single_frame:ConnectionResetError() Jun 23 09:50:11.338 - [DEBUG] ssl_closed Jun 23 09:50:11.338 - [DEBUG] worker close:disconnect:Connection

PrinceAnna commented 7 years ago

后者是进程,前者是进程的核心 吧

SeaHOH commented 7 years ago

从这份日志看没有异常流量,这是开机后开始一小时内 CPU 使用率过高时的日志么?

PrinceAnna commented 7 years ago

@SeaHOH 是的,而且是台式机的3.3.2 这一阶段,那两个进程的CPU占用率综合超过50%

jzp820927 commented 7 years ago

@PrinceAnna 是不是开着全局代理,导致其他流量全部都走了代理了?CPU 的话,有没有可能是系统问题?有没有安装什么国产安全软件? @roc1010kmt 好像区别是一个有窗口,一个没窗口 @YunJianx 流量消耗快,会不会是 appid 被盗用了?

SeaHOH commented 7 years ago

好像没啥不对,会不会单纯就是用掉了,反正这 CPU 使用率过高的部分看着挺正常。

PrinceAnna commented 7 years ago

@jzp820927 没有开启全局代理,而是PAC智能代理

SeaHOH commented 7 years ago


PrinceAnna commented 7 years ago

@SeaHOH 重装了Chrome,xxnet和证书,就好了

jzp820927 commented 7 years ago

估计问题很可能是出在 chrome 上了