XX-net / XX-Net

A proxy tool to bypass GFW.
33.01k stars 7.7k forks source link

谷歌IP 3000个 但是connected link是0,链接失败 #979

Open mochen91 opened 9 years ago

mochen91 commented 9 years ago

用着用着突然就不能用了,看了connected link,果然不出所料,是0,上几次就是这样,不过重新下载个新版重新部署下就好了,但是这次不行了。附状态和日志。PS:这是下载的新版2.2.0,用的Appid还是默认的,因为连接不上,所以部署不了。


Property Value XX-Net Version 2.2.0 Python Version 2.7.9 Sys Platform win32 OS System Windows OS version 6.1.7601 OS release 7 OS detail Version:6-1; Build:7601; Platform:2; CSD:Service Pack 1; ServicePack:1-0; Suite:256; ProductType:0 language zh_CN architecture 32bit,WindowsPE Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.155 Safari/537.36 设置

Property Value Proxy Listen PAC URL IPv6 0 ip-connect-interval 10 状态

Property Value Google IP num 3000 100th IP handshake(ms) 932 connected link(帮助) 0,0 scaning ip thread num 20 block stat(帮助) Connect Blocked, 8 seconds to wait. Appid

Property Value working appids xxnet-1|xxnet-2|xxnet-3|xxnet-4|xxnet-5|xxnet-6|xxnet-7|xxnet-8|xxnet-9|xxnet-10|xxnet-11|xxnet-12|xxnet-13|xxnet-14|xxnet-15|xxnet-16|xxnet-17|xxnet-18|xxnet-19|xxnet-20|xxnet-21|xxnet-22|xxnet-23|xxnet-24|xxnet-25|xxnet-26|xxnet-27|xxnet-28|xxnet-29|xxnet-30|xxnet-31|xxnet-32|xxnet-33|xxnet-34|xxnet-35|xxnet-36|xxnet-37|xxnet-38|xxnet-39|xxnet-40|xxnet-41|xxnet-42|xxnet-43|xxnet-44|xxnet-45|xxnet-46|xxnet-47|xxnet-48|xxnet-49|xxnet-50|xxnet-51|xxnet-52|xxnet-53|xxnet-54|xxnet-55|xxnet-56|xxnet-57|xxnet-58|xxnet-59|xxnet-60|xxnet-61|xxnet-62|xxnet-63|xxnet-64|xxnet-65|xxnet-66|xxnet-67|xxnet-68|xxnet-69|xxnet-70|xxnet-71|xxnet-72|xxnet-72|xxnet-73|xxnet-74|xxnet-75|xxnet-76|xxnet-77|xxnet-78|xxnet-79|xxnet-80|xxnet-81|xxnet-82|xxnet-83|xxnet-84|xxnet-85|xxnet-86|xxnet-87|xxnet-88|xxnet-89|xxnet-90|xxnet-91|xxnet-92|xxnet-93|xxnet-94|xxnet-95|xxnet-96|xxnet-97|xxnet-98|xxnet-99|xxnet-100|xxnet-101|xxnet-102|xxnet-103|xxnet-104|xxnet-105|xxnet-106|xxnet-107|xxnet-108|xxnet-109|xxnet-110|xxnet-111|xxnet-112|xxnet-113|xxnet-114|xxnet-115|xxnet-116|xxnet-117|xxnet-118|xxnet-119|xxnet-120|xxnet-121|xxnet-122|xxnet-123|xxnet-124|xxnet-125|xxnet-126|xxnet-127|xxnet-128|xxnet-129|xxnet-130|xxnet-131|xxnet-132|xxnet-133|xxnet-134|xxnet-135|xxnet-136|xxnet-137|xxnet-138|xxnet-139|xxnet-140|xxnet-141|xxnet-142|xxnet-143|xxnet-144|xxnet-145|xxnet-146|xxnet-147|xxnet-148|xxnet-149|xxnet-150|xxnet-151|xxnet-152|xxnet-153|xxnet-154|xxnet-155|xxnet-156|xxnet-157|xxnet-158|xxnet-159 Out of Quota appids

Not Exist appids


Sep 11 19:41:28 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:41:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:41:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:30 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/ListAccounts?source=ChromiumBrowser&json=standard, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:34 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:35 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:35 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:41:39 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:41:39 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:41:43 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:41:45 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:45 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:41:46 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:46 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:46 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:47 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:41:48 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:48 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:49 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mail.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/feed/atom/?timestamp=1441971709418 Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:50 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:41:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:41:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:41:51 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:51 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:41:53 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:41:53 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2005 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:41:56 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:41:56 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:56 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:41:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:59 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:42:05 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:08 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:42:08 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:42:08 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:08 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:42:10 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:42:10 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:11 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:12 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:42:12 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:42:12 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:42:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:42:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:42:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:17 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:17 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:17 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:17 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:18 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2009 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:18 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mail.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/feed/atom/?timestamp=1441971739419 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:42:26 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:42:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:42:28 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:42:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:29 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:29 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:30 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:32 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:32 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:32 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:32 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:33 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:33 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: report_connect_fail network fail, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:42:33 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:33 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:34 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:37 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:37 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:41 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:43 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:42:47 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:47 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:47 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:42:48 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:48 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:49 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:42:49 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mail.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:49 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:49 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/feed/atom/?timestamp=1441971769425 Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:42:52 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:53 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:42:53 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:42:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:42:56 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:56 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:57 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:57 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:57 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2005 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2008 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2005 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:43:05 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:05 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:05 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2008 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:11 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:11 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:11 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:43:11 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:43:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:43:14 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:14 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:16 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:16 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:43:17 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token Sep 11 19:43:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:19 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mail.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:43:19 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/feed/atom/?timestamp=1441971799427 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:20 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/experimentstatus, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2009 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:43:22 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:43:22 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:22 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:23 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:23 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:43:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:25 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:43:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:43:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:43:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:43:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:43:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:29 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:29 - [WARNING] CONNECT mtalk.google.com port:5228 not support Sep 11 19:43:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:43:32 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:32 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:33 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:33 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:34 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:35 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail.

xxnet commented 9 years ago

试试 2.0.5 和 2.3.0

2015-09-11 19:45 GMT+08:00 mochen91 notifications@github.com:

用着用着突然就不能用了,看了connected link,果然不出所料,是0,上几次就是这样,不过重新下载个新版重新部署下就好了,但是这次不行了。附状态和日志。PS:这是下载的新版2.2.0,用的Appid还是默认的,因为连接不上,所以部署不了。 状态页

Property Value XX-Net Version 2.2.0 Python Version 2.7.9 Sys Platform win32 OS System Windows OS version 6.1.7601 OS release 7 OS detail Version:6-1; Build:7601; Platform:2; CSD:Service Pack 1; ServicePack:1-0; Suite:256; ProductType:0 language zh_CN architecture 32bit,WindowsPE Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.155 Safari/537.36 设置

Property Value Proxy Listen PAC URL IPv6 0 ip-connect-interval 10 状态

Property Value Google IP num 3000 100th IP handshake(ms) 932 connected link(帮助) 0,0 scaning ip thread num 20 block stat(帮助) Connect Blocked, 8 seconds to wait. Appid

Property Value working appids xxnet-1|xxnet-2|xxnet-3|xxnet-4|xxnet-5|xxnet-6|xxnet-7|xxnet-8|xxnet-9|xxnet-10|xxnet-11|xxnet-12|xxnet-13|xxnet-14|xxnet-15|xxnet-16|xxnet-17|xxnet-18|xxnet-19|xxnet-20|xxnet-21|xxnet-22|xxnet-23|xxnet-24|xxnet-25|xxnet-26|xxnet-27|xxnet-28|xxnet-29|xxnet-30|xxnet-31|xxnet-32|xxnet-33|xxnet-34|xxnet-35|xxnet-36|xxnet-37|xxnet-38|xxnet-39|xxnet-40|xxnet-41|xxnet-42|xxnet-43|xxnet-44|xxnet-45|xxnet-46|xxnet-47|xxnet-48|xxnet-49|xxnet-50|xxnet-51|xxnet-52|xxnet-53|xxnet-54|xxnet-55|xxnet-56|xxnet-57|xxnet-58|xxnet-59|xxnet-60|xxnet-61|xxnet-62|xxnet-63|xxnet-64|xxnet-65|xxnet-66|xxnet-67|xxnet-68|xxnet-69|xxnet-70|xxnet-71|xxnet-72|xxnet-72|xxnet-73|xxnet-74|xxnet-75|xxnet-76|xxnet-77|xxnet-78|xxnet-79|xxnet-80|xxnet-81|xxnet-82|xxnet-83|xxnet-84|xxnet-85|xxnet-86|xxnet-87|xxnet-88|xxnet-89|xxnet-90|xxnet-91|xxnet-92|xxnet-93|xxnet-94|xxnet-95|xxnet-96|xxnet-97|xxnet-98|xxnet-99|xxnet-100|xxnet-101|xxnet-102|xxnet-103|xxnet-104|xxnet-105|xxnet-106|xxnet-107|xxnet-108|xxnet-109|xxnet-110|xxnet-111|xxnet-112|xxnet-113|xxnet-114|xxnet-115|xxnet-116|xxnet-117|xxnet-118|xxnet-119|xxnet-120|xxnet-121|xxnet-122|xxnet-123|xxnet-124|xxnet-125|xxnet-126|xxnet-127|xxnet-128|xxnet-129|xxnet-130|xxnet-131|xxnet-132|xxnet-133|xxnet-134|xxnet-135|xxnet-136|xxnet-137|xxnet-138|xxnet-139|xxnet-140|xxnet-141|xxnet-142|xxnet-143|xxnet-144|xxnet-145|xxnet-146|xxnet-147|xxnet-148|xxnet-149|xxnet-150|xxnet-151|xxnet-152|xxnet-153|xxnet-154|xxnet-155|xxnet-156|xxnet-157|xxnet-158|xxnet-159 Out of Quota appids Not Exist appids 日志页

Sep 11 19:41:28 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:41:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:41:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:30 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/ListAccounts?source=ChromiumBrowser&json=standard, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:30 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:34 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:35 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:35 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:41:39 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:41:39 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:41:43 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:41:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:41:45 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:45 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:41:46 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:46 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:46 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:47 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:41:48 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:48 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:49 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mail.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/feed/atom/?timestamp=1441971709418 Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:41:49 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:50 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:41:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:41:50 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:41:51 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:51 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:52 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:41:53 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:41:53 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2005 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:54 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:41:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:41:56 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:41:56 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:56 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:57 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:58 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:41:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:41:59 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:41:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:00 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:03 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:42:04 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:42:05 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:05 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:06 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:42:07 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:08 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:42:08 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:42:08 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:08 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:09 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:42:10 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:42:10 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:11 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:11 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:12 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:42:12 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:42:12 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:42:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:42:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:42:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:17 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:17 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:17 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:17 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:18 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2009 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:18 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mail.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/feed/atom/?timestamp=1441971739419 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:19 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:42:20 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:22 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:23 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:42:26 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:42:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:42:28 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:42:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:29 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:29 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:30 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:31 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:32 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:32 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:32 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:32 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:33 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:33 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: report_connect_fail network fail, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:42:33 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:33 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:34 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:37 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:37 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:41 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:43 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:42:43 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:42:47 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:47 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:47 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:42:48 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:48 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:49 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:42:49 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mail.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:49 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:49 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/feed/atom/?timestamp=1441971769425 Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:50 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:42:51 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:42:52 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:52 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:53 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:42:53 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:42:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:54 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:54 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:42:55 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:42:56 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:56 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:57 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:57 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:57 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2005 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:58 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:42:59 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:00 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2008 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:01 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:02 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2005 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:03 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:04 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:43:05 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:05 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:05 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:05 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2008 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:06 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:07 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:08 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:43:09 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:10 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:11 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:11 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:11 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:43:11 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:12 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:13 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:43:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:43:14 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:14 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:14 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:15 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:16 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:16 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:16 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:43:17 - [DEBUG] GAE_Exception 2 'try max times' Sep 11 19:43:17 - [WARNING] gae_exception:GAE_Exception() https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT accounts.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:43:18 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token Sep 11 19:43:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:19 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:19 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:19 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT mail.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:43:19 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT GET https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/feed/atom/?timestamp=1441971799427 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:20 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT clients4.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG]LOG_EXCEPT: GAE CONNECT POST https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/experimentstatus, Except:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2009 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:20 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2003 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:918 Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:180 Sep 11 19:43:21 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:521 Sep 11 19:43:22 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:534 Sep 11 19:43:22 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:22 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:23 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2007 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:23 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:23 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:541 Sep 11 19:43:24 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:554 Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2006 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:25 - [INFO] GAE CONNECT appengine.google.com:443 Sep 11 19:43:25 - [DEBUG] GAE CONNECT POST https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/rollback?version=1&app_id=mochen91 Sep 11 19:43:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:558 Sep 11 19:43:26 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:567 Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2002 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:27 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2000 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:573 Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] create_ssl_connection fail Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:588 Sep 11 19:43:28 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:605 Sep 11 19:43:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:611 Sep 11 19:43:29 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:708 Sep 11 19:43:29 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2004 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:29 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:29 - [WARNING] CONNECT mtalk.google.com port:5228 not support Sep 11 19:43:30 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:30 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:846 Sep 11 19:43:32 - [DEBUG] create_ssl fail:timed out cost:2001 h:0 Sep 11 19:43:32 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:33 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:33 - [DEBUG] report_connect_fail network fail Sep 11 19:43:34 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail. Sep 11 19:43:35 - [DEBUG] create ssl timeout fail.

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mochen91 commented 9 years ago

@xxnet 一样的,原先用的就是2.0.5,然后用的是2.3.0

AlephAlpha commented 9 years ago


CYKEUNG commented 9 years ago

me too